
Heart break and secrets

Even though Misha and I lived so far apart, our friendship grew and grew. My mom had taken my siblings and I out of school, and started homeschooling us. My brother, Bentley, had no issues making friends, where as I did… a lot of my older friends didn't talk to me much, but to the ones that stick around, I'm grateful for you. Misha is one of these few.

One night as I was talking to Misha, he told me that he had a crush on me back in 8th grade. He didn't want to ruin our friendship by making it known. The one time I did realize my crush on him in 9th grade, I thought he was dating a friend of ours, and I didn't want to embarrass myself by asking about it. I tried to get over it by finding someone else I could pretend to like until I didn't fake it anymore. That was my worst downfall.

We continued to talk, and share our secrets, as best friends do. The only thing I didn't know, at the time, was he still liked me from that 8th grade year, and my crush was slowly coming back.

After a couple months, I realized my feelings had returned, and I immediately told my friend Melanie. After a bit, my sister, Kathy had been roped into it. They tried so hard to get us together, only to find out that he was with someone else.