
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The surge of healing...

As I basked in the afterglow of my transformation, I knew that my journey was far from over. The true essence ginseng had granted me a taste of my true potential, but there was still much work to be done if I hoped to fully unlock its power.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I turned to the system, my gaze filled with determination. "What's next?" I asked, my voice steady and resolute.

The system shimmered with an otherworldly light, its digital interface flickering with anticipation.

System:(Now, master,you must continue to cultivate your power and hone your skills. The true essence ginseng has granted you a glimpse of your true potential, but it will take time and effort to fully unlock its power).

I nodded, understanding dawning upon me. My journey was far from over, but with the true essence ginseng by my side, I knew that anything was possible. Armed with newfound strength and determination, I stepped forward into the unknown.

In the days that followed, the miraculous effects of the ginseng unfurled before me like the petals of a blossoming flower. Physical wounds, once stubborn and slow to heal, now yielded to the gentle persuasion of nature's touch, knitting together with newfound vigor. Yet, it was not merely the body that found solace in the herb's embrace; my spirit, too, basked in its luminous glow, awakened to a realm of transcendental understanding.

As time wove its tapestry, I found myself drawn deeper into the ethereal embrace of the ginseng's essence, guiding me through the labyrinth of existence to unearth truths long veiled by the veil of ignorance. Each night brought with it a communion with the divine, a dance of souls across the celestial expanse.

Be that as it may, as the days transformed into weeks, I began to see something exceptional. The effects of the ginseng extended beyond physical healing. I was beginning to gain a deeper understanding and a wider perspective of the world around me as a result of it.

Dreams flew away with a sense of finality, uncovering privileged insights and old insight. I found that I was connecting with the spiritual realm in ways I had never imagined and delving deeper into the mysteries of the universe. The ginseng had turned into a course for actual recuperating as well as for profound illumination

But even as the physical manifestations of my injuries began to fade, a new journey unfurled before me, one of introspection and enlightenment. Through the practice of meditation, I delved into the recesses of my being, channeling the true essence of the ginseng into every fiber of my existence.

With each breath, I witnessed the alchemy of healing, as the essence transformed into radiant energy, infusing every cell with the promise of renewal. In the sanctum of my inner sanctuary, I beheld the majesty of creation, the intricate interplay of forces that govern the universe.

And yet, even as I reveled in the wonders of the ginseng's gift, a sense of purpose stirred within me, a call to arms against the forces that sought to snuff out the flame of my existence. With determination burning bright, I vowed to seek out the remaining herbs, to unlock the full extent of my potential and reclaim what had been taken from me.

Thus, with the power of the ginseng as my ally and the wisdom of the ancients as my guide, I embarked upon a quest for wholeness, a journey that would test the limits of my strength and resilience. But with each step forward, I knew that victory lay not in the destination, but in the unwavering resolve to persevere.

After a few days, as I began to fully renew part of my internal organs, stability returned to my once-fragile state. It was not without its challenges, each moment a testament to the severity of my injuries and the arduous path to recovery. Yet, with each hurdle overcome, I felt a surge of power, a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.

And as I sat in meditation, contemplating the road ahead, a voice pierced the silence, emanating from the depths of my consciousness.


System:(Master ,you have healed level 10,000 injuries and earned 10,000 points.)" Though the words held little significance in the present moment, they served as a reminder of the journey thus far and the trials that lay ahead.

"I Understand". i said.

With renewed determination, I immersed myself once more in the transmutation of essence to energy, each breath a testament to the indomitable spirit that burned within. For in the crucible of adversity, I had found the strength to rise, transformed, and renewed.




CULTIVATION. : MARTIAL EMPEROR suppressed (no use due to injuries).

INJURIES: LEVEL 100000-10000


SOUL SLAVE: 1(Martial Emperor shen jue).

Points: 11000.]

To be continued....