
My Mysterious Isekai Story In COTE(Fan-Fic)

This story is about a guy who is an otaku and his favourite anime,manga or ln is Classroom of the elite.When he finishes reading the latest volume of cote and he sleeps then when he wakes up ,mysteriously he gets transmigrated into Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's body right at the beginning of the story in the bus. But is he alone or not? Find out in the story. Btw this is my first story I ever wrote in my life.So criticisms are welcome as it helps me realize my mistakes. Except the new plot(which may be very less) and the new MC's personality I don't own any thing else.All rights deserves to Shogo Kinugasa and for the art it belongs to Shunsaku Tomose(and other respective artists). Also if you haven't watched anime or read manga and light novel.You may get spoilers.Also mistakenly when I uploaded it for the first time it was uploaded on novels side so I made a new one for fan-fic side. Btw you can find this story in wattpad too.Which of course is uploaded by me. Note:- In this fic the MC is not like original Kiyo. He has got emotions and cares about others but is a little dense. But the greatest misfortune of his enemies is that they became his enemy. He would do anything to destroy his enemy. Also right from the beginning he has got an goal which is unknown and related to his past. Anyways his ideals are fixed on the term hope. Just like how Kiyo is on equality. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/H9WMPWm6

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Epilogue - Vol: 1.

Yoo! So I just wrote a small epilogue for the volume 1 of my fanfic and yeah decided to put that part in the volume 2. Ah btw I wanted to ask you something, shall I put another Oc as a self insert in Karuizawa Kei or just go with the original? And do choose your favorite girl for my Kiyo... Which shall be the following:-

1) Karuizawa Kei (Canon or Oc SI.)...

2) Horikita Suzune...

3) Fuka Kiryuin...

4) Others...

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka wakes up at 5:00 AM to the sound of his alarm blaring through the quiet of the morning. Lying in bed for a moment, he lets the reality of the day sink in.

'So finally today's the day, huh? The day that I shall meet my supposed father in this world, Ayanokouji Atsuomi.' With that heavy thought resting on his mind, he rises from his bed, determined to start the day right.

Without wasting a moment, Kiyotaka heads out of his room to commence his morning routine—a rigorous training regimen devised not just to maintain his peak physical condition but to further sharpen his mind. With determination etched on his face, he embarks on a marathon exercise session, performing thousands of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, dedicated to each set with unwavering focus.

After completing his strength training, he transitions into a thirty-minute plank, feeling his muscles scream in protest, yet he remains unyielded. To culminate his morning exercises, Kiyotaka embarks on a 45-minute jog, the path familiar under his feet as he revels in the serenity of the pre-dawn.

Returning to his room with the first light of dawn casting its glow through the window, Kiyotaka's attention shifts towards preparing for the day ahead. Noting the time, he realizes it's nearing the hour to prepare for school. With practiced ease, he sets to work in the kitchen, cooking a traditional Japanese breakfast.

As Kiyotaka proceeds to the school, he contemplates the events of the previous night. 'So last night. By using expulsion as a threat, I somehow managed to avoid my room being the personal meeting place for Ike and Yamauchi. Because I was never in a million years gonna let it happen.' He glances towards his smartphone, which contained the recording of his friend's ranting.

This friend was none other than Kushida Kikyou, the supposed Angel of the class. Kiyotaka had recorded her without her noticing, a move that required a calculated risk but was deemed necessary to protect his own boundaries and ensure his plans remained unaffected. This recording was potential leverage, a silent weapon in the complex chess game of school politics he found himself unwittingly leading.

"Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun." Kushida Kikyo greeted Ayanokouji with her usual bright and cheerful tone, masking any hint of abnormality from her perspective regarding her secret. Ayanokouji responded in kind, "Good morning, Kushida." As they entered the elevator, finding Horikita Suzune already inside, reminiscent of the original scenario.

Ayanokouji seized the moment to discreetly inquire about Kushida's recent task, whispering near her ear to maintain privacy. "So Kushida-san, did you finally succeed in your task? Or is it another brave try?"

Kushida admitted to the latter, acknowledging her failure with a smile. "Oh! It's actually the latter, Ayanokouji-kun. Also sorry for yesterday's night, for Yamauchi-kun and Ike-kun's actions. And really thank you for saving Sudo-kun."

Ayanokouji accepted her gratitude gracefully, subtly hinting at his involvement in refining Hirata and Horikita's plan. "You are welcome, also yesterday night only I told you not to worry about it. And also the fact that I just refined Hirata and Horikita's idea."

In that fleeting moment, Ayanokouji observed a slight twitch in Kushida's expression upon hearing Horikita's name, suggesting a hidden reaction. Additionally, Ayanokouji had decided to take sole credit for saving Sudo, and that's the reason why, Kushida was aware of this information.

All of them heard the sound, "Ding." Which now meant that now the elevator had opened and reached its destination. Then soon Horikita swiftly moved away from there. Seeing this Ayanokouji thought, 'I guess Kushida is indeed a rare case, it seems.'

