
My Mysterious Isekai Story In COTE(Fan-Fic)

This story is about a guy who is an otaku and his favourite anime,manga or ln is Classroom of the elite.When he finishes reading the latest volume of cote and he sleeps then when he wakes up ,mysteriously he gets transmigrated into Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's body right at the beginning of the story in the bus. But is he alone or not? Find out in the story. Btw this is my first story I ever wrote in my life.So criticisms are welcome as it helps me realize my mistakes. Except the new plot(which may be very less) and the new MC's personality I don't own any thing else.All rights deserves to Shogo Kinugasa and for the art it belongs to Shunsaku Tomose(and other respective artists). Also if you haven't watched anime or read manga and light novel.You may get spoilers.Also mistakenly when I uploaded it for the first time it was uploaded on novels side so I made a new one for fan-fic side. Btw you can find this story in wattpad too.Which of course is uploaded by me. Note:- In this fic the MC is not like original Kiyo. He has got emotions and cares about others but is a little dense. But the greatest misfortune of his enemies is that they became his enemy. He would do anything to destroy his enemy. Also right from the beginning he has got an goal which is unknown and related to his past. Anyways his ideals are fixed on the term hope. Just like how Kiyo is on equality. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/H9WMPWm6

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 The Club Fair.

Then soon after I was done with my work, I headed towards the reception. There I was informed of my room number which is 401. There I got a key card for Room 401 and a hand book. In which there were the basic dorm rules.

Also other important things such as the dates and times for garbage disposal, notice about avoiding excessive noise and the fact to not waste electricity and water usage. Yes there there were no any kind of restrictions in it.

After Kiyotaka was done with it, he started making notes on all the important things he knew about the school, ANHS. Or to be exact the all important from small to detailed information on it. He wrote it down. A good thirty four and half pages.

"Phew! I finally finished it. Now all I need is to recreate an AI using mine and 'his' knowledge. After all what could be more foolish than to fully utilize both of our brains." He muttered his thoughts.

"And finally do that too. Haha!" He muttered at last with a laugh.

Then he stood up from his bed. And took out the ingredients then separated the ones he needed now and the ones he didn't. "For now let's make noodles for dinner. In his memory I don't recall eating even Ice cream." He said.

As he put the others on the refrigerator and their respective places he took out cabbage, onion, tomatoes, noodles and soya plus tomato sauce. Then he proceeded to cook a popular noodle dish known as 'chowmein' in his home town.

First of all he put on the gas on stove and put a container in it with water. Then he finished chopping the tomato, cabbage and onion. Then the water was hot by the. Then he proceeded to put noodles in it to soak it in hot water.

As he put a frying pan on the stove he put oil in it, then put the chopped onion, cabbage and tomato in it. Then he put salt in it, later he separated the hot water away from noodles then put the noodles in frying pan. Then put the sauced then fried it.

And finally the noodles or rather chowmein was ready to be served. Then as he ate it, his mind was racing with thoughts trying to recreate an AI using programming and coding.

"Guess, I should use a mixture of python and JavaScript and few others programming language too."

Then Kiyotaka took out his cellphone and started fidgeting it with various coding languages after downloading or rather buying a software suited for various programming software.

Whole night.

As he was done with the AI. He entered the last code. Then pressed the button, which gave birth to one of the most advanced AI in the current era of Cote.

Then he opened the game like application icon in his phone. There came an interface which had game like feature too. Then he entered setting, then pressed a button. There came a space in below written, enter your game password.

There he entered, 'Hope'.

Then a command came to scan his finger print, below an finger print like image too. There he put his finger print. Then did a few other process, and finally it was done.

"Hello, AI." He spoke clearly.

"Hello Master Kiyotaka. How may I be of your service?" Spoke an AI like voice.

"First of all, calling you an AI is a bit weird so I shall be naming you Alpha. Is it fine?" Kiyotaka spoke the matter indicating the new AI's affiliation.

"That's quite fine. Alpha. It has a very nice ring to it. I accept it, Master Kiyotaka." Said Alpha. Then Kiyotaka did a few experiments and was very satisfied with it.

"Yawn!!!! I sure did a lot of work this past day. First of all I made an AI out of nowhere. And also I hit the gym." He said as he entered his class room.

