
My Mother is The Most Powerful Immortal!

A young man got reincarnated as the the only child of the most powerful Celestial Immortal in the most powerful upper realm among thousands of other realm Due to his mother whom also is a grand elder of the Infinity Dragon sect one of if not the most feared and respected sect in the "Dawn" upper realm his status in the sect is essentially a prince. Enjoying life of luxury and fame he thought nothing could go wrong! Until one day when his mother brought him to the lower region of the upper realm to look for a maid since apparently sometimes people with rare body will appear on the on this territories But when his mother forcefully took a random girl from a small village to be his maid suddenly a young man screamed at them "Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi! I will get her back!" When hearing this the young man suddenly realized that he is a villainous young master! "Shit! no wonder my status is so high turn out I am a villain young master and my mother is the last boss! but I refused to be stepping stone for those damned 'sons of luck'!" Come with me on this journey of the villainous young master to the path of supermacy while stepping on those so called sons of luck on his way! . . This is an original novel by me . . . . . . . This will be my first time writing a proper story so I apologize for spelling mistakes since English is my 2nd language

Rizomata · Eastern
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30 Chs

Ch.16 Lan Meigui Destroy Zi Zexian

Couple of hours after the fight, Lan Meigui room

Here we can see once again, the usually sparse room of Lan Meigui is again crowded with more people than usual.

Mainly besides Lan Meigui herself, Lan Xiao, You Ge and the newly acquired maid Zi Zexian.

Lan Xiao is here to report the result of his first excursion outside the Millions Flowers Peaks.


Lan Xiao is sitting in the usual tiny stool that is placed in front of Lan Meigui bed.

He sometimes wonder if the stool have ever been move at all since it look like it's always at the same position.

You Ge can be seen leaning in the wall looking observing them with her ever present smile

Then there is Zi Zexian, the girl is kneeling with her head down, and although she is happy meeting with her idol, she wish it were in better circumstances.


"Is that so?" Lan Meigui said

She just finished listening to Lan Xiao report regarding the conference, although she already know everything that happen, she still wished to listen it from Lan Xiao himself.

"Yes mother"

Lan Meigui nodded at turn her eyes to Zi Zexian.

She of course know who Zi Zexian is, although her father is not as feared as he is, doesn't mean he isn't a powerful person in his own right. There are a good reason why he is being entrusted with becoming the sect master in one of the sect subsidiary sects.

And Zi Zexian who feel her stares even if her head is down can't help but shiver in fright, after all being stared at by a peak Celestial Emperor would fright anyone.

"Raise you head" Lan Meigui said with her usual toneless voice

Still shivering, Zi Zexian raised her head and look at Lan Meigui

And when she sees Lan Meigui up close for the first time, the first thing that cross her mind is


For Zi Zexian beautiful can't even begin to describe the beauty of Lan Meigui.

"So your are my son new maid?"

Zi Zexian hurriedly answer her Lan Meigui question.

"Yes my lady, I have accepted lord Lan Xiao term if I lose the battle, and since I have lost the fight, I am now his personal maid"

When Zi Zexian said this she is still incredibly unhappy for being turned into a maid, but what is she going to do? she admit she is can be impulsive sometimes but she isn't stupid enough to take back what she said in front of so many people's, plus the person she made bet against is Lan Meigui son

If she double down on her word, not only does it mean she is disrespect Lan Xiao and it also mean she is disrespecting Lan Meigui.

And that mean almost a certain death.

So for now, she can only swallow her pride and be a maid.

less she anger Lan Meigui and get impaled.

Doesn't mean she won't try to get out of the arrangement of course, somehow she will finds a way to ask her father to help her.

And once again Lan Meigui said this time her eyes narrow a bit

"Like a said you are his maid correct?"

hinting a slight displeasure in her tone, Zi Zexian immediately lower her head and respond

"Y-yes my lady! i am but a maid for lord Lan Xiao"

Still with slight displeasure in her tone, Lan Meigui said

"Look at me"

Zi Zexian, now feeling frightened by a hint of displeasure in Lan Meigui, again look up at Lan Meigui.

Lan Meigui said

"If you are indeed his maid, then why do you not call him master? why do you only call him lord? do you think he isn't a person worth serving huh?"

