
My MILF Teacher is too cautious

Imagine a world where two souls, one male, and the other female, were reincarnated, but in vastly different forms from their previous lives. The male soul, once a fearless and valiant hero, has been reborn as a pitiful, unattractive villainous character, struggling with his newfound weakness and physical appearance. However, his heart remains as courageous as ever, and he becomes a student of the female reincarnation, seeking to improve himself and prove that he is more than his exterior. On the other hand, the female soul, once carefree and reckless, now finds herself in the form of a stunning, powerful MILF with abilities beyond her wildest dreams. Despite her incredible powers, she remains overly cautious and hesitant, fearing the consequences of her actions. She takes on the role of the protagonist's teacher, hoping to guide him toward a brighter future while also learning to overcome her fears and limitations. Together, these two unlikely characters embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, each struggling to find their place in this new world while navigating the challenges and dangers that come their way. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and personalities, they learn to work together and support one another, forging a bond that will help them overcome any obstacle in their path. Harem: It is very much a harem story with some dark elements in this story.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Two individuals New beginning: Harry's story

The scene was truly tragic as the young man mercilessly hurled insults at the innocent fat child. "How dare you think you are the young master of this 'Calf' family, you fatty?" he spat out, his words laced with venom and hatred. The poor child tried to defend himself, saying "Fuck you, I will kill you", but his words only seemed to fuel the young man's rage. In an act of pure brutality, the young man delivered a savage beating to the helpless child, leaving him barely conscious.

As the fat child tried to gather himself, the young man channeled all his mana into his right leg and delivered a bone-crunching kick that sent the child flying through the air. The impact was so severe that the child lost consciousness on impact, lying motionless on the ground. The cruelty of the young man was truly shocking, and it was clear that he had no regard for the life of the child.

As the child struggled to hold on to consciousness, a new awareness slowly began to take hold of his mind, causing excruciating pain to surge through his body. In a sudden burst of realization, he was shocked to find himself in an entirely different atmosphere. "Wait, didn't I just recently have my mana veins broken by a dark mage? Why are my arms so much bigger now, and why am I not in my child's body?" With growing horror, the new consciousness began to grasp the full extent of the situation, realizing that the body he now inhabited was not his own and that the bones within it had been broken beyond repair.

As he struggled to come to terms with his new reality, the young man responsible for his current predicament slowly approached a sneer on his face. With a mocking tone, he hissed, "Oh, so you're still awake, are you? Well, listen up, you little brat. You may have been born to a concubine, but that doesn't make you a young master. You are nothing but a lowly servant, and you will behave as such."

The young man viciously kicked the defenseless, fat boy and sauntered out of the room, leaving the poor boy to struggle in the darkness. Blood and cracks covered the walls, and the pungent stench of death filled the air. The fat boy, still reeling from the attack, suddenly new consciousness, flooded with memories, causing him immense pain.

His name is Harry. He was the oldest Child of the 'Calf' family's head, but his mother was just a concubine, so he was never made the young master. To make matters worse, his position within the family worsened when his mother was killed by one of her trusted maids, and he was born with no mana veins.

He became the punching bag for his younger brother, the son of the main wife of the 'Calf' family's head. The fat boy suffered unspeakable abuse at the hands of his flesh and blood, with no one to turn to for help. His bruises and wounds were a constant reminder of his place in the world - a mere servant, with no power or influence.

As the pain in his head grew stronger, the fat boy realized that his life was not his own. He was a victim of circumstances beyond his control, a pawn in a cruel game played by those in power. The blood and cracks on the walls were a physical manifestation of the brokenness within him.

With a heavy heart, the fat boy closed his eyes, knowing that his fate was sealed. He was just another casualty of a ruthless world, forgotten by those who should have protected him.

As the memory floods his consciousness, he realizes with a jolt that this body was the same one from that fateful day just the time is pass. But his recollection is hazy, blotted out by the sheer trauma of the event. The details of the black mage assassins and the brave woman who sacrificed herself to save him are lost in the mists of time. As he strives to piece together the fragments of his memory, his confusion deepens and the pain that had been nagging him all along intensifies into a searing agony. Despite the excruciating discomfort, he tries to stand up, only to discover that every bone in his body is shattered beyond repair. With each futile effort, the pain mounts, sending shockwaves through his body.

Amid his torment, a woman enters the room, her figure illuminated by the feeble light filtering through the darkness. As the chubby boy struggles to focus his bleary gaze, he is struck by a sudden realization. Could this woman, with her uncanny resemblance to the valiant savior who had laid down her life to protect him, be the very same person? The thought sends shivers down his spine, and he feels a sense of both relief and grief wash over him.

As he stood there, a flood of memories rushed into his mind, assaulting him with the cruel reality of his past. He vividly recalled the moment when he had mercilessly beaten that helpless woman, hurling profanities at her as if she were the source of all his woes. "You fucking bitch, your mother took my mom's life!" he had screamed, blinded by his own rage. But now, as the memories washed over him, he could see the truth clearly: he had taken out his frustrations on her because he himself was tormented by his younger brother's constant abuse.

With each memory that resurfaced, he was consumed by a sense of shame and guilt that seemed to suffocate him. This woman, the one he had treated so brutally, was the daughter of his savior. How could he have done this to her, the very person who owed him nothing but gratitude and respect? And yet, there she was, still by his side, despite all the torture he had inflicted upon her.

"This woman's name is Maya."

- To be continued