
My MILF Teacher is too cautious

Imagine a world where two souls, one male, and the other female, were reincarnated, but in vastly different forms from their previous lives. The male soul, once a fearless and valiant hero, has been reborn as a pitiful, unattractive villainous character, struggling with his newfound weakness and physical appearance. However, his heart remains as courageous as ever, and he becomes a student of the female reincarnation, seeking to improve himself and prove that he is more than his exterior. On the other hand, the female soul, once carefree and reckless, now finds herself in the form of a stunning, powerful MILF with abilities beyond her wildest dreams. Despite her incredible powers, she remains overly cautious and hesitant, fearing the consequences of her actions. She takes on the role of the protagonist's teacher, hoping to guide him toward a brighter future while also learning to overcome her fears and limitations. Together, these two unlikely characters embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, each struggling to find their place in this new world while navigating the challenges and dangers that come their way. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and personalities, they learn to work together and support one another, forging a bond that will help them overcome any obstacle in their path. Harem: It is very much a harem story with some dark elements in this story.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Two individuals: Nisa Story

Nisa's story from her perspective:

Greetings! My name is Nisa and I am filled with joy and gratitude to be enrolled in the most prestigious educational institution in our beloved country. With this wonderful opportunity, I am determined to strive for excellence and devote my efforts to accomplishing my academic goals. I am thrilled to embark on this exciting journey toward knowledge and personal growth, and I am eager to take advantage of every learning opportunity that comes my way. By staying focused, dedicated, and disciplined, I am confident that I will be able to live my life exactly as I envision it to be.

I used to think I was cut out for anything, but everything changed when I stepped foot into this prestigious school. It was clear that most of the students who had enrolled were wealthy, and I felt like a fish out of water. Determined to fit in, I began doing everything I could to become one of the rich kids. I even started living with them, which completely altered the trajectory of my life. Suddenly, the goals I had previously held dear seemed unimportant, and I began living my life carefree, without a care in the world. However, looking back, I can't help but wonder if it was all worth it.

Despite facing difficult circumstances, I was able to persevere and obtain a passing grade on my school examination, which ultimately led to my being awarded a college scholarship. As the news of my academic achievement reached my parents, they suddenly became interested in my life and finally recognized that they had a daughter who was still alive. Although I held onto grudges against my parents for abandoning me, I found solace in the fact that my uncle and aunt had been taking care of me since then. Their kindness and support have been invaluable to me, and I am grateful for their presence in my life. I couldn't care less about the opinions of others and instead chose to live my life to the fullest, embracing freedom at every turn. It was at the graduation party that fate intervened and I found myself sharing an intimate experience with one of the most affluent men on campus. It wasn't just a fleeting encounter; rather, it felt like a profound connection. Little did I know, that one night would go on to have a major impact on my life.

After embarking on my job search, fate intervened as I discovered that I was pregnant with a child. Feeling uncertain about my future, I reached out to the wealthy person responsible for my pregnancy. To my surprise, he didn't demand an abortion but instead offered to marry me and start a new life together. The thought of a brighter future filled me with hope and without hesitation, I said "Yes". However, little did I know that he was already bound by a marriage contract to a rich woman. This union was shattered by my presence, but instead of seeking revenge, the woman had other plans.

On the day of the marriage, the rich woman arrived with a DNA report in hand, ready to drop a bombshell revelation. As the guests eagerly anticipated her next move, she boldly declared that the child was not fathered by the wealthy man, but rather by another individual altogether. Shock and disbelief permeated the room as all eyes turned to the accused. To everyone's horror, it was none other than the man whom Nisa had once considered his closest friend. Before anyone could fully process this revelation, the enraged groom lashed out in a violent rage, brutally attacking Nisa while shouting degrading insults. "You lowlife, you deserve to die!" he screamed, his anger and humiliation boiling over.

After being escorted out of the hall by security, I found myself lying injured and helpless in front of the entrance. Despite my attempts to move, the pain was unbearable and I feared for the safety of the baby growing inside me. As I struggled to make sense of the situation, a group of men appeared and whisked me away to a waiting car. I cried out for help, but my pleas went unanswered. They took me to a dimly lit warehouse where they abandoned me for an entire week. During that time, I suffered from thirst and hunger, with no one coming to my aid. The experience left me feeling vulnerable, alone, and utterly hopeless.

On a seemingly ordinary day, the door of the rundown warehouse creaked open, and to my utter surprise, two individuals entered. Upon closer inspection, I realized that they were none other than a wealthy woman and a man. Attempting to communicate with the well-to-do man, I stammered, "H... I, th...is ki...d." However, my words were abruptly halted by the wealthy woman's intervention. "You want to say that this kid inside you is him, right?" she remarked. After a moment of ominous silence, she continued, "He already knows that. Now, we've come to send you to hell."

Countless queries are buzzing around in my mind, yet I'm lacking the strength to articulate them. Suddenly, a woman pulls out a lethal weapon, poised to end my life. However, before she can pull the trigger, a man intervenes and proclaims, "I want to be the one to end her life." Seizing the firearm from the woman, he aims at me and fires, extinguishing my existence. Despite the cacophony of thoughts in my head, at that moment, only silence prevails.

As I take a moment to reflect, I feel the essence of my very being coming to life. It's as though my soul is emerging from within me, eager for an answer to the question that plagues my thoughts: "Perhaps I was too cautious with my life, maybe things would have turned out differently." The weight of this uncertainty is heavy upon me, and I cannot help but wonder what might have been if I had taken fewer risks or pursued different paths. With these more questions, my life ends here.

- To be continued