
My Mate Is An Omega (A Werewolf Romance)

Leo had never seriously given thought about finding his true wolf-mate. He used to think it was just a superstition or a myth. Or a really good marketing strategy for companies to sell "love" and earn profit. But when he encounters a stranger at a supermarket near his university, his body starts acting weirdly. He starts feeling chills down his neck yet his skin crawls with heat as if burning from within. Feeling paranoid, he looks around and locks eyes with a tall and muscled man already staring at him. Could this person be Leo's true mate? If so, what does that mean for Leo? ••****•• •This is an Alpha x Omega werewolf story where the male omegas can give birth. •It includes concepts like #mates, #mpreg, #possessiveness and #bitemarks. •Also, a little irrational jealousy. •This is also my first story of this genre so please be kind to me. And comment lots to tell me of any improvements. EnjooooooooY!

Melanie_Kyler · LGBT+
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12 Chs

You didn't Reply {Mature Content}

Leo stared at the door as it closed behind Aleksandr.

His heart was still pounding a little from the conversation he had just had with Aleksandr. He shakily let out a breath and moved to lock the door. He leaned his back on the door and slid down to the floor to bury his head in his hands.

Thinking about everything that he had told Aleksandr.

He hadn't had enough time to himself to think about his mate. Who was tall and large and made Leo's apartment look tiny with his bulky frame. Leo couldn't help his wolf's reaction and had wanted to throw himself at his mate... at Sasha so many times during their conversation.

He wanted his mate to possess him and devour him with his tongue, his hands. His desire for Aleksandr was running unchecked now and even though he had a hundred different, serious things to ponder about, he couldn't help but give in to this fuming lust swimming inside him like lava in his blood.

He thought about Sasha's chocolate brown eyes and and his sinful mouth curved in a smile and his hand automatically moved to his cock. He exhaled a sharp breath as his hand made contact and his tip dripped eagerly. He had never been able to drip pre-cum that fast before. But just thinking about Aleksandr had made his cock weep and hand wet. He quickly used the slick to rub the entire length and felt pressure in his balls.

Abruptly, an image of Aleksandr bringing his full, curvy lips down to cock flashed in his mind and took hold. He picture his mate's dark brown head in between his legs and his lips eagerly sucking all his pre-cum and licking him from different angles with his rough big hands holding the insides of his thighs and grazing Leo's skin. Aleksandr would probably have callouses on his fingers, Leo thought.

Just the little bit of imagination was enough for Leo to squirt cum in his hand and soiling himself. Picturing Aleksandr sucking him dry, he moved his hand to suck his cum-stained fingers and let his head fall back and thump against the door.

When his breathing returned to normal, he felt stupid and angry at himself. First for shouting at his mate and denying him, then for using him as his spank-bank material.

Except no... he really did not want to think think about spanking and Aleksandr in the same thought. He could not afford to get hard again.

Moving towards his bathroom for a shower, he decided to stop thinking about his confusing alpha and focus on working his portfolio some more and then sleeping. Tomorrow would be a long day anyway, with almost no break in between his classes and his weekly night performance.


Leo was in his third class of the day and had about two more left when his mobile vibrated with a text.

At first he ignored it and continued with his lecture and what the Professor was saying but when he paused for a little water break, Leo couldn't help checking his phone. As he thought it was from Aleksandr, who had fed his name as Sasha yesterday when he had asked for his mobile. Leo was sure his mate would have saved his name as Lev in his own phone. He seemed like a man who took customs and traditions seriously. Leo felt charmed by that trait, honestly.

He was a little apprehensive of what the text would say considering they hadn't spoken since yesterday when he had left Leo's apartment. Aleksandr also hadn't said anything to the demands Leo had made rather suddenly. Leo liked the fact that Aleksandr had took the matter seriously though and hadn't rashly refused him or forced him to pack his bags.

He quickly checked the message since he could see the Professor returning.

Sasha: What's FNL?


Why was Aleksandr asking him about that?

Lev: What?!

Sasha: You mentioned it yesterday when you said you can't move because you're currently busy with your university thesis, portfolio, job and FNL. So, now... I'm asking you, what's FNL?

He could almost see the question in Aleksandr's expressive eyes, could picture his face staring at Leo, waiting patiently for his answer. A faint blush crept up to his face at the thought and he quickly shut off his mobile to try and focus on the lecture again. He would reply once it ended for lunch break. He could see his friend, Sean, looking at him from beside him anyway and he didn't want to waste time explaining.

When the lecture ended, Sean asked, "What are you gonna do about lunch, Leo? Jake and Tonya are meeting me to go to that Mexican place for tacos. Wanna join us?"

He wasn't as big a fan of tacos as their common friend Jake was but he still decided to join them. As they shuffled out of the class made their way outside, he answered, "Cool, I guess I'll join-"

Leo wasn't able to finish his sentence though since, standing right in front of him was his mate.


Leaning on a ridiculously shiny red Audi convertible with his brown curls slightly ruffled from the wind, his eyes covered by stylish sunglasses, his shoulders trying to fit in a black leather jacket and his tree-trunk thighs trying to burst from the black jeans they were currently contained in.

He's way too hot for me, Leo thought.

Sean whistled from beside him and broke his thoughts by saying, "Damn that's the Audi R8 Spyder, isn't it? It's hot in the market right now."

Uh-huh, the car and it's owner.

Leo bolted when he saw Aleksandr walking straight towards him. Rationally, he knew that Aleksandr was here for him, he would have been pissed if his mate had arrived at his university and looked for somebody else, but he still hadn't gotten used to the fact yet. So whenever Aleksandr moved towards him, it surprised him a little. A pleasant surprise though, always.

Sasha came and stood directly in front of him with hardly any space any between them and stated in a smooth voice, "You didn't reply to my text."

He had arrived at his uni because of a text?!?

Leo felt his eyes widen and stammered, "Umm..uhh...So you just decided to s-show up?! I was in class."

Aleksandr merely shrugged, "You didn't reply."


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