
Chapter 32 - I have Other Woman (Edited)

Seeing they were finished, Ms. Feli swiftly asked. "How are the results?"

Anastasia, maintaining a professional demeanor, responded, "There's nothing wrong with him." 

Her gaze then moved toward Gon, who had just taken a seat. "Probably because of high hormones. You know, it's not healthy to hold yourself so much."

Ms. Feli, her brows knitting together, turned towards Gon, "What are you holding back?"

Gon was taken aback by Anastasia's teasing; he thought she was angry and decided to ignore him. "Ummm... nothing, Ms. Feli."

"I will prescribe you some Aspirin for the headache." 

As she handed over the prescription, her voice dropped to a playful whisper, and she winked at him, "And if you find you can't hold yourself back, feel free to return here any time."

Hearing Anastasia's words, Ms. Feli thinks it's about the headache, so he tells Gon to quickly call her if it happens again so she can bring him to the Hospital.

Gon gives a nod, agreeing with her. He still feels weird about the headache; if it's really just because of Lust, then Gon doesn't feel worried with Hana at his side.

"So, Doctor, we're done with the check-up?"

Anastasia offered a gentle smile, her eyes gleaming with gestures that only Gon could understand. 

"Indeed, we are," she confirmed, her voice smooth and almost enticing. "But you should come back next week for another check-up."

Gon feels really uncomfortable facing her; it's like she is always in control. He swiftly tells her he will think about it, then leaves the room quickly.

Seeing Gon's sudden departure makes Feli frown. She shook hands with Anastasia. "I'm sorry about that; the boy is usually not like that."

Hearing Feli call Gon as a boy makes Anastasia want to laugh, but she controls herself. "A boy, huh... Well, don't worry about it." 

She slid open a drawer of her desk, took out a sleek business card, and gave it to Ms. Feli. 

"Give this to Gon. Let him know that he's welcome to call me whenever he needs help." Anastasia said.

Accepting the card, Ms. Feli responded with a nod and a warm smile, "Thank you, Doctor Anastasia." 

Feli then excused herself.

Alone in the room, Anastasia's gaze lingered on the doorway. A quiet, amused giggle slipped past her lips, "Oh Feli, look at you now... so kind and gentle... even calling him a boy…"

In the hallway, Ms. Feli quickened her step, catching up with Gon. She still felt worried about his actions but decided not to ask anything about it. 

As they reach the waiting area, Feli tells Gon she wants to pay the bill and asks them to wait for her there.

Gon agrees, and he thanks her for paying for the checkup. He then quickly takes a seat next to Hana. He has many things he wants to say to her.

Seeing Gon return, Hana swiftly asked. "What happened during the checkup? Did they find out something about...your abilities, your magic, or something?"

"It's...worse than that." Gon sighed

"Worse? What does that mean? Are you unwell? Is there something wrong with your body?" 

Hearing his answer, Hana quickly felt worried; her mind ran wild thinking about the possibility of what had happened. 

She raised a hand to his forehead, checking for a fever, while her other hand lifted his arm, looking to see if anything was wrong with him.

Seeing Hana's sincere concern for him makes Gon feel warm, guilty, and pained at the same time.

He feels like he's pulling her into a dangerous life. He took her hand, grasping it gently.

"Hana, maybe it's better for you to stay away from me."

Hearing that word from him again makes Hana's heart feel pain. But she knew Gon doesn't say it without any reason; last time, it was because of his uncontrollable desire.

This makes her feel worried about him. "Why are you saying this again, Gon?" 

Her voice barely above a whisper, her emerald eyes filled with determination."I made my choice clear yesterday, didn't I?"

Seeing her eyes, Gon knows he has wronged her again. By saying words like that to her, that means he doesn't respect her choice. 

Gon turned his eyes down. "I'm so sorry, Hana. It's just... today's events... it make me afraid. I don't want anything to happen to you because of me. "

Her eyes glimmered with tears as she felt touched by Gon's worry. "Tell me, Gon. What really happened during the checkup?"

Before Gon could answer, his gaze turned to Ms. Feli approaching them, then back to Hana. "Let's discuss this later. At my place."

Hana nods, knowing they cannot talk about it here. She wiped the tears from her eyes. 

Ms. Feli is now holding a small bag. "Let's head back, shall we?" 

Gon and Hana followed her. Soon, the car engine turned on and started making its way back to Gon's home.

Throughout the journey, both Gon and Hana remained silent, lost in their own thought, glancing outside the windows.

Hana cannot wait to reach Gon's place, as she wants to know what really happened to him. Gon's mind kept churning, thinking about how he could protect Hana in a world filled with people stronger than him.

