
The Beginning

-Lillianna's pov-

"aaaaah " that was me screaming

hello everyone, Im Crown Princess Lillianna Rosabella Helio of the The Magical Planet ' The Crystal Planet ' I'm Five and My twin sister is Princess Roxanna Cloeclutter Helio and my little Brother Prince Regaleon George Helio who is currently three

Back to the story , I was screaming due to the fact I saw three dangerous looking wizards , I was so shocked I almost had a heart attack

"aaaaahhhh , help who are you "

" hahahahaha, scream all you want little girl no one is going to hear you " the one who looked like the leader named Deayon said

"who are you calling little" I shouted , I'm normally not scared I only pretended to be scared cause I snuck out of the palace , if I should get angry My parents and the guards would find out I left and I'd be in serious trouble . After that I don't know what happened but I suddenly blacked out . when I opened my eyes I was surprised and scared to find myself back inside my room on ' earth' I jumped out of bed but I guess that was a bad move because I fell flat on the floor and I couldn't feel my legs , I got terrified at the thought that I could be crippled, in my shocked state I didn't realize my mum entered my room and helped me get up , that when I realized I looked older than I was " She's Awake Lilly's woken up , She's Awake" my mum shouted jolting me back to reality as I spotted a calendar in my room and realised it was my birthday, but the most shocking part was that I had been asleep for twelve years , I was so shocked I lost my grip on my mum and slumped back to the floor , then I remember ,. I was poisoned , and because my body is immune to all kinds of poison ; dangerous and neutral , the wizard used a very powerful soul tormenting poison on me , taking my body years to heal . My Parents explained everything we celebrated my birthday, I was happy that my family was still ok while I was asleep, but now the wizards have taken over the throne and since they think I'm dead , they think no one will take the throne back , but however they are still after my family because they think my family Is a threat to them

after a few weeks , I was enrolled in my siblings school , since I'm naturally smart I don't need to retake my old classes .My Surname is no longer Helio so to avoid suspension, we use Bourgeois on earth I love the school but did I mention I literally hate boys , but there is this particular boy , I can't stand him , and looks like he doesn't stand me too and I don't give a f*ck