
My Medical Romance

Daena Song, a dedicated 27-year-old doctor, sees her life change drastically after the loss of her fiancé in a mysterious accident. Determined to find those responsible and fulfill the dreams shared with her beloved, Daena joins the "W" hospital, a place scarred by its dark past and the questionable decisions of four businessmen: Colette, Chris, Han and Taylor. Immersed in the pursuit of justice, Daena challenges the rules surrounding the hospital and faces threats from powerful corporations. Her tenacity catches the attention of Taylor Wallen, the hospital's owner and head surgeon, and Chris Morgan, her enigmatic bodyguard. Together, they form a team ready to unravel the secrets of the past, especially the striking physical resemblance between Taylor and the deceased loved one. As the investigation progresses, the hospital becomes a scene of mystery, betrayal and shocking revelations. Daena uncovers not only the truth behind the accident, but also the web of complicated relationships among the hospital's leaders. Amid unexpected twists and turns and latent dangers, true friendships, unexpected allies and, perhaps, love are born. Will Dr. Song succeed in uncovering the truth and redeeming those scarred by her past, or will she succumb to the darkness that surrounds her?

White_Witch_6547 · Teen
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001-One little word: Everything

If I could turn back time, I would take the opportunity to go back to that little wooden house in Washington and give a kiss on the forehead to that innocent girl who was about to enter the darkest time of her life. I would not stop her, nor would I help her, I would just give her a kiss full of strength and my best wishes.


After a long rain, it was common for leaks to sneak into my room, I usually had a blue bucket that would collect water all night and in the morning it would be sprayed in the garden by my sister Rachel. That night I hadn't put the bucket in and hadn't been able to sleep a wink because of the booming sound of the drops falling on the carpet. 

My cell phone vibrated.


From my bedroom door came my younger sister Lia, who as usual got tangled in the pink sheets of my bed and jumped into my lap making me writhe in pain. In the kitchen was our older sister Rachel cooking, who, not seeing any sign of life coming from that room, walked in like an angry mother and shouted that a certain person had been waiting outside the house for half an hour.

I stood up like lightning pushing Lia aside and peeked an eye out the window, no doubt it was him.


Demian was a person who to me meant one little word: "everything".

It didn't take me long to get dressed up since other than the semi-prepared wardrobe I planned a day before every day, I didn't wear much makeup.

I just tied my short hair in 2 ponytails, fixed my bangs with the blow dryer and put on a black dress with white balls and sleeveless. It was a tragedy since I would have to cover it up with that long white gown, but I still wanted Demian to look at me in it on the way to work. The day was off to a hectic start, it was 7:00 and I was still in my room; pacing back and forth thinking about what other accessory to put on so I would look prettier for him.

Lia came back into my room asking what time I was planning to go out.

I had forgotten again that on Mondays the medical center started its service earlier than usual, so I just put on a necklace with a kitten charm and ran out the door.

-Won't you eat anything? - my sister asked.

-I'm sorry I'll be late, but I promise to eat something at the hospital.

-Take care of yourself! - Lia shouted.

I nodded and when I opened the door he was there, as cute as the day I met him. He smiled from ear to ear when he saw me and he was watching me from head to toe for a moment, I felt my chubby cheeks filling up with all the blood in my body, and suddenly a notification came on his phone which took us out of that cloud of looks and blushes.

-You don't know how much I love that dress.

-I do, that's why I wear it every chance I get," I said, turning around.

-Can we go now, are you ready Bunny? - Demian took my hand and smiled.

-Of course, ready for another day in hell," I raised my hands and headed for my bike, fully pumped to waste another eight hours of my life at a job I hated.