
Remembering the past of First princess (Part-2)

The first princess enters a palace, only to find out that the king and queen are not present in the capital but are out on the battlefield. The princess begins walking around the palace, exploring her surroundings and eventually finds herself in the palace garden. However, her peaceful exploration is interrupted when she suddenly hears loud sounds. The sound is a voice, and it's angry and aggressive, saying, "You piece of trash! How dare you roam around the royal palace!" The voice startles the princess, and she realizes that someone else is in the palace with her. She cautiously makes her way toward the source of the sound, trying to stay out of sight while figuring out what is happening.

As she followed the source of the noise, she came across a group of royal individuals who were relentlessly bullying a commoner. However, before she could confront them, one of the royals began to draw his sword and moved toward Alex with aggressive intent. Without hesitation, she began to recite an incantation in a commanding tone,

"Oh, great Goddess of the wind, please hear my prayer and grant me your power."

Suddenly, a gust of wind began to swirl around them, and the person with the sword was immediately blown away.

The incident left Alex's feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, she was glad that she could use her magical abilities to protect herself and others. However, on the other hand, the encounter reminded her of why she despised the concept of royalty. She believed that the privileged lifestyle that came with being royal often led to ignorance and a lack of culture, which could lead to abusive behavior towards those deemed lesser than them.

"Wait a minute! Could it be possible that Julia has started to bully people after my absence?" The first princess was concerned and wondered if Julia had changed her behavior toward others.

In a fit of anger, the speaker shouted out Julia's name.

Hearing the first princess's outburst, a group of people who seemed to be part of royalty quickly dispersed and ran away from the scene. However, the first princess approached the injured person and offered her sincere apologies.

The speaker's concern for Julia's behavior and the sudden outburst of anger towards her name highlight a possible history of bullying or mistreatment. The swift response of the first princess to offer an apology demonstrates the importance of accountability and taking responsibility for one's actions.

In young Alex's mind, he was excited to meet Maya, the first princess. He had heard of her reputation and was eager to see her in person.

As she approached him, she greeted him formally before surprising him with a warm hug. "Don't be afraid," she said, "your big sister is here to protect you." Alex was relieved and grateful for her kind words. From that moment on, Maya became his mentor and guide.

As time passed, Alex spent most of his time with Maya. Julia, who had previously bullied him, avoided him whenever possible. Maya trained Alex in physical, magical, and mental abilities. He was talented, but to avoid revealing his powers too soon, he sealed his mana. Maya and Alex also went on walks and ate lunch together, and he found himself developing romantic feelings toward her. However, he knew that for her, he was just a young boy who had lost his parents, and she was taking care of him out of kindness.

One day, Alex asked Maya why she was helping him so much, and she revealed that it was because of his father. This news shocked Alex, and he became more determined to learn from Maya and become powerful as his father had been. He even planned to propose to Maya, but before he could, he was summoned by the king, who had recently returned.

- To be continued

(I know I just rushed it but for now, we got to where we left off in chapter 1 but still, we get one last extra chapter, and with that, we end the prologue.)

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