
My Mysterious Isekai Story In COTE(Fan-Fic)

This story is about a guy who is an otaku and his favourite anime,manga or ln is Classroom of the elite.When he finishes reading the latest volume of cote and he sleeps then when he wakes up ,mysteriously he gets transmigrated into Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's body right at the beginning of the story in the bus. But is he alone or not? Find out in the story. Btw this is my first story I ever wrote in my life.So criticisms are welcome as it helps me realize my mistakes. Except the new plot(which may be very less) and the new MC's personality I don't own any thing else.All rights deserves to Shogo Kinugasa and for the art it belongs to Shunsaku Tomose(and other respective artists). Also if you haven't watched anime or read manga and light novel.You may get spoilers.Also mistakenly when I uploaded it for the first time it was uploaded on novels side so I made a new one for fan-fic side. Btw you can find this story in wattpad too.Which of course is uploaded by me. Note:- In this fic the MC is not like original Kiyo. He has got emotions and cares about others but is a little dense. But the greatest misfortune of his enemies is that they became his enemy. He would do anything to destroy his enemy. Also right from the beginning he has got an goal which is unknown and related to his past. Anyways his ideals are fixed on the term hope. Just like how Kiyo is on equality. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/H9WMPWm6

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter - 7 Horikita Manabu.

Hi sorry for being late, plus making such a short chapter. I was away from home for a long period of time. So I couldn't write. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

"I'm not entirely sure about my social skills and popularity. How about you?" I redirected the focus onto her, although my social standing and popularity were decent, not quite at the levels of Hirata or Kushida.

"Is it really necessary?" She asked, clearly reluctant to reveal her abilities but realizing it was necessary for our collaboration. She needed my help to achieve her goals, and even a glimpse of my abilities was enough to earn her trust, considering my capabilities outweighed hers.

"Since I shared mine, it's only fair." I replied, gently nudging her to disclose her abilities, knowing that our partnership required transparency, even if it made her uncomfortable.

"Alright. I excel academically, ranking in the top 4 of the school, possibly top 3 without your claim. Additionally, my physical abilities are strong due to my experience in Karate and Aikido. I believe my intelligence is also above average. However, my social skills are uncertain," she stated earnestly. I acknowledged her strengths, noting her as a formidable ally despite her social reservations.

"Got it. As long as you cooperate with my plans, I'm willing to work together. And I apologize for the teasing; I've been waiting for the right moment to address it," I admitted, hoping to clear the air and build a stronger foundation for our collaboration.

"So, you were concealing your true..." She started, implying her suspicions about my hidden abilities, but I interjected to clarify the misunderstanding.

"No, I genuinely didn't know your brother shared the same nickname I thought of. And it seems your relationship with him isn't typical for siblings," I explained, attempting to mend the rift caused by my earlier teasing.

"I see. Yet another odd coincidence related to you," she remarked, accepting my explanation but still harboring doubts, likely strategizing how to coax the truth from me.

"Hey, it's the truth. Look here," I said, switching back to a playful demeanor as I searched for the anime "Tomodachi Game" and displayed the character section. The notification I received next left me stunned, revealing another mysterious aspect of my journey.

"Huh!?" I exclaimed, shocked by the unexpected revelation, momentarily forgetting our conversation.

"What is it? Please don't tell me it was faltering..." She trailed off, once again misunderstanding the situation, prompting me to clarify.

"No, take a look here," I said, directing her attention to the screen, where I showed her information about a character named Manabu from "Tomodachi Game." The uncanny similarity to her brother's name validated my earlier claim, although lying seemed second nature to manipulators like us.

"Ah, it seems you were telling the truth," she acknowledged, recognizing the resemblance between the character and her brother's name.

"Yeah," I confirmed, pocketing my phone.

"Oh, by the way, shall we exchange contact information? It could be useful in the future," I suggested, recognizing the practicality of staying connected as future partners in crime.

"I have no problem," she said, smoothly retrieving her phone as we exchanged contact information.

As we strolled back to class, we engaged in casual conversation, and I found myself surprised by her friendliness. Was it just a cliché plot device, or did she genuinely consider me a friend? Tomorrow's lunch we plan to discuss midterm strategies seemed promising, a chance to solidify our partnership.

