
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
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130 Chs



Jessica was frozen on the spot and struggled for words when she saw how humbly Malcolm was seeking guidance from Dustin.

She had never once thought that the arrogant and haughty Dr. Malcolm Shane had such a side to him.

And most importantly, the person from whom he was modestly seeking advice was the boy toy, Dustin Rhys. It was mind–boggling indeed.

"I don't think I'm fit to give you any advice, Dr. Shane, but I'd gladly help wherever I can. We can both share our thoughts." Dustin smiled.

"Sure, we can do that. Now, have a look here…" Malcolm took out the ancient manuscript and immediately dove into it. He started pointing out some of the areas that he had trouble understanding.

"Oh, this is actually quite simple. Take this for example: Put a hundred different insects into a jar, and let them fight among themselves. After a month, open up the jar, and by then there will only be one remaining insect. The rest of them would have been eaten up by this surviving insect, and this will be the poisonous insect that you're after. Such a poisonous insect is usually used to cure other poisons in a method known as counteracting poison with another poison.

"As for this, it tells us how to neutralize the poisonous insect's venom. So what you need to do is smoke the licorice herb until it turns black, then combine it with some soybeans and extract the juice. Once the patient consumes the juice, it will neutralize the venom of the poisonous insect. But of course, this is only applicable to the venom of common poisonous insects. And this here." Dustin spoke eloquently on all the topics that Malcolm had questions about, and he managed to give him all the answers he needed.

After hearing what Dustin had to say, Malcolm felt enlightened. "Hahaha! You really are talented! I'm so impressed, and I've learned so much from you today!"

Malcolm was practically dancing with joy. He looked nothing like an expert or a person of status.

"What-.." Jessica watched bewildered. Was this really the haughty Dr. Shane who was constantly contemptuous of others? With how he was behaving, he looked more like a schoolboy!

Also, what was this mystic art that they were going on about? Would a renowned doctor like Dr. Shane actually take an interest in something like that?

"Dr. Shane, if you have any other questions, you can discuss them with Dustin some other time. As for now, we need to talk about the press conference." Natasha interrupted them when she saw how excited they were over their discussion.

"Oh, right… Malcolm realized that his behavior was slightly inappropriate.

He nodded and said, "Just let me know what you need me to do, young lady."

"There's nothing you need to do. Just sit up there on the stage, and if you see anyone you recognize, you may greet them," Natasha replied with a smile.

"Is it that simple?" Malcolm could not believe his ears.

"Yep, it's that simple." Natasha nodded.

"That's no problem at all!" Malcolm went and took his seat on the stage and continued reading through the ancient manuscript.

"Natasha, so what if you managed to invite Dr. Shane here? Do you think this will suffice to go against Edwin Hummer?" Jessica asked in all earnestness.

Though it was true that she was awestruck by Malcolm's presence, that did not mean that he had the means to help the Harmons win this battle against the Hummers.

In the end, what mattered most in this competition between the two families was the quality of their product.

"We'll find out soon enough." Natasha did not explain any further. With a glance at her wristwatch, she turned to Dustin and nodded. He immediately got the signal and pulled out his phone to make a call.

At the same time, over at the Hummers' press conference…

Looking at the crowd in the hall, Edwin couldn't help but smile broadly.

As expected, everything was going smoothly. Once the product launch is done by today, Eternumax's reputation will be spread far and wide!

When that time came, his aim wouldn't be limited to Swinton but to market Eternumax throughout the thirteen cities of the South!

"Sir Hummer! Congratulations on your launch!" Quentin and his men came up to Edwin, whose face was beaming.

"Oh, it's Mr. Harmon. Please, have a seat," Edwin said pleasantly.

"Sir Hummer, Eternumax is really a precious herb! Everyone has been talking about how great it is. Look at the crowd here after hearing about its effects! It's already become so popular that people are coming in droves!" Quentin flattered.

"If the product is good, customers will naturally return. Mr. Harmon, you also stocked up quite a bit, it seems like you're going to make a big profit this time." Edwin smiled.

"It's all thanks to you, Sir Hummer. We're all working together to get rich!" Quentin laughed heartily.

"Oh, by the way, have you heard any news from Natasha?" Edwin asked suddenly.

Quentin's lips curled into a playful smirk. "Speaking of which, there is a bit of news. I just heard that Natasha was going to hold a press conference at the same time and place as you."

"Oh? Is she trying to provoke me? But how come I didn't know about this?" Edwin was surprised.

"Not only you, but I don't think anyone in Swinton knows about it. I've already checked into it, and her press conference has no one in attendance! What a joke!" Quentin sneered.

"If there is no one there, then what's the point of her holding a press conference?" Edwin asked.

"She probably was frustrated by you, that's why she intentionally pulled this stunt to try and stir up trouble. But now it seems like it's just backfiring on her." Quentin replied.

"Heh! I never expected Natasha to resort to such a foolish move. Does she really think that she can restore everything just by relying on the Harmon family's reputation? How naive!" Edwin shook his head.

In his heart, he couldn't help but look down on Natasha. Natasha Harmon, the so–called queen of the business world, didn't seem so impressive after all.

*Sir Hummer, how about we go over and witness the mockery for ourselves?" Quentin extended an invitation.

"I have many important guests coming later, so I can't leave for now. You go ahead, and please say hello to Natasha for me," Edwin replied calmly.

"Okay, I'll go have some fun then. I'll let you know the details later, Quentin said and left without further ado.

Soon, Quentin and Mr. Wangley arrived at the Harmon family's press conference. When they walked in, they found the hall empty, with only a few people present.

"Cousin, I didn't expect you to really hold a press conference. But why is no one here? What the hell are you doing?" Quentin teased as he walked in.

"Did you not come here? Aren't you a human?" Natasha replied coldly.

Quentin's lips twitched, but he continued sarcastically, "I see it's really empty here. Should I bring some friends over to liven up the atmosphere?"

Despite his words, the sneer on his lips could not be concealed.

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's unnecessary. My guests will arrive soon," Natasha smiled faintly.

"Cousin, I think you shouldn't be too stubborn. How can you compete with Edwin with such a poor showing? In my opinion, I think you should just admit your defeat," Quentin said with a smirk.

"Well, it seems like you're having a lot of fun!" Ruth piped in angrily.

"Ruth, I'm doing this for your sister's own good. Rather than making an embarrassment of ourselves, we should stop our losses while we can. Like me, I've bought a ton of Eternumax so that I can make a fortune later." Quentin said confidently.

"You bought the Eternumax? How many did you buy?" Ruth was surprised and asked tentatively.

"I invested all my money and took out many loans to purchase the stocks. This time, I'm going to make a killing!" Quentin raised his chin proudly, waiting for them to rain praise on his intelligence and prowess.

After hearing this, Ruth slapped her forehead and sighed. "It's all over!" Eternumax was complete garbage!

It was pure stupidity for Quentin to buy so much Eternumax, moreover with money that he didn't have! What an idiot Quentin was!