
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Path unveiled....

Back in Jiangling City, Lei Xian, Zheng Huan, and Li Mei found themselves sitting in a quiet corner of their favorite teahouse, the aroma of fragrant teas wafting around them. As they sipped their tea, the flickering lanterns overhead cast a warm glow, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie.

Zheng Huan, the young talisman expert, couldn't help but be curious about Lei Xian's background. "Lei Xian," he began, "I've been meaning to ask, which sect do you belong to? Your martial skills are impressive, and your journey into the mystical forest showed great courage and determination."

Lei Xian glanced at Zheng Huan with a thoughtful expression. "Actually," he admitted, "I don't belong to any sect."

Zheng Huan and Li Mei exchanged knowing glances. It was clear to them that Lei Xian possessed great potential, and they believed that he could achieve even greater heights with the guidance and resources of a renowned sect. However, Lei Xian's revelation left them intrigued.

"You don't belong to any sect?" Li Mei asked, her curiosity piqued.

Lei Xian nodded. "That's correct. My path has been a solitary one, guided by my own experiences and the wisdom I've gathered from various sources along the way."

Zheng Huan couldn't hide his surprise. "But Lei Xian, your skills are remarkable. You have the air of someone who has received proper training and guidance. Are you certain you're not connected to any sect?"

Lei Xian hesitated for a moment. He knew that revealing the truth about his master and his bloodline was something he had been strictly forbidden to do. His master lived a secluded life, preferring to remain hidden from the world, and Lei Xian respected her wishes.

"I cannot disclose any information but I can tell you this much that i already have a master," Lei Xian finally said. "I've chosen to live my life as a solo adventurer, independent and free to pursue my own path."

Zheng Huan and Li Mei exchanged glances once more, understanding that there were aspects of Lei Xian's past that he couldn't or wouldn't share. Still, they believed that joining a sect could provide him with opportunities he might not find on his own.

Li Mei spoke up, "Lei Xian, while your independence is commendable, belonging to a sect can offer you incredible advantages. Each sect specializes in unique martial arts and cultivation techniques. They have access to ancient knowledge and resources that can significantly enhance your skills."

Zheng Huan added, "I belong to the Talisman Artisan Guild, a sect dedicated to the art of talisman-making. We have access to rare materials and techniques that can amplify the power of your talisman magic. Joining a sect like ours could open doors you never thought possible."

Lei Xian listened intently, realizing the potential benefits of joining a sect. He was curious to learn more about these martial organizations. "Tell me about some of the sects," he inquired. "I'd like to know more before making a decision."

Li Mei began, "One of the most prestigious sects is the **Eternal Celestial Sect**. It's known for its emphasis on celestial energy cultivation. Practitioners there specialize in powerful celestial incantations, harnessing the energy of the stars and planets to fuel their martial prowess. If Your journey began in a sect like this,than they could further nurture your talents."

Zheng Huan nodded in agreement. "Then there's the **Mystic Phoenix Clan**,where from Li mei comes its nestled in a remote mountain range. They're famous for their mastery of elemental martial arts. Practitioners harness the elemental forces of fire, water, earth, and air to devastating effect. If you seek to wield the primal forces of nature, they're a great choice."

Li Mei continued, "For those who value inner peace and enlightenment, the **Temple of Serenity** atop a tranquil mountain is an option. They teach martial techniques intertwined with spiritual growth. Many who seek balance in both combat and life find refuge within its walls."

Zheng Huan thoughtfully nodded and added, "And then there's the **Stormwind Brotherhood**, a sect dwelling by the turbulent seas. They specialize in aquatic martial arts, exhibiting a fluidity in combat that mirrors the ocean's ebb and flow. Their secret techniques allow them to harness the power of tides and storms."

Lei Xian absorbed the information, impressed by the diversity of these sects and the unique martial arts they offered. "These sects each have their own strengths," he mused. "But what about a sect that specializes in stealth and subterfuge?"

Li Mei smiled knowingly. "Ah, you must be referring to the **Silent Shadows Guild**. It's an enigmatic organization known for its shadowy assassins and covert operations. Their martial techniques focus on stealth, speed, and subterfuge. They operate in the shadows, their actions hidden from the prying eyes of the world."

Zheng Huan then turned the conversation back to Lei Xian's decision. "Lei Xian, given your past experiences and talents, I'd recommend joining a sect that aligns with your roots. You can start your journey with the **Eternal Celestial Sect**, and returning they could offer you the guidance and resources you need to unlock your full potential."

Li Mei nodded in agreement. "I concur with Zheng Huan. The **Eternal Celestial Sect** is considered the top sect, known for its deep knowledge and strong network. Your connection to them could open doors to incredible opportunities."

Lei Xian considered their advice carefully. Joining a sect was a significant decision, and he wanted to make the right choice for his future growth. "Thank you both for your guidance," he said sincerely. "I will reflect on your words and make my decision soon. Regardless of where I choose to go, I'm grateful to have friends like you by my side."

As the evening wore on and the teahouse continued to buzz with conversation, Lei Xian knew that his journey was far from over. The path ahead was filled with possibilities, and he would carry the wisdom of his past adventures into the future, guided by the choices he would soon make.

To be continued.....