Kiyo's pov:-

And it seems 60% of the students had already arrived at the class. Or should I say a fish market. They were going on about how they enjoy this school so much. Like how it's so kind to them. Truly worthy of an elite school.

Truly ridiculously stupid.

They don't even know the core information what is gonna happen to them or even have the slightest amount of clue on it.

On our second day of school-well, I suppose technically it was the first day of class-we spent most of our time running over the course objectives. Apparently, many of the students were quite surprised, by how genuinely warm and friendly the teachers at this school looked.

Oe oe you guys were just saying how kind this school was before. Sudo had already made a quite fantastic spectacle of himself by falling asleep most of the time in the class. Soon the lunch break came. Afterwards.

"Well, I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Anyone want to come with me?" Hirata said inviting any potential friends for lunch.

"I'll go too."

"Me, too! Me too!"

But as expected, only girls gathered around Hirata one after another. It seems with only girls around him he was a bit uncomfortable. Then he called out for me.

"Hey Ayanokouji wanna come to eat the lunch?

"Okay. I am coming." I said.

Some girls seeing that another boy was coming were bit unsatisfied, but when they knew it was me they had no qualms. Our group consists of me, Hirata, Karuizawa, Kushida, Matsushita and a few other girls.

Then we talked about ourselves with eachother about what we used to do before and so on. Also they didn't believe at all when I said my favourite subject was Mathematics. And it was 100 percent true in my old life. I don't know why but I loved doing maths. And in my current brain there were many solutions of university level maths. Well let's review them later on.

And then Kushida said "You know what? Ayanokouji-kun is a very kind guy you know. He even gave up his seat in the bus for an old lady who had trouble standing."

"Don't mention it. Also, don't forget you asked to all the people so bravely who would do that, when koenji refused to give up his seat. I just happened to be there." I replied so.

"Hehe!" She giggled.

After that they talked about how kind we were and some trivial things. Then Hirata suddenly asked me about my question to chabashira-sensei.

After that I told them the exact same thing I told to Horikita during the convenience store.

Some even had the face which said, "What the heck is this guy saying?" But three individuals or even four notingly Matsushita, Hirata, Kushida and karuizawa had somewhat understood my point.

Hirata: "Yeah that's too good to be true. Thanks for the info I will investigate it later on. Wait a minute, you mentioned something about cameras right?"

"It seems we both reached the same conclusion, Hirata." I remarked as I sipped my coffee.

"So what do you suggest, Ayanokouji?" Hirata asked me. Now all the attention was on me.

"First of all I know it's gonna be a bit annoying for you lot. But you gotta save up atleast 35,000 pp. Also act like a normal student in the class, don't go using your cellphones and talking instead of taking notes." I said to them, and I could already see the unwilling face of some girls. Especially Sinohara. And by this they wishpered to each other.

"Also I want some last things from you guys." I cut their conversation.

"Don't tell to others that this information was found by me, instead tell them Hirata's the one. And don't tell about this to your friends from other classes, I feel like something is very fishy." I said.

Which came as a shock to them.

"Hey! But what if all your point was wrong Ayanokouji?" Sinohara asked me.

To which I give a genuine smile for a fraction of second then say, "Don't worry. Then you guys will have extra 35,000 pp in the next month. And you might get some good marks since you were taking notes and all."

Instead of what I wanted to say genuinely. Which earned a little bit angry remark from them. But they will understand me soon.

"Anyway Hirata you take the help of Kushida and Karuizawa, then relay the message considering the points I mentioned. That should be the best option for now. And please the matters we discussed should remain here only." I said to them.

Then again we chatted. Things like am I also a genius or not? I replied maybe but a little lower level than genius level. Actually I am above genius level but I decided to only show intellect of Ryueen level. A little bit higher than Horikita's. And then we exchanged contract info.

Then when class was over for today. Hirata and Kushida went towards the class podium and explained what they had to. With the help of Kushida and Karuizawa it was more effective than what it would be if he did it alone. Obviously only half of the class took it seriously. And of course he didn't mention my name.

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at-"

Then I proceeded to invite her to the club fair.

"Hey, Horikita-sa-..." I asked her but was cut by her.

"I'm not interested in joining a club." So she says.

"I didn't even ask you anything yet." I said.

"Well, what is it?"

"Are you interested in joining a club? And before you tell me if I have dementia, you not being interested in club and not going to the club fair is not synonymous." I said.