When saying this a small aura are released from Lan Meigui body and direct it at Zi Zexian, and only Zi Zexian

Hearing Lan Meigui word and feeling her suffocating aura she immediately disregard any of her pride and kowtow, her head banging at Lan Meigui floor.

"Hiiii! Forgive this useless servant for not seeing mount Tai! this servant promise she will choose her word more carefully, and this servant promise to serve Master Lan Xiao with all her being!"




There are silence in the room for couple of seconds before Zi Zexian once again hear Lan Meigui voice, this time the hint of displeasure in her voice gone.

"Kneel and look at me"

She slowly rise her body and once again kneel, and raise her head to look at Lan Meigui.

She look like as if nothing just happened, the small frown on her face disappear.

Lan Meigui then look at Lan Xiao

Honestly Lan Xiao is quite surprised by what just happened, this is his first time seeing Lan Meigui actually getting mad, he isn't afraid thought, because he know Lan Meigui would never harm him.

Lan Meigui then said

"Although she is prideful, she will be a great first servant for you, she is the child of a Celestial Emperor, she also have good aptitude"

She then continues

"Since she is now your servant you can do anything with her, if you wished to defile her you may do so, but wait till you are at least 17 before you do any short of sexual activity, and once you hit seventeen, even if you want to impregnate her you can do it, you have my permission, and do not be worried I'll talk with that Zi Kong"

When Lan Meigui said this, both Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian eyes open wide in surprise.

You Ge however only raised one of her eyebrows and think

'Huh....she really treasures little Xiao'er huh...., completely understandable, I too would do many thing for him' She smiles a bit thinking about the last bits.


Lan Xiao on the other hand is flabbergasted, he wasn't expecting this kind of conversation happening when he first enter this room today.

He then discreetly turn his eyes to Zi Zexian, Her snow white skin is very pleasing to the for the eyes, and although she is wearing a very closed robe it can't hide the bountiful chest hidden underneath, and the purple hair and golden eyes just add nice touch to her beauty.


After living in this world for more a decade now, he already accepted the difference in moral of this and his original world.

In this world, power pretty much mean everything.

In this world a measly Qi Refining could forcefully commit "Mortal" woman and people won't bat an eye.

Obviously there are rule meant to protect non cultivator but sometimes those rules are hard to enforces.

He, being the son of a peak Celestial Emperor mean he could do anything and there are very few people that can say "no"

Don't get him wrong he have no interest in becoming serial R who commit everything that is remotely feminine.

Doesn't mean he isn't interested in doing intercourse, oh no, he is very interested in doing it actually.

Being given green light by his mother to actually commit someone make him lament that need to wait for another seven damn year before he can get his lower half wet, sure seven years for cultivators is nothing due to cultivators long life span, but it's still seven years!

He is so going to screw her the second he hit seventeen regarding her personal opinion.

He shakes his head to clear his thought, for now instead of thinking with his lower half, he should focus on his cultivation instead, although he have shown his power in public, doesn't mean he is going to stop training and increasing his power, he wants to be stronger not only so he can be make his mother proud but also so people's would think thrice or more before crossing his path and so people can respect him.


Zi Zexian on the other hand is feeling very complicated, she is undeniably horrific and sad that her own chastity were so easily thrown around like that, but unfortunately there is nothing she could do now.

She already promises to serve Lan Xiao right in front of Lan Meigui, the second she takes her word she would either be killed instantly and have her soul destroyed, or have her mind wipe out and truly become a mindless servant that will obey her master.

Her father? She know there are nothing her father can do, he might be a core elder and a 2nd step Celestial Emperors, and also have quite a lot of power in the sect, but it's nothing compared to Lan Meigui

Contrary to what some people's might think, Lan Meigui actually have numerous supporters in sects whether it's inner or core elder, and a lot of them are within the sect enforcer and security division.

Plus she is the true sect master first and only disciple.

She is trapped

And unseen to anyone except Lan Meigui who didn't really care much

A lone almost impossible to see tear fall from her eye.

100k view~ niiice

For legal reasons, I do not condone or approve forceful sexual assaults or relationship at all, those kind of stuff shouldn't be done in real life, don't do it y'all, it ain't legal.


Anyway don't worry Zi Zexian still have some fight in her. she got clapped tho


Lan Meigui is true neutral to anyone but her son, disciples, sisters and master


Anyway do add it to your library if you enjoy this novel~


Gib stone ples, monke want to stack more rocks for meditation ~(*^*)~

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