
My Mother is The Most Powerful Immortal!

A young man got reincarnated as the the only child of the most powerful Celestial Immortal in the most powerful upper realm among thousands of other realm Due to his mother whom also is a grand elder of the Infinity Dragon sect one of if not the most feared and respected sect in the "Dawn" upper realm his status in the sect is essentially a prince. Enjoying life of luxury and fame he thought nothing could go wrong! Until one day when his mother brought him to the lower region of the upper realm to look for a maid since apparently sometimes people with rare body will appear on the on this territories But when his mother forcefully took a random girl from a small village to be his maid suddenly a young man screamed at them "Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi! I will get her back!" When hearing this the young man suddenly realized that he is a villainous young master! "Shit! no wonder my status is so high turn out I am a villain young master and my mother is the last boss! but I refused to be stepping stone for those damned 'sons of luck'!" Come with me on this journey of the villainous young master to the path of supermacy while stepping on those so called sons of luck on his way! . . This is an original novel by me . . . . . . . This will be my first time writing a proper story so I apologize for spelling mistakes since English is my 2nd language

Rizomata · Eastern
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30 Chs

Ch.17 Visit Aunt Lan Xue?

Training field, Millions Flowers Peak, a month later.

Currently we can see Lan Xiao meditating in middle of the field, he has just finish his daily training consisted of mainly training his multiple unique physique such as his Divine Lightning Tribulation and Celestial Immortal Dragon physique.

He have made decent progress with all of his unique physique, specially his Lightning Tribulation physique.

Thanks to him absorbing a small part of fresh lightning tribulation from sister Ge'er when she ascended to Venerable Celestial, his Lightning Tribulation physique improve tremendously.

It's all thanks to these that he even manage to ascend all the way to 9th step of Core Formation in such a short time.

He is also training his Celestial Immortal Dragon body to increase both his defensive and offensive capabilities, with these he can easily fight people above his weight class.

Of course he is also properly training his Ice Flame phoenix.

The only two that he can't properly train yet is his Divine Celestial Yang physique and Primordial Flame Lotus physique.

For the Divine Celestial Yang physique, it does help him to speed up his cultivation speed whenever he meditates in the sun, plus he can also control energy of the sun, and he have trained it, the only part of this physique he haven't train is the dual cultivation part

His mother forbids him from engaging in any short of sexual activity till he is seventeen, he can touch all he want but he can't penetrate yet.

And for Primordial Flame Lotus physique, this one is slightly unique since it requires him to delves into alchemy which he is will do in the future, but for now he is putting it on the side, on the bright side this physique does increase his flame energy.

So he is quite satisfied for now, of course he is going to train more and even try to gain more physique from various places, while he can just ask his mother, where is the fun in that? plus it will hinder his growth if he keeps on asking his mother or elder sisters for everything.

Don't worry though, if he does encounter something WAY above his pay grade like let's say he a Core Formation realm cultivator suddenly encounter a Immortal saint or maybe even Immortal king or anything above that really, he is more than willing asking for help from either his elder sisters or his mother.

Call him coward all you want but atleast he is still alive to see the next day.


While busy meditating suddenly a voice call Lan Xiao out.

"Master, lady Lan Meigui is calling you to her room immediately"

He open his eye and stare at the person who call him.

It's Zi Zexian

After getting depressed for three day straight after her meeting with Lan Meigui, she seems to gain a new purpose to do and regain her light.

"This time I am going to train more, defeat you! and re-gain my glory!"

Is what she said.

So everytime she isn't serving him, she mostly spends her time training and honing her skill more so one day she can be freed from being Lan Xiao servant.

Standing up, he asked Zi Zexian a question

"Mother is calling? do you know what is it about?"

Zi Zexian shakes her head

"No, Lady Lan Meigui only ask me to call you to her room"

Hearing this Lan Xiao start walking toward his mother room with Zi Zexian following behind him.


"You are here"

The second he and Zi Zexian enter his mother room, he immediately heard her speak

He walks toward the front of her bed and sit in the ever present small chair.

Zi Zexian on the other hand sit in the floor behind him.

"So what is it mother" Lan Xiao asked

In her always toneless voice Lan Meigui answered

"We are going to visit your aunt in other word my elder sister in Lan empire"

Lan Xiao eye open in surprise.

He does know that his mother have two older sister.

Lan Xue and Lan Xiao'er

Unfortunately one of her elder sister Lan Xiao'er died when the empire was attacked when she was young.

His mother doesn't really speak much about it which he can understand why.

"We are going to visit aunt Lan Xue?"

Lan Meigui nodded

"Yes, 3 months from now, the sect will be doing it's once in a century sect entrance exam, and from what my sister said there are some good seed from the imperial family that might able to join the sect, now this usually doesn't warrant enough reason for me to personally go there, the reason reason for me going there is mainly to both visit my sister and introduce you to her"

Lan Xiao hearing this nodded in understanding, it's true that just because there might be some good young cultivator that have the potential to join the sect doesn't mean Lan Meigui herself have to go there to get them, even if it's from her family.

"You will also be joining the sect local entrance exam since while you might be my son you aren't yet an official member of the sect, of course once you join in you will be immediately be promoted to inner disciple, participating in the entrance exam is just a formality"

He once again nodded listening to his mother word.

It's true that while his mother is the Grand Elder of the sect, and the true sect master first and only disciple, he isn't yet an official member of the sect yet.

So for formality's sake, he need to participate in the sect entrance exam, which he honestly doesn't mind.

He is interested in knowing how the entrance exam is going to be held and this will also be a good place to make his true public debut.

While he have participate in the young generation conference of the sect, all the people who participate in there is part of the future upper echelons of the sect, and the news also spread slowly and even then only toward elders of the sect.

His appearance in the sect entrance will be his true public appearance.


Suddenly he wants to ask something from what his mother just said

"Wait what do you mean locally mother?"

Then to his and Zi Zeixan surprise his mother actually smile a bit when Lan Xiao ask this question, and if you look reaaaaally closely you would see a hint of pride in her smile

"What I mean by locally is recruiting disciples from this grand upper realm"

She then continues speaking

"Once every five thousands years the sect will held a recruitment exam where people across thousands of realm, from lower to the upper realm, numbering up to tens of millions even reaching hundreds of millions of participants will fight for a chance to join in the sect"

He open his eye in awe hearing this, he sometimes how powerful the Infinity Dragon sect is.

"Then when will the next multiple realm entrance exam is going to be held"

Lan Meigui answered

"The next one will be a century from now on",

He nodded after hearing this

'A century huh.... '

"You do not need to worry about that for now, now go prepare yourself, we will be going to Lan empire in an hour, Zi Zexian you will be coming too so go and prepare yourself"

Both Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian nodded and left the room to do some small preparations for the journey.

The Infinity Dragon sect is reaaally big like thiiiis big! like humongously big!


Btw do add it to your library if you enjoy this book~


And if you haven't do give five or four star reviews on the book too if you enjoy this book~


And gib stone ples, me want stone for playing more stone skipping at lakes~

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