
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Opening of new company


Dahlia pursed her lips and answered, "I don't think so. Even if he fights well, he doesn't have the guts to kill someone.

"That might not be the case." Lyra shook her head and added mysteriously, "As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. Trevor would definitely not let the issue of his son becoming crippled slide. Dustin might risk everything in order to protect himself!"

Dahlia couldn't help but frown at these words. That could indeed be the case.

"It's a good thing that he died. At least we don't have to worry about him anymore. In that case, Dustin might have done a good deed." Lyra smiled.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Dahlia stated solemnly. "There's a reason why Trevor could act so lawlessly. He has someone very influential supporting him. This man is our greatest worry!"

"Someone supporting him? Who is it?" Lyra asked curiously

"Edwin Hummer, the richest man in Swinton!" Dahlia answered.

"What? Sir Hummer?"

Lyra's eyes widened in shock as if she had seen a ghost. Everyone knew that anything Sir Hummer said was obeyed without question in Swinton.

Trevor was big in East City, but Sir Hummer was the true master of Swinton. He was so powerful that he could just demand anything with the snap of his fingers. He was also very influential in business, politics, and the military.

Anyone who wronged Sir Hummer would face a fate worse than death.

"Ms. Nicholson, don't tell me this matter really involves Sir Hummer?" Lyra gulped.

"It's hard to say. Trevor was one of Sir Hummer's men. Now that he was suddenly killed, Sir Hummer will definitely investigate this matter. It would be troublesome if Dustin was involved." Dahlia's expression darkened.

"Even if that were the case, it would be Dustin's fault. It has nothing to do with us, right?" Lyra asked tentatively.

"This depends on how Sir Hummer sees this matter. If he thinks this has something to do with us, neither of us would be spared!" Dahlia added.

"What!" Lyra panicked immediately. She could still remain calm when facing Trevor. However, her legs trembled even thinking about Edwin Hummer.

"Ms. Nicholson, why don't we ask Chris Nolan for help? Ask him to have Mr. Anderson intervene." Lyra reacted quickly.

"I owe Chris too many favors. I don't want to trouble him further." Dahlia shook her head.

"Then what should we do? If Sir Hummer pursues this matter, aren't we all in trouble?" Lyra cried.

"Don't be flustered. I'm now partnered with the Harmon family. As long as we have their protection after the company's launch tomorrow, Sir Hummer won't be too harsh. on us," she explained.

"That's right! We still have the Harmon family!" Lyra revealed a smile. "As long as the ceremony goes smoothly, we'll be under the Harmon family after the announcement.

Nobody would dare bully us!" Now all their hope depended on the Harmon family. In the evening, outside the gates of Spanner Manor. Countless military vehicles roared. The car in front carried a flag with the words Western War Zone."

As the vehicle stopped, rows of heavily armed soldiers stepped down, one after another. There was a murderous aura surrounding the area.

"Sir, we have arrived!" A commander walked up to the car and saluted. The door quickly opened, and a burly middle–aged man in battle armor stepped out. This man was the lieutenant of the western war zone, Travis Spanner.

"Uncle Travis! You're finally here!"

At this moment, the doors of the manor opened slowly. Edward was being supported by two men as he limped out.

"Let me see the body," Travis demanded.

Edward did not dare say anything else and immediately led the way. There was a coffin right at the entrance to the living room. Trevor was lying inside, his eyes tightly closed.

"What on earth happened? Why did your father die so suddenly?" Travis gritted his teeth, a look of rage on his face. He only had one brother. Naturally, he was furious that he had been murdered.

"It' was Mason! That ungrateful brat killed Dad!" Edward began to whine.

"Mason? He's nothing but a bastard. He wouldn't have the guts." Travis narrowed his eyes.

of course, not him alone. I guess he worked with someone on the outside who wanted to take advantage of this at the same time!" Edward's face was clouded with hatred.

"Did your dad make enemies with anyone recently?" Travis asked.

