
Chapter 68 

Ashton looked at Julia's stunned expression and found it a little funny.

He reached out and knocked on Julia's head. With a gentle smile in his eyes, he asked in a low voice.

"What are you looking at?"

Julia stretched out her hand and pointed at the figure standing next to the red sports car, who was making a call with his head down. She asked curiously.

"Is that Lisa?"

Ashton followed Julia's gaze and looked over. He narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"It's her. What's wrong with you?"

There was excitement in Julia's eyes, but she suppressed it very well. She did not get out of the car and rush over immediately. Instead, she subconsciously reached out to grab Ashton's sleeve and asked.

"Can I go over and ask her for her signature? Will it be very rude?"

Ashton lowered his head and looked at Julia's hand grabbing his sleeve. He then looked at Julia's excited and happy smile.

It seemed that Julia did not realize what she was doing.

He followed Julia's gaze.