"Good Morning, Kushida-san." Said a girl from another class, with bright Strawberry colored hair. And a very beautiful one at that. Who was...

"Ah! Good Morning, Ichinose-san." Replied Kushida to her friend as a courtesy. Then Ichinose's attention suddenly turned towards the boy beside her. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. And she said, "Ah! By the way, Kushida-san... Is he your boyfriend?"

"No! He isn't, he is only a good friend of mine." Kushida-san replied in her usual tone. And with this now Ichinose was in deep thought. Meanwhile, Ayanokouji thought, 'I see. As expected, I will have something in my schedule before I meet him, huh?'

"That reminds me... Did you guys get your points?" Ichinose inquired suddenly, making Ayanokouji and Kushida pause for a moment, as it was peculiar that they hadn't received any private points. Not even a single Private Point.

[Timeskip to Class D, their classroom]

"There's a bit of trouble here," Chabashira Sensei said, pausing for a moment as she continued, "The distribution of points to the first years has been delayed."

Hearing this, the whole class expressed their dissatisfaction with a mixture of groans and disappointed murmurs.

"Eeeh!? For real!?" Ike exclaimed, followed by his friend Yamauchi who questioned, "It's the school's fault, so can't we get any compensation?" Both displayed clear evidence of their dissatisfaction.

"There's nothing that I can do. The moment the problem is resolved, you will get your points. Assuming you have them, that is," Chabashira Sensei replied, invoking several more disappointed and dissatisfied murmurs across the classroom.


After class, amidst the undercurrent of frustration regarding the delayed points, Kiyotaka receives a message on his smartphone. It's from Ichinose Honami, asking him to meet her at a discreet location within the school premises, away from the prying eyes of their classmates and other students. He then crafts a brief reply, agreeing to the rendezvous.

The appointed time finds him at the designated meeting spot, an uncanny silence enveloping the area - a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle of the school corridors. Ichinose Honami is already there, looking somewhat anxious yet resolute.

"Good afternoon, Ayanokouji-kun. Thank you for coming," she greets, her voice carrying a hint of something unsaid, an underlying tension that piques Ayanokouji's interest further.

"What was so urgent that you wanted to meet here, Ichinose-san?" Kiyotaka inquires, his usual calm demeanor in place, keen to unearth the reason behind the unexpected summons.

"Ichinose-san, you seem tense. Is everything okay?" Ayanokouji asked, noticing her demeanor.

"There is something... I wanted to ask you, Ayanokouji-kun," Ichinose began, wringing her hands and avoiding direct eye contact.

"What is it?" he inquired, his tone steady to not alarm her further.

"Have you ever been confessed to by someone in your life?"

The question caught Ayanokouji slightly off guard. He paused, considering his response carefully. "Well, I can't say I have been in such a situation," he replied, giving a deliberately vague answer. Internally, he pondered, 'Everything is unfolding just as I anticipated in this world.'

After a deep breath, Ichinose managed to continue, albeit nervously, "I see. Actually, I was wondering...if you would agree to pretend to be my boyfriend for a while."

Ayanokouji raised an eyebrow, a silent question in his gaze.

"It's... complicated. Someone is planning to confess to me, and I don't want to hurt her by rejecting her directly. It would be easier if she thought I was already in a relationship," Ichinose explained, her cheeks tinted with embarrassment.

Before Ayanokouji could respond, footsteps echoed nearby, and a girl appeared around the corner. She had bright, eager eyes and seemed slightly taken aback upon seeing them together.

"Ah, Ichinose-san, who's this?" she asked, her curiosity palpable.

Ichinose hastily responded, "Oh, this is—"

But Ayanokouji cut in before Ichinose could fabricate a backstory. "I'm just a friend of Ichinose-san," he clarified.

Ayanokouji then turns to Ichinose, his expression softening as he says, "Ichinose, confessing your feelings to someone isn't an easy thing. You spend every day in anguish, yet you still can't do it. The words 'I love you' hang in your throat, and you can't seem to force them out. I think her earnest feelings deserve a proper answer, don't you think so?" Saying his part of words then he walks away from the scene.

After a few minutes, seated quietly on the bench, Ayanokouji noted Chihiro hastily departing the scene, a surge of emotions evident in her stance. Shortly after, Ichinose approached him, her steps hesitant yet determined.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun... What you said, it made me realize that lying would have only caused more pain in the long run," Ichinose admitted, her voice tinged with relief and a newfound resolve.

Ayanokouji nodded, his expression unreadable yet kind. "It's important to confront our feelings honestly. It's the least we owe to those who gather the courage to express theirs," he responded, his tone gentle.

"I'll remember that," Ichinose said, a grateful smile gracing her features. "See you later, Ayanokouji-kun."

With a slight nod, Ayanokouji wished her well, "Take care, Ichinose-san." As she walked away, his phone buzzed with a notification. Glancing at the screen, a secretive smile played across his lips. "So, it's finally time to earn some real quick private points..."