
Meditation #1

I don't want to tell my real name on here as I don't want any information on me being leaked out or anything like that and also because of other reasons that I'll get into later on in our journey.

I've been meditating for only about 2 days down and I can feel a big difference from me 2 days ago. I can honestly say I'm way more positive now and I have little to no negative thoughts any longer, my mind is clear and I'm more motivated than ever. I haven't watched porn since I started meditating and even though it may seem silly to say that but I can assure you that it really makes a difference in my life and I've also slowed down on how much time I play the video game.

I played the game today but before today I hadn't touched it for 2 days and I plan to make that much longer. Before I used to get extremely mad and slam my controller when I would simply lose just one game but I've come to a point where I can now control this anger and instead use it as energy to devote myself to doing something, whether it be taking out the trash or washing dishes I use it as my motivation to get up in the morning and do something.

I know I said that I wouldn't reveal any information about myself but I wanted to say that I'm 15 just for some of those who're curious.

The first day I woke up and immediately listened to some positive energy vibrations/frequency in order to start my day off right, I came to realize that even with a simple 10 minutes I could experience wonderful things and for some reason when I was done meditating I felt happy. I didn't know what I was happy for but I knew that I felt different, my mind was clear and I didn't experience negative thoughts. I never experienced depression or anything like that but I did have lots of anger and was definitely lazy, I did a lot of thinking and meditation that day as well as doing research and not just on things about the third eye. I learned about chakras, our higher selves, and some of the truth of this world, also I would like to clarify that chakras are real, they aren't fictional just because they appear in animated shows like naruto or the last air bender, etc.

Later on that night I came across this show called " The Good Place" and the whole point of the story was that a woman named Eleanor died, was reborn into what would be called heaven but is referred to as the "good place" but somehow they got all her information mixed up and really she's supposed to be in hell or the "Bad Place". Anyway, where I'm going with this is, I began to notice them talk about things that I researched and heard others who have more experience in meditation than me and I began to realize that what I was doing was putting me on the right path towards my true goal. The true goal was self-enlightenment, and if you really go deep into your mind you begin to realize that this vessel that we call our body isn't really our body and I realized that, this realm or " world" that we call isn't under our control and nor is it the world that we think it is. Everything around us, the media, tv, video games, is meant to distract us; we are in a matrix a pyramid scheme or slavery whatever you choose to call it. All these things are used to send us negative energy, think of it like this; if you see someone died today on Instagram or Twitter, etc then what would you feel? Probably sad or mad right, they're using these negative energies to prevent us from becoming one with our higher selves keeping us under their control. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

I'm not asking for you guys to believe me, but do your own research and meditation and you'll realize what I'm saying is the truth. I'm not doing this for fame or money or anything TRUST ME I want to help y'all and free us from this endless cycle of torment. Ima give you a question that I heard yesterday that really had me questioning things and I want to know if one if you can answer it..

On the US dollar, you're able to see a pyramid and an eye correct, If the pyramids are in Africa then why're they on the US dollar?

The answer is somewhere within this whole chapter.