Ms. Feli, through the rear-view mirror, observed them. She thought they had a fight when she paid the bill. 

"Hana, dear, would you like me to drop you at your home?" Feli asked

"No, Ms. Feli, please take me to Gon's house."

"Alright, dear."

The car continues its journey, moving through the streets. After what felt like an eternity, they arrived at Gon's home.

Gon then stepped out of the car; he thanked Ms.Feli as she gave her the plastic bag. "Make sure to call me if anything happens, okay?" Feli asked.

Gon nods to make Ms. Feli not worry, but he doesn't have any plan to really call her if something happens again.

He then moves to the car's trunk, taking out Hana's luggage.

Hana also thanked Ms. Feli. Where she responds with a nod. She still feels worried about the couple.

After hearing Hana live in the dormitory, she knows life has been hard for her. "It's alright, dear. Take care now." 

Ms. Feli then left them. Gon stays quiet as he opens the door and leads Hana inside.

After placing the luggage in the living room, Gon sees Hana already seated on the couch, looking at him with impatience in her eyes.

Gon took a seat beside her, "Would you like something to drink?"

But Hana is running out of patience; she clasps her hands one another in her lap. And look Gon in the eyes. "Can you tell me what happened earlier?"

"Well, the doctor... she isn't ordinary either."

"Does she possess abilities too?"

"Yes, and that's why I'm worried, Hana." 

"If you remain by my side, you'll be pulled into this world, and I'm afraid I cannot protect you."

"Why are you so worried about that?" Hana asked

Her emerald eyes looked deeply into his. Gon could see her resolve. "Choosing to be with you is my decision, Gon. I'm not here to be a burden to you."

Gon grasped her hand. His eyes turn sharp and serious. "Hana, you could lose your life." 

Hana's eyes briefly flickered away, a contemplative silence enveloping her as she chose her next words. "Don't worry about me, Gon. Death isn't something I fear."

"I'm not trying to scare you, Hana. I've killed someone since I got these abilities."

Hearing those, Hana didn't waver. Instead, she felt worried. She remembers Gon's traumatic past. "How do you feel about it, Gon?"

Gon leaned back on the couch, looking at the ceiling, his hand still grasping Hana. "When I ended his life, I just felt pity for him. I thought, maybe in death, he might find some peace." 

"And after that, Gon? There were no nightmares, no lingering guilt that shadowed you?"

"No, not at all. Does that make me strange?"

Hana tries to change the atmosphere to cheer up Gon. Her lips raise upward to a playful smirk. "Could it be you're a psychopath, Gon?"

Gon chuckled, knowing Hana wanted to cheer him up; this made him smile. "Hey, now, that's a slander. I'm sure I'm perfectly sane. Mostly,"

Hana leaned in, her eyes locking with Gon's, maintaining the warm, secure clasp of their intertwined fingers. "Tell me about it, Gon," 

He hesitated, looking down at their entwined fingers, then into her eyes. "About the one I kill?" 

Hana nodded with a slight squeeze of his hand. 

"Yes, and why did you have that strange glow before? Why did you become so... full of desires that it made you sick? I want to understand everything, Gon."

Gon let out a slow breath, his chest rising and falling, trying to calm his nerves. Telling everything means telling Hana about Merlin, and Gon knows it's a very different matter on Earth. 

Having more than one woman is frowned upon by many, and fear starts to grip his heart, but he knows he doesn't want to lie to Hana. She has sacrificed so much for him; she deserves to know everything.

"Before that, there's something I must confess, something that I should have shared with you earlier." 

Gon thinks now is the best time to tell her; he hopes her curiosity about magic and others will keep her here.

Seeing Gon's expression made Hana feel worried. "What is it, Gon? Is it something bad?" 

Gon swallowed hard, his eyes drifting momentarily towards the ground before lifting to meet hers once again. "Well, that might depend on how you perceive it." 

Hana's hand, still clasped within his, twitched slightly. She frowned, hearing his answer and how he tried to skirt around it. 

"What do you mean, Gon? Just say it directly."

Gon still feel worried Hana would run in emotional outburst, he know for sure his words will hurt her. 

He move closed and hug her tightly. Putting both his hands on her back.

"Just promise me," he whispered softly into her ear, his voice trembling, "that you won't leave before I finish explaining everything."

Gon has asked her to leave many times, but that is because he's worried about life, and it's just words. In reality, in his heart, he doesn't want her to leave him.

Hearing Gon's seriousness gave Hana a bad feeling. "Just say it, Gon." 

Gon hesitated, his heart beating loudly in his chest. Filled with worry and fear. He took a deep breath, and then, after a few moments, the words escaped his mouth.

"I have another woman in my life besides you." 

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