
My Master Ruined Me!

Getting killed by Truck-kun, transmigration to a cultivation world as a hero. Later, he finds that others are doing his hero work. He acquires a broken system. Is it wrong for him to pursue his dream of cooking? Meeting a man whom he acknowledges as his master and only family. His master passes away, leaving behind a scroll that compels him to marry princesses from ten realms?! Why can't he peacefully follow his dream to open a restaurant and make it world-famous?! Why did his master have to be a renowned chef in multiple worlds?! He was alone during his time on Earth as an orphan. Now, he doesn't have just one but ten wives to be responsible for?! His daily life turns upside down after learning about his own origin. Does he really deserve a normal life? Well, he has to become strong enough to protect his wives, make his restaurant famous in their realms, and die a peaceful death in their embrace! That's what he thought, but his destiny disagrees. Follow Leo in his Journey of encountering opportunities and his lovely cultural sessions with his beloved wives. Spoiler Note - Slight NTR in the further future, No Yuri, No NTR towards MC, MC has a hidden Yandere side too, The nature of MC will change as the encounters in his cultivation. At least read the first 30 chapters.

Psycho_Rawal · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 11 - A Chat with the in-laws

[Author: Okay, I saw the response from last two chapters... mind-blowing. Now, I have something important to discuss: we have more than 60 collections, but there is only 2 power stone. This book is currently in the WPC Dec-Jan. I know that most of you don't spend your daily acquired power stones and votes, I also do that. All I'm saying is that shower me with your power stones, votes and golden tickets because greed has taken over me and I want to win WPC(@;@)]

We have to win! 💪

The hushed tension settled among the emperors as the dragon empress's interruption cast an uneasy stillness over the assembly. A palpable chill ran down the spine of the elf emperor, leaving him visibly shaken. Beads of sweat adorned the faces of all ten emperors, a manifestation of the unexpected turn of events.

Leo's wedding, a once celebratory occasion, now hung in the balance, the emperors collectively deciding to refrain from further prolonging the proceedings. The weight of silence lingered, emphasizing the gravity of the moment and the unspoken repercussions of the dragon empress's interference.

A silent agreement passed among the emperors as they exchanged glances, nodding in unison. In response, they tapped the arms of their chairs, invoking a mystical command that brought forth a colossal round table adorned with eleven majestic seats, emerging gracefully from the very ground near Leo.

Simultaneously, the empresses mirrored their counterparts, conjuring a duplicate scene. The only distinction was the orchestrated rearrangement of Leo's ten wives, gracefully ushered towards the empresses, who occupied the now vacant ten chairs surrounding the grand dining table, boasting a total of twenty seats.

As the men and women took their designated places, a grand curtain materialized, sweeping across the grand hall. This substantial divide ensured privacy for both groups, setting the stage for a meal laden with unspoken conversations and intricate dynamics within the realm of the emperors and empresses.

Caring expressions adorned the faces of the empresses as they turned their gaze toward their daughters. With a collective gesture, each empress summoned a candle, their eyes fixed warmly on the women who would soon embark on a new chapter of their lives.

One of the empresses, representing the sentiment of them all, spoke, "These candles should be lit up in the room where you all will spend your first nights with your husband. It's a tradition that we all followed, and it's your turn now." The daughters, seated before the empresses, accepted the candles graciously, acknowledging the weight of tradition and the passage of familial customs. Without hesitation, they stowed the candles within their spatial rings, ready to uphold the cherished practices that bound generations together.

Little did the daughters realize, the tradition presented by the empresses was just a cover for a mysterious plan set to unfold in the near future. The innocuous candles held a secret, promising an unexpected turn of events that would soon add a thrilling twist to their lives.

The emperors on the other side had handed out several of gifts too to Leo. Leo hesitated to accept these gifts but he was forced to accept them.

"Feel free to ask any questions you have son-in-law." said the emperor of blacksmith with a wide grin on his face.

"Well...I don't know if I should speak about that!?" Leo hesitated again thinking about his question.

"Just say it. We won't bite, son-in-law. Hahaha!" The Dragon emperor spoke with his evil laughter.

"This...*sigh* fine. My house is too small to accommodate -" Leo spoke only to be interrupted again by them.

"Oh! So you were worried about that? Hehe we took care of it already. Hahahha!" The dragon emperor again started giving of his evil laughter.

"Anything else you need to speak about?" The god of undead spoke with a smile on his face.

James responded with a gesture of moving his head and said no.

Simultaneously, both sides concluded their conversations, bringing an end to the separation imposed by the grand curtain. Leo and his ten wives stood united on one side, facing the emperors and empresses who gazed at them with tearful eyes. Despite their efforts to restrain their emotions, tears welled up, creating a delicate balance between the joy of union and the sorrow of parting. The silent understanding lingered, each tear reflecting the complex emotions that bound these families together.

In a heartfelt moment, the emperors and empresses embraced their daughters, offering gentle smiles to Leo. In unison, they conveyed their message, "Take care of our daughters, son-in-law," adding a subtle weight to the gravity of his newly acquired responsibilities. Leo met their gaze with unwavering determination and boldly declared, "With my life."

As his words resonated in the air, the same golden scroll that had brought Leo to this realm materialized before him. It began radiating a soft white light, enveloping him and his wives. In an instant, the group was transported back to their home, leaving behind a sense of solemn commitment and the echoes of promises made.