
Mary clenched her fists and went back to her room to wash her face to wake herself up. 

When she looked up at herself in the mirror, her face was filled with endless disappointment and... loneliness. 

Mary tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep. 

It was not until two o'clock in the morning, when Mary heard the door open, she immediately sat up from the bed. 

When she reached the door and opened a crack, Mary saw Monroe enter the door quietly. 

"You're back," she said coldly 

Monroe paused and replied calmly, "Yes!" 

Then he walked to his room. 

Mary came out of the room and came to Monroe's door. 

Monroe closed the curtains and turned his back to the door. He was about to take off his black shirt. 

Maybe he didn't expect Mary to follow him, so he didn't close the door. 

Just as Mary was about to step in, Monroe suddenly turned around and stopped her. "Don't come over!"