It struck me how easily she shared her contact information, unlike typical reactions where girls might find it suspicious. Her openness hinted at her past solitude. Back in class, the students of Class-D were attentive, with Sudo struggling to stay awake during lectures. If only they had started earlier, maybe Sudo wouldn't be in such dire straits.

The day progressed as planned, leading up to the momentous encounter. Exiting the study session, I indulged in a can of almond-milk juice from the vending machine before heading to the elevator. The seventh-floor stop piqued my curiosity, mingled with apprehension about the impending confrontation. Despite possessing Ayanokouji's memories and martial arts expertise, facing Horikita's brother was no small feat.

Glancing at the CCTV feed, I spotted Horikita in her school uniform, oblivious to my presence. I chose to wait, hiding behind the vending machine until she descended to the first floor. Once she vanished into the night, I trailed after her, cautious not to reveal my presence.

As Horikita paused, I sensed another figure with her, a tension thick in the air.

"Suzune, I didn't expect you to follow me this far," he remarked, his tone indifferent, almost dismissive.

"Hmph. I'm not the same useless girl you once knew, niisan. I'm here to confront you," Horikita retorted, desperation laced in her voice, seeking her brother's acknowledgment, however futile.

"Catch me, hmm?" His voice turned icy, devoid of warmth. "I heard you ended up in Class D. Some things never change. You're still fixated on me, blind to your own shortcomings. Coming to this school was a mistake."

"That's... You're mistaken. I'll prove it. I'll ascend to Class A and-" Horikita's defiance was cut short by her brother's chilling words.

"It's pointless. You'll never make it to Class A. Your class is doomed to fail. This school isn't as straightforward as you think," he asserted, his words hitting Horikita hard. But with me in the picture, the dynamics were bound to shift.

"I will reach... I will," Horikita persisted, undeterred, but her brother's skepticism lingered in the air.

"I told you, it's pointless. You really are a disobedient little sister," he asserted, resigning to the idea that our class couldn't achieve Class A.

Horikita's brother, unmistakably the Student Council President, closed the gap between them, his demeanor devoid of emotion. Gripping her wrist firmly, he pressed her against the wall, her compliance eerie in the face of his dominance.

"No matter how much I try to distance myself, you remain my sister. If this got out, it would tarnish my reputation. Leave this school immediately," he demanded, his tone cold and final.

"I-I can't do that... I will reach Class A. I'll prove it!" Horikita's resolve wavered as she sought her brother's recognition.

"How foolish. Do you wish to relive past traumas?" Manabu's tone was sharp, revealing no hesitation to inflict harm.

"Niisan, I..." Horikita's voice trembled with fear.

"You lack the abilities and qualities necessary for Class A. Accept reality," Manabu declared, his stance shifting ominously as he prepared to strike with force.

Recognizing the imminent danger, I intervened, executing a trap I had meticulously planned. As the Student Council President poised to strike, my timely arrival disrupted his aggression. Catching his offensive hand, I met his fierce glare with steely resolve.

"Believe me, sinking this low won't end well for you. Student Council President Horikita-san," I warned, my voice laced with threat, my eyes locking onto his with unwavering intensity.

"Interfering in matters that don't concern you isn't wise. Do you understand who you're dealing with?" His retort aimed to leverage his authority against me.

"I couldn't care less if you were the Prime Minister or the devil himself. And what position gives you the audacity to challenge the Demon of the Fourth Generation?" I countered, my tone icy, leaving him momentarily stunned by the title.

"P-please, stop it, Ayanokouji-kun," Horikita pleaded, her fear palpable, a pawn in her brother's game, poised to escalate the confrontation.

"No! I won't yield. I'm a fighter too, Hori-san. Do you think I'd let him gain the upper hand and pummel us into submission? Not a chance," I asserted, tightening my grip, channeling the full extent of my strength, poised to withstand whatever came our way.

Third Person Pov :-

After Ayanokouji exerted nearly full force, even someone as composed as Horikita Manabu displayed signs of discomfort, his lips twitching with evident pain. Determined, Manabu resolved to initiate the first move, releasing Suzune's hands to prepare for combat.

