
My mate is my sisters boyfriend

I've always known that I was a werewolf. I've grown up in a werewolf household, surrounded by a pack, an extremely large and powerful pack. I'm 17 and I don't usually go to boring pack meetings. I enjoy the occasional Friday night party and chilling with my friends. My family isn't top ranking and we're never 'expected' to attend any important meetings. That's why I've never gotten the chance to meet our new alpha. All I know is that his name is Alpha Kyle and he’s one of the most powerful alphas out there. Oh and that he's dating my sister. So I'll meet him soon enough.

TB1999 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 2- Shopping

The rest of the day went by super fast and before I knew it, it was the end of the day and Nora and I were chilling in the car park making plans for my birthday on Friday. Sadly before that I had to do my time in detention, lucky Nora had swimming practive so we ended at similar times.

"Okay so who are we inviting?" she said making hand gestures. Nora was the more social one between the two of us. Which was saying a lot.

"I don't know, obviously everyone in our group? Maybe some other pack members?" I said putting my hand on my forehead, "My mom will kill me if she finds out." I was already in trouble for being late this morning. If we wreck the house I'm going to be grounded for life.

"Seriously, your house is fucking huge. We can invite a bit more people." She said spreading out her arms to show me how big it was.

"That's not the point. If we invite everyone then the whole house will be packed. What if people get out of hand and vomit everywhere? Or what happens if someone breaks something?" I said, "you know my mom, she is a crazy person." I gave her a straight face.

"Nothing like that is going to happen. And if it does then we'll sort it out when it happens." She just chuckled and pushed me, "your mom really isn't as crazy as you say she is. Besides your dad and mom aren't even going to be here on Friday." she said jumping up and down.

"Would you just calm down," I said while laughing, "you're more excited for my birthday than I am."

"I'm just excited for you. It also gives us an excuse to party. You can meet boys, and maybe even your mate. That would be so amazing, then you could double date with Zack and I." She was already planning it all in her head, I could see the wheels turning.

"That's true, it will be fun. I'm not putting too much pressure on the whole mate thing though. If I find him then that's amazing, but if I don't that's okay too." I said thinking about how it could be kind of complicated with a mate.

"That's a good attitude to have I guess, that way you won't really be disappointed. Well I'm sure he'll be hot. I mean you're hot so he'll definitely be just as hot." she exclaimed and I just rolled my eyes.

"So anyway the party, I have to invite my sister," I said.

"Agg, your sister hates me. For no reason!" she said looking annoyed. "And she's such a goody-two-shoes. What if she tells your parents?"

"She doesn't hate you. She just thinks you're a bit wild." Which was true, compared to Amber, Nora was as wild as they get. "She won't tell my parents, she not that strict."

"I'm crazy and I own it. If she can't handle me, then that's her problem. She just shouldn't be such a bitch about it." Nora whined smoothing out her wet hair.

"Well I'll tell her she can invite her friends, and possibly Kyle if he's not too busy. I was speaking to her earlier and she wants to introduce us, so this will be the perfect opportunity." I shrugged.

"Sounds good to me, Kyle better not ruin it with his scar alpha vibes." Nora mumbled getting into the drivers seat of her car. "We also need to figure out how we're going to get alcohol." She said rubbing her hands together in an evil way.

"I'll ask Amber to get for us, maybe one of her friends has a fake ID or something." I said, quickly writing up a message to send to her, while getting into Nora's passenger seat.

"Well if you think she'll be comfortable with that then sure. If not I'll ask Zack to make a plan," she said looking at her phone, "you ready to go?"

"What you are you typing?" I said trying to look at her phone. "And yes I am ready to go." I sighed while strapping my seat belt on.

"I was just writing an invite message for the party, take a look." she said handing me the phone, it said..

Party on Friday

Host- Taylor Andrews

18th birthday

Bring your own booze. Some alcohol will be supplied.

Theme- Casual

Times - 9:30- whenever

As I was reading it over Nora started up her engine and starting pulling out of her parking spot. "Yes that looks good. Parties are so stressful, don't be crazy and invite too many people." I said feeling nervous.

