
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Fu*king Beast


"I'd advise you not to do that, or you will regret it." Dustin remained calm and unbothered. Chris had always been nothing but a joke to him.

"Ha! I know you practice some martial arts, but it's not enough to defeat the men I hired. They're all experts in martial arts. Besides, even if you can fight, you'd only get chopped up by my men!" Chris smiled coldly.

It was a completely different matter to fight with hand–to–hand combat than armed combat. He refused to believe Dustin could survive a weapon!

"Hey! I don't know what grudge you hold against each other, but we set our eyes on him first. You'd better stand aside!" the twins yelled.

"Initially, they thought Chris and his men were Dustin's backup, but they turned out to be his enemies.

"Who are these two idiots? Step aside, or we'll deal with you too!" Chris glared at them and roared.

"Deal with us?" Liam and Noah glanced at each other and chuckled, "Haha! We've not met someone as fearless as you in some time. Come, let us see what you and your men can do."

They made some taunting gestures toward the men.

"Fuck! You're asking for it! Kill them all!" Chris didn't waste another second and gave the order. The men armed with knives and steel poles immediately stormed forward.

"We should warm up." Liam and Noah grinned and stepped forward. What happened next shook Chris to the core. The twins waved their bare fists around and began to attack his men viciously. They moved at the speed of lightning, and their fists were extremely powerful. Every strike took one man down. Any unlucky fighters would die right on the spot!

Chris realized something frightening. Their hands seemed to be cast from metal. One punch could create a hole through the wall. One kick could bend the steel rod in half.

These people weren't human. These two were clearly monsters! In just a few minutes, Liam and Noah managed to defeat all the thugs. Not a single one of them remained. Their strength was astonishingly overpowering!

"How is this possible?" Chris was so frightened his lips quivered. He never expected these two ordinary men to be so powerful.

"What a bunch of trash! I haven't even finished warming up!" Both Liam and Noah felt unsatisfied with their battle. As they spoke, they turned to look at Chris, and he stumbled backward out of fear.

"Coward!" Both of them couldn't be bothered with Chris and turned around to focus on Dustin. "Now it's your turn. I hope you can surprise us. Otherwise, this would be too easy."

"Bring it on." Dustin waved his hand with an unwavering expression.

"Liam, let me have at it first!" Noah chuckled and leaped forward. Chris, who had been frightened earlier, Immediately got excited as he watched this unfold. He could see that their target was Dustin. Although his men were all defeated, he would be glad as long as Dustin got beaten up too. He couldn't help but look forward to it at the thought of the twins' performance just now.

"Dustin Rhys, aren't you good at fighting? I would like to see how you escape these two monsters!" Chris laughed gleefully.

At this moment, Noah made a move. His body arched up slightly, and there was a sudden force. In an instant, his body sprung forward like a preying cheetah and slammed into Dustin powerfully. Even a cow would fall, let alone a person.

As Chris was gloating at the thought, Dustin suddenly moved. He reached out his hand at lightning speed, grabbed Noah's neck, and threw him against the wall.

There was a loud explosion as Noah's body made a hole in the wall. Noah groaned. He felt dizzy after being hit and had lost all his strength. All his bones felt as if they had shattered, and he couldn't even move. Noah had lost all fight in just one move. Dustin glared at him coldly. He grabbed Noah with one hand like he was nothing.

"Stop it!" Liam cried out in utter shock. He shot up and aimed a punch at Dustin's back. A muffled thud followed his punch.

Dustin, who had been hit, stood as firm as a mountain. On the contrary, it was Liam who was sent flying miles away by the burst of energy. He landed harshly on a concrete wall and spat a mouthful of blood before he landed on the ground.

Liam was horrified as he looked down and realized the arm he used to punch Dustin had completely shattered. His internal organs had suffered severe damage. However, he still had surging energy in his body flowing out uncontrollably, like a wildfire that couldn't be contained. Liam could not bear it anymore and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Chris was dumbfounded by what he saw. It was as if he had seen a ghost. He never imagined that the pair of twins who seemed so invincible Just now would be defeated by Dustin in a blink of an eye. They hadn't even made any significant moves.

How could this be? This was impossible! Chris was so shocked his face turned to ash, and cold sweat dripped down his back.

He had been so sure of the twins' ability. Liam and Noah were able to easily take down 20 people before. He had never seen such dauntless fighters! Logically speaking. It would be easy for them to deal with Dustin.

How did they fail right at the beginning?

If these two were monsters, then wasn't Dustin a beast amongst monsters?

"Who on earth are you?" Liam trembled as he dragged himself over. His laidback expression had been replaced by shock and fear. Never did he imagine that his full strength could not even scratch his opponent. Instead, he had injured himself gravely.

Was this man even human?

Fletcher had clearly told them he was just an ordinary martial artist. Why was he so powerful?