With swift precision, he attempted a palm strike towards Ayanakoji, only to feint and follow up with a knee strike. Ayanokouji managed to block it, albeit with some difficulty, which inadvertently freed Manabu's hands for subsequent maneuvers.

Without hesitation, Manabu executed a series of deceptive strikes, showcasing his expertise. Ayanokouji deftly parried each feint, anticipating Manabu's next move as he braced for the incoming assault.

Manabu's right hook carried formidable force, capable of incapacitating even the strongest opponent with one or two blows. He was confident that Ayanokouji couldn't dodge at full speed, unaware of the vast gap between Ayanokouji's current display and his true strength and agility.

Anticipating victory, Manabu launched his hook, convinced that Ayanokouji's defensive stance would not impede the blow. However, Ayanokouji inwardly smirked, confident in his imminent triumph.

In a fraction of a second, Ayanokouji evaded the hook with uncanny speed and precision, tilting his head back and shifting his right leg with inhuman agility. Manabu, stunned by the sudden turn of events, muttered in disbelief.

Capitalizing on the opening created by Manabu's missed hook, Ayanokouji delivered a clean left uppercut to Manabu's exposed abdomen, eliciting a pained groan from the latter.

Undeterred, Ayanokouji pressed forward, unleashing a swift and forceful right hook that connected squarely with Manabu's jaw. The impact sent Manabu hurtling backward, his glasses flying off upon impact with the ground, blood staining his mouth.

As he stood up, he wiped the blood from his mouth with his hand, regaining his composure. Manabu then turned to Ayanokouji and began questioning him, maintaining an air of superiority despite his defeat.

"You! Do you practice boxing and maybe Jeet Kune Do? I must say you are quite capable at those arts or whatever you are doing," Manabu inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of skepticism.

Ayanokouji observed Manabu's demeanor and reflected on the situation. 'This guy, Manabu Horikita. He can surely be called the Hashirama of Cote. Not only did he deduce that I know other martial arts besides the ones I displayed, but he also possesses considerable fighting experience. Almost on par with my past life's expertise. Although it may seem like he had openings before, it was because Ayanokouji's strength was simply overwhelming. I'm certain he recognized my proficiency in other martial arts, evident from his remark "or whatever you are doing" at the end. Perhaps some of my stances led to his deduction,' Ayanokouji analyzed, maintaining his cool facade.

"I indeed practice the martial arts you mentioned. Wouldn't it be prudent to resolve this matter by extending an apology to her?" Ayanokouji suggested, proposing a peaceful resolution to the conflict involving Horikita-san.

Manabu regarded Ayanokouji with a scrutinizing gaze before responding, "I see. You are quite the actor, aren't you? Although it seemed genuine that you were somehow trying to help Suzune, you seem to be after some ulterior motive," he remarked, subtly shifting his legs in a certain direction, attempting to escape the trap Ayanokouji had set.

Unbeknownst to Manabu, Ayanokouji had strategically placed his phone, recording the entire altercation. Positioned vertically against the wall, the phone captured every angle of the confrontation. With a catch of course.

"You should stop. The video has already been transferred to another person, via video call to be exact," Ayanokouji warned, aware of Manabu's intent to delete the recorded evidence.

"And who exactly is that person?" Manabu inquired, his tone growing colder as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"AYANOKOUJI!? HORIKITA-SAN!? Thank goodness, you two are safe. I must say, I definitely didn't expect this from you, Horikita-senpai," a voice interrupted as the unknown person arrived at the scene, having discovered the siblings' secret and Ayanokouji's capabilities.

"Oh, you're here? That was quick. It means you were nearby, right?" Ayanokouji responded, acknowledging his collaborator's swift arrival, which unveiled the secret of the two siblings and Ayanokouji's prowess in return.

As he thought, 'Even though I could just ask my A.I. to record and save it, in a way Manabu might just not be able to delete it... I just wanted to somehow help him I guess. Sigh!'

( A/N In this chapter there was nothing except Manabu Vs Ayanokouji I guess. Hope I portrayed it well. Also just who might this new collaborator of Ayanokouji just be? Whom Ayanokouji is willing to help somehow. Well it's actually too easy to guess, so bombbard the comments section with your possible guesses. Also if you'd like please do consider voting power stones, and adding the story to your library and collections. )