
Are You Happy Now? (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

He stopped her hand in the mid-air before it reached Xu Weilai.

Zuo Si stared at the hand that stopped her, her gaze trailed the hand to Zuo An's face. She sneered as she pull her hand away from his. Then she landed another heavy blow.

The sound of a heavy slap echoed in the room.

However, this blow did not reach Xu Weilai's face. It landed on Zuo An's face instead.

Zuo Si used up all her strength to land this blow. Zuo An's face cocked to a side and his fair face reddened into a shape of a palm. However, he only grimaced.

"Have you had enough?" Zuo An looked at Zuo Si with no emotion, his words laced with sarcasm. "You got to admit defeat if you take a bet. You will look ugly if you get exasperated or show discomfit."

Zuo Si snorted

She retorted at Zuo An's words, "I would still show you admiration if you are not as despicable and not using your dirty tricks."