"Hey! Now don't argue for the sake of arguing. Also the thing Hirata-kun just said. It's your idea isn't it?" She said in a angry tone as she almost shouted at me.

"Who knows?" I said the signature catchphrase. Aaaaah! I so much wanted to say this.

"If you answered my question I am willing to go to the club fair with you." She says.

"No." I declined her harshly.

"Wha-...." She was in disbelief.

"Just kidding. Who in right mind would hate to go with you in a club fair? Hori-san." I said to her adding something extra at last.

"Hey! What's with the nickname anyway, fine then. Answer?" She said.

"Well I just gave him some hints then he reached into the same conclusion and I guess half of the credit goes to him." I said explaining her the answer she desired to know.

"I see." She replied as she stood up and we went towards the club fair.

"There are more people here than I expected." I said expressing my feeling regarding the number of students.

Just like in the franchise there seems to be around hundred students waiting around.

"I wonder if this school has famous clubs. For example, something like karate." I said starting a conversation.

"Why? You know it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I had done it for few months. Then reached 10th dan so I changed into another martial arts." I replied saying the truth.

Then she looked towards me in disbelief.

"What? It's the truth." I said defending the fact that I am not a liar with a child like behavior.

"Is that so?" Was all the reply I got.

Even though this school didn't seem like a top-tier institution for activities like baseball and ballet, the clubs here certainly looked great.

"Thank you all for waiting, first-year students. We will now begin the club fair. A representative from each club will explain their function. My name is Tachibana, the student council secretary and the club fair's organizer. It's nice to meet you all." Said a girl with purple or the one known as Akane Tachibana.

After Tachibana delivered the opening remarks, representatives from each club quickly lined up on a stage. It was quite a diverse crowd. The club representatives included everything from burly athletes in judo uniforms to students dressed in beautiful kimonos.

A girl dressed in archery gear stepped onto the stage. "Hello, my name is Hashigaki, the captain of the archery club. Many students may be under the impression that archery is an old-fashioned, simple activity, but it is actually a fun and rewarding sport. We welcome beginners with open arms. If you're interested, please consider joining."

Then suddenly.

"Tch!" She tched.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Horikita-san, what's the matter?" I repeated once again.

I guess his turn came. I followed her eyesight and found him. As the upperclassmen finished their introductions, they walked off the stage and headed toward an area where some plain tables had been set up. Probably a reception area designed to accept new members.

Eventually, everyone walked off until only one person remained. Everyone focused their attention upon him. He appeared to be about 170 centimeters in height, so he wasn't very tall. He was slender, with sleek black hair.

He wore sharp glasses and had a piercing, calculating gaze. Standing in front of the microphone, he calmly looked around at the first-year students.

"Do your best!"

"Did you forget to bring your notecards?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

As expected some of them started thrash talking him.

'Only if you guys know his true strength. He maybe equal to me or even stronger in my old life which is an average white roomer. But with Ayanokouji's power I am on a whole new level.' In thought.

The first-year students hurled comments at him. However, the upperclassman stood on the stage calmly, without trembling. The laughter and comments didn't seem to faze him. When the laughter had reached a crescendo, it suddenly died. He wore an apathetic expression.

"What's with this guy?" remarked an astonished student. The gymnasium buzzed with people talking, yet the boy on the stage still did not move. The relaxed atmosphere gradually changed, and things took an unexpected turn. It was as if some chemical reaction had taken place.

Then, the student started his speech, slowly scanning the crowd. "I'm the student council president. My name is Horikita Manabu," he said.

"The student council is looking to recruit potential candidates among the first-year students to replace the graduating third years. Although no special qualifications are required for candidacy, we humbly ask that those considering application not be involved in other club activities. We generally do not accept students involved elsewhere."

He spoke in a soft tone, but the tension around us was so thick it felt like you could cut it with a knife. He had managed to silence over a hundred new students in that spacious gymnasium. Of course, it wasn't his position as student council president that granted him this deference. That was simply Horikita Manabu's power. His presence dominated everyone around him.

"Furthermore, we in the student council do not wish to appoint anyone who possesses a naive outlook. Not only would such a person not be elected, he or she would sully the sanctity of this school. It is the student council's right and duty to enforce and amend the rules, but the school expects more than that. We gladly welcome those of you who understand this."

