
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The sacred fern's revelation.

As I entered the final chamber, the air was thick with anticipation. The Sanskrit texts had led me to this sacred space, where the essence of the last herb, the Sacred Fern, awaited my arrival. I could feel its presence, a subtle yet undeniable energy that permeated the chamber.

The walls of the chamber were adorned with intricate murals, depicting ancient tales of courage, wisdom, and transcendence. I marveled at the artistry and symbolism, recognizing that stories held deeper meanings that would aid me in my quest.

Approaching the centerpiece of the chamber, I laid eyes upon the Sacred Fern—a lush and vibrant plant that seemed to emanate a serene energy. Its delicate fronds danced in a gentle breeze, as if whispering secrets of profound healing and enlightenment.

As I reached out to touch the fern, the Sanskrit texts surrounding the chamber began to glow once again, their ancient words unveiling the final trial. This trial was one of inner reflection and understanding, a journey to unveil the depths of my own consciousness.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the Sacred Fern, I closed my eyes and delved deep within myself. In this state of meditation, I allowed my mind to quiet and my spirit to soar. Memories, thoughts, and emotions flowed freely, as I observed them with detached curiosity.

The murals on the chamber walls seemed to come alive, projecting vivid images into my mind. They depicted pivotal moments of growth and transformation—times when ordinary individuals transcended their limitations and tapped into their true potential.

Through these images, I began to understand that true healing was not merely the mending of physical wounds, but the liberation of the spirit. It was an invitation to rise above the shackles of the past, to embrace the fullness of my being, and to channel my newfound strength and wisdom into creating a better world.

Guided by this realization, I focused my attention on the memories that had plagued me—the fragmented pieces of a past I struggled to understand. I allowed myself to explore them with compassion and curiosity, seeking the hidden truths that they held.

One by one, the memories unraveled before me, like threads weaving a tapestry of my existence. I witnessed moments of joy, love, and connection, as well as the moments of pain, betrayal, and loss. These experiences shaped me, molded me into the person I had become.

As the memories unfolded, I recognized patterns and recurring themes—a yearning for justice, a desire to protect the vulnerable, and an unwavering commitment to truth.And to know my path which led me in this unknown place which my other self never knew about ,After going through those fragmented memories i knew that those things which happened to me was on purpose to drag me away from my own world even if i came to know only a tiny part of it i knew deep down it led to something great.

With newfound clarity, I realized that my journey was not solely about healing my physical injuries but also to found my true purpose and to live a life with new relationships and to go down the path which only few can go. The ancient herbs—the ginseng, the Moonflower, and the Sacred Fern—were not mere tools for personal recovery; they were catalysts for a greater purpose.

Energized by this understanding, I extended my hands towards the Sacred Fern, feeling its vibrant energy course through my fingertips. In that moment, the essence of the fern merged with my own, creating a profound bond. I became a vessel for its healing properties, a conduit for its wisdom.

As the energy of the fern enveloped me, I could sense a profound shift occurring within.The true essence of the herbs had transformed me, not just physically, but at the very core of my being.

With the completion of the trials and the acquisition of the final herb, I had reached a new stage in my healing journey. But this was not an endpoint; it was a new beginning.As I emerged from the chamber, the Sanskrit texts dimmed, their glow fading into the background. They had served their purpose, guiding me through the trials and revealing the path to healing and self-discovery. Now, it was up to me to forge my own way, to navigate the complexities of the world armed with the wisdom and power that had been awakened within me.

Armed with the knowledge and energy bestowed upon me,As soon as i completed it there came the message from system.

System:(Ding,"Master you healed your level 30000 injuries,now you can keep your true form for 1 hour and you got 30000 points in rewards and got a new package).

I Asked ,"What kind of new package i got?Will it help me any further on my journey or it is a waste just like you."

It replied with a whinning voice,"No master it can definitely help you and i am not a waste."

"How will it help me than explain it fast!"I demanded.

As the system's response reverberated through the cavern, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "A new package? Crafting my own pill? Reclaiming lost memories?" I echoed, my voice filled with a blend of curiosity and skepticism.

System:(Yeah, that's right,With this new package, you'll have the opportunity to create your own pill, customized to your specific needs. And as an added bonus, you'll also get a chance to reclaim a part of your memories).

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of reclaiming my memories. It was an enticing prospect, one that filled me with both excitement and trepidation. "And how exactly will that work?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

System:(Well, the pill-making process will give you access to a unique space where time travels faster for herbs. This means you'll be able to grow your own herbs in a matter of days, rather than weeks or months. As for your memories, they'll gradually resurface as you delve deeper into the pill-making process, unlocking fragments of your past along the way).

With each word spoken by the system, my excitement grew, mingling with a newfound sense of determination. Armed with the promise of crafting my own pill and reclaiming lost memories, I felt more empowered than ever to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as I prepared to embark on this new chapter of my journey, I knew that I was ready to embrace the unknown with open arms.

To be continued...