"Don't be nervous. I'm going to send a text to some of the pack teenagers and obviously people in our grade. This is going to be the best house party ever." Nora yelled, "don't worry I'll be there every step of the way. It won't be too crazy." She tried to sooth me by running a hand down my hair, which only led to her hitting me in the face because she wasn't looking at me.

I hit her hand away, "don't touch me while you're driving! Concentrate on the road." I protested. "Nora if anything bad happens I'm blamng you."

"Girl I will tke the blame. But we are all responsible adults, I'm sure it'll all be okay." She had an evil grin on her face that wasn't helping with my nerves. "You only live once. Don't be boring like your sister."

"Hey, that was uncalled for." I said hitting her thigh. "Where are you going? You were supposed to take the left up there." She was supposed to be dropping me off at home, but she was going the wrong way.

"We're going shopping. We both need a new outfit for the party! Especially you, you might meet your mate and it's your birthday! You're the guest of honour- even though you're hosting it." Nora would make up any excuse to go shopping. But I suppose she was right about the mate thing, it was my birthday and I do want to look good.

"You're right. What do you have in mind?" I could tell she was shocked that I wasn't protesting more, but she didn't miss a beat as she started rambling about what she thought I should wear.


"This will look great on you!" Nora all but squealed handing me a lumo pink dress that was not my style at all.

"Lumo pink? Seriously?" I cringed taking the dress she passed to me.

"Might as well try. Step out of your comfort zone, be crazy for a night." She winked while making her way through the other aisles of clothes.

"I think I have enough, I'm going to go and try these on so long. I'll call you when I try them on." My hands were hurting from all the clothes I was holding.

"Okay, I'm going to look around some more. I'll bring you whatever I think will look good." She was already off before I could say anything else.

I tried on five different dresses and all of them were pretty boring. "Let me see!" Nora yelled banging on the dressing room door.

"Nora you're going to break the door. Stop banging so hard." I hissed unlocking the door so that Nora could see what the lumo pink dress looked like.

"Unfortunately lumo pink isn't your colour, who knew?" Nora sighed shrugging her shoulders.

"I knew." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"It's fine. I have other options here for you. And when you've taken the lumo pink one off hand it over. I'm sure I could pull it off." She said wiggling her eyebrows while she handed me three more dresses. Two of them were black and the other was red.

"Maybe I should just wear something I already own. The dresses are all turning out to be duds anyway." I said running my hand through my hair, trying on clothes was so exhausting.

"Just try those ones on! They're more your style anyway." She snapped, "now take that one off so I can try it." She said unzipping the back of the dress.

I put the first black dress on and was completely shocked. It fit me like a glove, the straps were thin, and the back of the dress was non-existent- it dipped low and showed off my entire back. It reached my mid thigh, and the fabric around my chest pushed up my boobs to show off my cleavage. It was probably the sexiest piece of clothing that I had ever worn, I was confident, but I didn't know if I was confident enough to pull this off.

I walked out of the change room to show Nora and once she saw me it looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her skull. "Oh my lord." she half screamed as she ran up to me, she was now wearing the lumo dress I'd given her and she looked a million times better in it than I ever could.

"You look amazing, the dress suits you so much better than it suited me." I complimented her before she could say anything else about my dress. "Pink is really your colour." I gushed putting my hands on her waist. It hugged all her curves and made her look amazing.

"Oh be quiet, I know I look incredible. But you! You look amazing, so sexy. You're going to make every male go crazy at the party." She beamed turning me around so that she could see what the back of the dress looked like. "You have to get this one. If you don't I'll buy it for you as a birthday present."

"No you don't have to do that. I looked at the price tag before I tried it on and it's going to bankrupt me. But I guess it'll be worth it. It is really sexy, I'll just have to have a few shots of tequila before I step out into the party." I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. Nora did a great job of choosing this dress.

"Bitch you're confident enough to pull off anything. You don't need alcohol." Nora scolded, joining me to look at herself in the mirror. "I would say that today was very successful for both of us." She beamed while doing a weird little happy dance.

"I agree." I couldn't help but smile as well, I was a lot more excited for the party now.