He didn't pause even once during his eloquent speech. Immediately after finishing, he hopped off the stage and left the gymnasium. None of the first-year students could utter a single word as we watched him go. We didn't know what would've happened if we'd tried to talk. Everyone in the room shared the same thought, apparently.

"Thank you all for coming. The club fair has ended. We will now open the reception area to anyone interested in signing up. Also, registration will be open until the end of April, so if any student wishes to join at a later date, we ask that you please bring the application form directly to the club you wish to join."

"Should I consider joining the student council? Nah maybe later on around vol 4.5 when he offers me the position of Vice-President." I muttered and suddenly I saw something interesting.

"Oh! is that?" I said.

"Let's test out my new skills." I said as I stepped forward towards a certain musical instrument.

At a side of gymnasium I had seen a piano. I assume it's from the music club. I wasn't sure how well I could perform but I thought of atleast giving it a try. Normally even when you had memories of other people or you were put in a situation similar to mine you would need a little time to make full use of it. But I am not a normal person. I had confidence that I could perform it well.

"Um, excuse me Senpai." I asked politely.

"Yes." She said.

"Can I play it for a bit?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said.

After getting the permission I proceeded towards the piano and thought of what should I play then I decided to play Für Elise. When I started playing it. All of them were shocked as I could sense some of them had their mouths open. I ran my fingertips over the keys and started to play the tune. As the performance came to an end, everyone who were there present applauded.

President of music club: "Wow it was magnificent. No it was beyond magnificent. So hey Kouhai-kun do you want to join the music club? I am sure with you we could perform very well."

"Um thanks for your kind offer. But I would have to decline." I said to her.

"Oh! That's unfortunate. But if you do change your mind you are always welcome. Here let's exchange contact info." She said and as I exchanged our contact info I went towards the dorm.

After we exchanged contact info, then as I was proceeding outside I felt someone's glance at me again.

The first one I could sense it from a little while ago and now there was again that new one. I think they could be from Nagumo, Older Horikita or Kiryuin. But just like Kakashi's hunch I have a hunch that one of them maybe from those three but the next one I don't know who? I wonder who it is. But his/her gaze was not similar to those three. That I can tell.

Well but I didn't sense any evil intention so currently my main focus should be Nagumo. To not be his prey or to be found out by him.But I am sure that with my previous performance I would draw a lot of attention. So I guess I should lay low for a while.

When I was walking suddenly my newly made friends came to me.

"Wow, that was cool Ayanokouji."

"Really that was a brilliant performance."

"Ne ne did you learn any other things like guitar?"

'Hirata, I think I understand your feelings now. Yare Yare.' in thought.

"Um..." I said with both my hands raised in a nervous tone surrounded by them.

Let's act like an average guy for now.

"Hey girls you are clearly making him uncomfortable. C'mon give him some space." Hirata came to my rescue just as expected.

Nice assist. Hirata. I thanked him inwardly.

"Oh! okay sorry." They said.

"No it's okay." I reassured them that it was not that big of a deal.

"Actually I was homeschooled so I learned a lot of things and I have a lot of hobbies." Then I explained them.

"You know what..." They continued.

After that I talked with them about various trivial things and we went towards the dorms. After that I made traditional Japanese dish which I learned from my days during Japan. Btw in my old world I was born in Nepal then afterwards I moved to Japan when I was in 7th grade in Nepal due to various reasons. Btw the dish I made was Rice with few veggies and miso soup.

After finishing the food I took out a notebook and started doing some mathematical problems which were in my brain so I won't forget them. Damn! the white room sure is a awesome place to be a genius but it's method is not awesome. That's for sure. (Spoilers) At that time why did that bastard who thought emotions were unnecessary had to win?

After I was satisfied I did some basic exercise.

10 minutes plank. 100 push ups, sit ups, squats,etc. And also 100 punch and kicks, as well as elbow and knee strikes of various styles. Even after that I felt nothing, seriously how much did this guy trained before.

Well for now let's sleep. After that I exercised a little in the morning and continued my days. Oh it seems that a good no. of people are actually behaving in the class. But still it's not enough if we want to even win Class C in other words get more CP than class-C.

Hey guys! I will be uploading my fanfics as much as possible since this coming Monday. As it is the last day for my semester. Also I will be writing my original novel. It will be a typical fantasy/action genre. Albeit a bit rushed here is the third chapter.

Gokage_Sensumocreators' thoughts