
My Mrs Supermodel

Liam and Adrianna met because of a misunderstanding. Adrianna, an aloof supermodel donated her blood to Liam, an eligible bachelor and a billionaire. "Tell me what you want?" "What is it for?" "For saving me...I'll grant you anything..." "Keep it, I don't need anything..." "But I want to repay you. Just tell me, it wouldn't be that hard, right? What do you want? Hermes Birkin? Diamond? a yacht? I heard you love the ocean." "I just want you to stop bothering me and leave me alone!" "Oh, I got it." "Thank god!" she muttered. "I'll give myself to you..." WHAT???? Liam swears to protect Adrianna but whenever he's near her or hear her name, his stomach rumbles with unknown feeling. He loves teasing and annoying her. While Adrianna's heart is as deep as the ocean. She appears calm and unbothered but her heart flips every time Liam stare into her eyes. They were attracted to each other like how a moth attracted to the fire. the more they try to deny the feelings, the deeper they fall for each other.

Tc_Az · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 13: Press Conference I

"Hello, thank you for coming. Let's go straight to today's main agenda." Liam took a deep breath before he continued. "I am going to make a clarification about something that has been going around for quite a while, so I don't want any interruption until I finished."

The whole venue were in silence. Didn't dare to talk unless he said so.

"Today, I want today I want to make several clarification about a scandal" he revealed.

The media were in shocked and as well as the fans who were watching the live, they can't stop commenting in the comment section. They were still in the dark. What scandal? what did he mean when he said scandal?

Other than that, his employees, who were doing their work also took their time to watch the live streaming today. They also keep asking the same question among themselves.