"Uh… Dad easily offends people, but they're all insignificant people," Edward explained.

"So you don't know anything after all?" Travis frowned.

"It all happened too suddenly. I was at a loss for a while."

"Useless! You're no better than a bastard!" Travis snorted coldly, not bothering to say another word, and gave an order. "Someone investigate this matter at once! I don't care what it takes. Find me the murderer, even if you have to turn the entire Swinton upside down!"

Before the matter of Trevor's death could come to a rest, there was a surprising announcement the next day. The Harmon family had decided on a partner, and today would be the opening ceremony of the new company. Once the news was released, everyone came forward to offer their congratulations.

At 8.00 am, luxurious cars were already gathered at the entrance of the Emerald Building. However, Natasha, one of the important attendees, was not present. Instead, she was drinking coffee leisurely at some coffee shop.

"Over here, Mr. Rhys." As soon as she saw Dustin enter, she jumped to her feet and waved.

"Isn't today the opening ceremony of your new company? Why did you want to meet here?"

Dustin sat across from her. Natasha was wearing a white blouse and a skirt today. Her dark hair was tied in a bun, making her look even more mature. Her top wrapped tightly around her chest, looking as if it were about to pop.

"It's only the opening ceremony. A date with you is much more important." Natasha blinked her eyes teasingly. Her fiery red lips were so alluring.

"Ms. Harmon, stop joking. Let's talk business." Dustin was starting to be flustered.

"Alright, I won't beat around the bush." She smiled and asked, "Mr. Rhys, does Trevor's death have anything to do with you?"

"Why are you asking?" Dustin raised his eyebrows.

"I'm just curious. Although Trevor is a reckless bastard, he has many men. It's not easy to kill him. I thought for some time, and it seemed only you, Mr. Rhys had the ability to do so." Natasha was deep in thought.

"Haha! Ms. Harmon, you think too highly of me." Dustin laughed without giving a straight answer.

"Trevor's death is nothing. It wouldn't affect the situation in Swinton. But the problem is the men behind him," Natasha continued.

"Are you talking about Edwin Hummer?"

"He is one of them. But he won't do anything disadvantageous to himself because of Trevor. He's easier to deal with.

"Do you mean Trevor has other patrons?"

"That's right. He has a brother, Travis. He's a lieutenant with great power. He can't be underestimated!" Natasha spoke in a grave tone.

Even the Harmon family did not want to go against people involved in the military. This was also why she did not immediately retaliate when Trevor kidnapped her.

"Thanks for the warning, Ms. Harmon. I'll take note of this."Dust nodded, his heart filled with gratitude.

"Oh, there's also another thing." Natasha changed the topic, continuing by saying, " Regarding the ambergris, I already have the results. According to the investigation, the one who drugged me is known as Mr. Lawson."

"Mr. Lawson? What's his background?" Dustin asked.

"This man is the same as Trevor. He's Edwin's right–hand man. However, his identity is a mystery. He has been living behind the scenes, giving advice, and carrying out. shady activities."

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to cut off Edwin's limbs and teach him a lesson! But… my men are not able to deal with such people, so I have to ask for your help," Natasha gently implored.

"Lure him out and create an opportunity for me to deal with him," Dustin answered casually.

"Thank you, Mr. Rhys!" Natasha smiled and added, "I've invited Edwin to the opening of the new company today. Mr. Lawson will also be there. You can carry out your plan then."

"Okay." Dustin nodded.

"Mr. Rhys, it's almost time. Let's go."

The two did not linger for long. After finishing the coffee, they headed toward the Emerald building.

At this moment, there was a big crowd in front of the building. As they stepped down from the car, they saw Dahlia and her family entering the venue. Dahlia was part of the new company, so it wasn't surprising to see a representative of the Nicholson family here.

"Dustin, why do I keep running into you?" a voice came from behind. Dustin turned around only to be met with the sight of Chris Nolan.