"Liam! Run away! Quickly!" Noah, who was pressed against the wall, yelled out at the top of his lungs.

The moment he crossed paths with Dustin, he realized that Dustin was much stronger than they had imagined. He had been able to render him completely useless with one move.

"Ah!" Liam cried out begrudgingly. Reluctantly, he abandoned his brother and ran away. He knew he couldn't save him. He didn't even have the power to fight Dustin to his death.

If Dustin was a mountain, they were nothing but ants. His punch just now had completely crushed his will to fight!

"I have to tell Fletcher! This man is too frightening. He shouldn't be taken lightly, otherwise, Fletcher will surely die!"

Liam's desire to survive pushed him to rush out of the parking lot. He was only focused on one thought. He had to tell his master to leave Swinton and never return!

This man was someone they could never afford to offend! Dustin didn't bother to chase after Liam because he knew Liam's internal organs had suffered fatal damage.

"Who on earth are you? Why are you in Swinton?" Noah was filled with fear as if he had seen a ghost. If he knew someone so powerful existed by Natasha's side, he wouldn't dare to approach her even if he had the courage of a lion.

"That doesn't matter. I'll give you a chance. Tell me everything about Fletcher, and I'll spare your life," Dustin said coldly.

"You want me to betray him? In your dreams!" Noah glared at him and used his last remaining strength to tap on his amulet.

There was a crisp sound, and Noah bled to death in an instant. Dustin raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect Noah to be so determined as to opt for suicide to prevent himself from spilling anything.

Chris cowered in a corner, shivering after witnessing everything. He quickly ran away without another word. He wouldn't have provoked Dustin if he knew he was so powerful. Now he had brought trouble onto himself. He was speechless!

At the same time, In the lounge of the Emerald building. Edwin and Natasha were still conversing.

"Ms. Harmon, I have some business at home. Please, excuse me." Edwin got ready to leave after the chat.

"Goodbye, Sir Hummer." Natasha did not intend to stop them and watched as they left.

"Mr. Lawson, do you have any news from your apprentices?" Edwin immediately asked once they got in the car.

"Maybe they wanted to have a bit more fun. Don't worry, Sir Hummer. They will return after they deal with the matter." Fletcher smiled calmly.

He was very confident in the apprentices he trained personally. They were twins, so they had a deep emotional connection. Their strength doubles once united. They were undoubtedly invincible in Swinton!

"That would be best." Edwin nodded without another word and ordered the driver to get going.

Soon, they arrived at the Hummer Villa. However, before they could settle down, a bodyguard rushed in and cried, "Sir Hummer! Mr. Lawson! Liam has sustained fatal injuries. I don't think he will make it!"

"What?" Edwin and Fletcher's faces immediately fell when they heard this.

"What nonsense are you saying? Liam is invincibly strong. Who could hurt him?" Fletcher was very distressed, and he grabbed the bodyguard by the collar.

"It's true! Liam is at the door right now. You have to see him now or it will be too late!" the bodyguard pleaded.

Fletcher did not waste any time. He pushed the bodyguard aside and left quickly. However, he lost his cool when he saw the dying Liam when he arrived at the door.

"Liam! What happened to you? Where's Noah?" Fetcher's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Noah… is dead. We were mistaken! You Leave!"

Before Liam could finish his sentence, there was a splutter, and he spat a mouthful of blood on Fletcher's face. His head slumped and he died on the spot!

"Liam!" Fetcher exclaimed, overcome with sorrow. He had carefully trained both apprentices to pass on the mantle. He didn't expect them to die so suddenly.

"Why? Why did this happen? Who did this?" Fetcher held on to the body and cried.

"I don't know. Liam was already in this state when we found him." The bodyguard shook his head.

"Mr. Lawson, Liam was very capable. How did he end up this way?" Edwin walked toward them at this moment. Fletcher did not respond. He knelt down and inspected the body carefully.

"Broken bones and blood vessels, major organ damage. He must've met a powerful opponent!" After the inspection, Fetcher's expression darkened.

"Are you saying that fellow by Natasha's side is very powerful?" Edwin frowned.

"His strength must not be taken lightly if he could destroy my apprentices. I made a wrong judgment!" Fletcher said in disappointment.

"Can you defeat him?" Edwin implored.

"Although this man is very strong, he's still young. He can't be more powerful than my 40 years of experience. I will kill him and take revenge for my apprentices!" Fletcher swore with determination.

"Mr. Lawson, since you're proficient in the mystic arts. You should use what you're confident in," Edwin reminded him. He didn't want any more accidents to occur.

"Hmph! This man killed my apprentices by beating them to death! I would return an eye for an eye and kill him myself!" Fletcher gritted his teeth. If he knew his apprentice died because of his attempt to punch Dustin, he would no longer have had this thought.