
My Mischievous CEO

Growing up, Lucy had always got what she wanted. As the most pretty girl in the campus and also the daughter of one of the richest families in the city, her life was the envy of others. However, Lucy felt that she wanted more to being a Princess. Being watched all the time with so many securities around her, she was in for a change, to live like any other normal girl and explore life to it's fullest. When she got entangled with the mysterious CEO, Lucy felt that her dreams were finally going to come true, not knowing that the path she was about to take was filled with so many twists and decisions that would also lead her to turning away from everyone as she found herself gradually falling for him.

Ilovefantasy6 · Urban
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12 Chs

His Help I

His nose caught a stench of alcohol and he frowned. "You drank wine–"

"Not your business." She cut him off and he chuckled.

When he glanced sideways, she was pouting her lips and had both hands crossed against her chest. His gaze lingered on her side profile, studying every of her expression.

Her cheeks were flushed, an effect from the alcohol, her rosy lips still purses tightly together. And even as her large round eyes were haze and opening, then closing in the next second it only added to her breathtaking beauty.

He turned his attention back to the road and muttered under his breath, "So... pretty–"

"Shut up!" Lucy's ears caught his words and she cut him off with a hard glare.

Her heart was still seething in rage as she tried so hard to keep out her emotions that were about to flare up.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He suddenly said. "You even blocked my contact, no girl had ever done that before... And after that time, it's as if you've vanished, didn't you mention that you'd wanted more fun"

As each of his words entered her ears Lucy's shield on her emotion was drastically shrinking. Maybe due to the alcohol or her will in not controlling it anymore, her eyes tinged and her anger finally erupted.

"It's all your fault!" She shrieked.

Greg almost pressed the brakes at her sudden outburst. The grin on his face was instantly wiped off, replaced by deep seated brows that settled into a hard frown.

"It's... all because... of you." She continued, her voice breaking into tiny sobs and in the next second tears started pouring down her face.

"You didn't bat an eye before telling the reporters that we were together! ... Because of that..." She pointed a trembling finger at him. "Because of that, I had to go through a stupid process! Then they confined me at home for eight months, and now..."

She stopped speaking and cried for a very long time...

Greg was flabbergasted as her cries filled the whole car. He was completely taken by surprise at her sudden twist in emotion. Was she building it up all along?

Just as he thought she was not going to stop. Her cried subsided and she looked up at him with now swollen eyes.

"And now, they want to marry me off to some strange guy... Th... Thanks to you, my life is ruined... I will never taste the freedom I so much yearn my whole life... Are you happy now?"

Her voice had now softened and she sniffed back more tears.

"I'm only twenty three, I still have so many things I want to do. I also want to fall in love... It's not my fault that guys scurry after me... Is it a sin to be pretty?"

Greg shook his head at the girl as his lips formed into a smile. "It's not a sin, Princess... But your beauty can make any guy commits sins, even those he never thought existed."

"George!" Lucy clenched her fists hard to control them from flying across the guy's face.

"It's Greg..." He corrected and gave her a fleeting glance before turning his head back to the road. "So you think it's my fault."

"Obviously." She pouted. "I shouldn't have trusted you" she took out a hanky from her bag and started dabbing her tears. "It's my greatest regret."

Greg looked at her for a long time, and pinched the space between is brows. "I hate being someone's regret," he muttered lazily, more to himself. He could see that the girl was helpless and should he add hopeless. Well, he couldn't be bothered to clear his name at that time, as scandals were not an issue to him, and he wasn't afraid of any.

He had taken risks more than that and had came out of it all unscathed. And no one would dare endanger themselves to try taint his name. He was just paving way for the reporters to make some money.

Who would have thought that an innocent kitty would get hurt in the end.

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to take responsibility," he muttered finally with a sigh.

"Huh?" Lucy stared at him with a frown. "What do you mean? How are you going to take responsibility?"

"Well... I have my ways."

Her eyes narrowed at him and she gave him a pointed look. After some seconds she turned away from him. "I don't need your help, you might just land me in bigger trouble," she mumbled with folded hands.

"Alright... suit yourself." Greg shrugged and danced his fingers on the steering wheel. "It's a pity that we might not see each other anymore... Little bride."

Lucy craved so much to wipe that grin off his face. What was the use speaking to him? She covered her mouth to suppress a yawn when her gaze darted again to the road.

"W... Where are you taking us?" She turned to him with a gasp.

"What?... You want to go home at this time." He gave her a sideways glance and chuckled. "I'm sure they already knew that you escaped... Oh, and your Big Brother might be searching for you already."

Lucy bit the insides of her lips and shifted on the chair. This stupid guy might be right. But her Big Brother was on a business trip. Still, everyone might have already known that she'd left the house.

Looking down at her wristwatch, it was way past midnight. She breathed out another sigh and said, "Just take me to Gina's place."

"You won't find her at home." Greg replied and she groaned, hoping the other evil twin would not cause her any harm. She laid her head on the seat's headrest and closed her eyes.

"Take me to the nearest hotel then..." She mumbled dizzily as the drowsiness overtook her once more. She didn't even have the energy to open her mouth, and confirm if he had heard what she said.