
Chapter 7 Mysterious Phone Call

Translator: 549690339


Wang Jie didn't say anything this time; he turned his head quickly and left.

Although he really wanted to watch Li Sushan take a bath, one must be content to be happy and not be too greedy. It would be counter-productive to anger Li Sushan at such a critical moment.

Wang Jie sat on the sofa.

Even though he was waiting for Li Sushan to finish her bath and looking forward to what would follow, for some reason he was still a bit nervous. Despite the passion and seduction that Li Sushan had just shown, Wang Jie found it unbearable!

He craned his neck to look at the bathroom, anxiously watching the clock on the wall, feeling as if time was dragging on endlessly.

Suddenly, a ringtone seemed to come from the bedroom.

He got up, went to the bedroom, and got Li Sushan's phone.

The screen showed an incoming call labeled "Song Kaijiang (Love)".

Who was Song Kaijiang?

And why was there a word "Love" after it?

Wang Jie didn't think much of it; he took the phone to the bathroom door and tapped lightly, "Auntie Shan, you have a call."


The door opened.

Through the mist, Li Sushan's white body was fully exposed, her wet hair dripping with water droplets, each drop falling down in the silence of the environment, strikingly touching the heart. In the fog's embellishment, her entire being seemed ethereal and transcendent, like a fairy descending from heaven, extremely alluring!

This was the first time Li Sushan had presented herself to Wang Jie without a single thread on.

Wang Jie stared intently at the two big "white rabbits" that seemed ready to fall off Li Sushan's chest. His hands involuntarily wanted to reach out and support them. As drops of water trickled down over her "cherries", it induced a reaction in Wang Jie's body, and he involuntarily took a step forward.

"What are you daydreaming about, you silly boy? Give me the phone," she said.

Awakened by Li Sushan's bell-like voice, Wang Jie finally came to his senses!

When Li Sushan saw the remark on the phone, she turned pale with shock and hurriedly closed the door.

Wang Jie returned to the TV stand, while from the bathroom came Li Sushan's voice, arguing forcefully. It seemed she was having a fierce argument with the man on the phone.


Five minutes later, a loud noise suddenly came from the bathroom!

Wang Jie's heart skipped a beat, and he rushed into the bathroom!

He saw Li Sushan curled up on the floor, her beautiful eyes closed, the phone still lit on the floor beside her.

"Auntie Shan, are you alright? Wake up," Wang Jie said as he shook Li Sushan's fragrant shoulders, but there was no response, which scared him!

Although he hadn't heard the specifics of Li Sushan's conversation on the phone, if he wasn't mistaken, her fainting must have something to do with that phone call.

Wang Jie slowly squatted down and carefully hoisted Li Sushan onto his shoulder, gently walking her out.

A few minutes later.

Li Sushan's beautiful eyes fluttered open.

"What happened to me? Wasn't I taking a bath? How come I'm in the room?" In her panic, Li Sushan covered her body with the quilt and looked at Wang Jie tentatively, "Is that you, Xiao Jie?"

Wang Jie replied somewhat speechlessly, "Just now you fainted, Auntie Shan. I carried you back here. Who else could it be but you walking back on your own?"

Li Sushan took a deep breath, seemingly torn between laughter and tears.

Although she had indeed been frightened just now, thankfully it had been a close call without any real harm.

"Shall we continue?" Li Sushan said, taking a deep breath as if she were ready.

"Of course."

Wang Jie licked his lips. Once he confirmed that Li Sushan was alright, he pounced on her like a beast!

The previously tidy sheets of the soft bed now became a chaotic mess!

He forcefully kissed Li Sushan on her soft, gummy-like lips.

At that moment, he had lost all reason, governed only by the most primal human instincts!
