
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Rescue from the curse...

Lei Xian had been traversing the rugged mountains for weeks, seeking solace and isolation from the world's chaos. But destiny had other plans for him. As he descended from the peaks, he stumbled upon a remote village. It was a place cloaked in an eerie silence, with the remnants of destruction strewn about like forgotten memories.

The village appeared abandoned, and a chill ran down Lei Xian's spine as he ventured further. He called out, his voice echoing through the desolation, but no response came. The air was thick with a palpable sense of foreboding. Lei Xian couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Just as he was about to turn and leave, he heard a faint, haunting sob. His instincts kicked in, and he followed the sound, weaving his way through the dilapidated huts. After what felt like an eternity, he discovered a child, no older than seven, cowering in a corner.

The child's eyes widened in terror upon seeing Lei Xian, who tried his best to appear non-threatening. He approached slowly, extending a hand of reassurance. The child hesitated for a moment before finally reaching out. It was clear the little one had endured unimaginable hardship.

Lei Xian rummaged through his bag and produced a meager meal, which the child accepted with trembling hands. As the child hungrily devoured the food, Lei Xian's heart ached. It was apparent that the child had been starving for days.

With compassion in his eyes, Lei Xian began to speak softly, trying to coax out information about what had befallen the village. At first, the child remained silent, as if afraid to relive the horrors. But as Lei Xian persisted, gently and patiently, the child started to open up.

The story that unfolded was one of tragedy and cruelty. The villagers had fallen victim to superstition and fear. A powerful witch had cast her shadow over the village, accusing them of harboring evil. In their desperation to appease her, they had resorted to a horrifying ritual, sacrificing the child's sister, the most innocent soul in the village.

Lei Xian's anger simmered beneath the surface as he absorbed the child's words. It was a tale of betrayal and ignorance that had led to unspeakable suffering. He knew he couldn't turn a blind eye to this injustice.

"Can you take me to where they performed this ritual?" Lei Xian asked, his voice resolute.

The child nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and hope. Guided by the child, Lei Xian followed a twisted path into the heart of the village. There, in a clearing, he saw the remnants of a dark ceremony. Burnt herbs, ominous symbols, and a sense of lingering malevolence hung in the air.

As Lei Xian examined the area, he felt a sudden chill, and the hair on his arms stood on end. It was as if the very earth beneath him was cursed. He knew that the witch's presence still lingered, a haunting reminder of the village's torment.

"What happened to the witch?" Lei Xian inquired, his thoughts racing.

The child looked up at him, eyes brimming with sorrow. "They say she vanished into the mist, but her curse remains. It drains the life force of anyone who enters this village."

Lei Xian's heart sank as the realization hit him. He had unwittingly fallen victim to the witch's curse. He could feel his vitality slowly ebbing away, a sinister force sapping his strength. Desperation and determination welled up within him.

"We have to find a way to break this curse," Lei Xian declared, his voice firm. "I cannot let this witch's malevolence claim any more lives."

With newfound purpose, Lei Xian and the child ventured deeper into the village. They began to piece together the puzzle of the witch's curse, consulting the few surviving villagers who had managed to escape. Each account added a layer of complexity to the grim tale.

It became clear that the only hope of lifting the curse lay in finding a rare and elusive antidote. Legends spoke of a distant land where a sacred flower known as the "Witch's Bane" bloomed. It was said to possess the power to counteract even the darkest of enchantments.

Lei Xian knew that the journey ahead would be perilous, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But he had made a promise to the child and to himself. Together, they would embark on this quest to break the curse that had befallen the village and save Lei Xian's own life.

The days turned into weeks as Lei Xian and the child ventured far from the accursed village. They faced treacherous terrain, wild beasts, and unforgiving weather. But their determination never wavered.

Along the way, they encountered kind-hearted strangers who offered assistance and guidance. These encounters highlighted the power of compassion and the willingness of people to help those in need. It was a stark contrast to the cruelty Lei Xian had witnessed in the village.

As they journeyed deeper into the unknown, Lei Xian's strength continued to wane, the curse tightening its grip on him. He could feel the witch's presence, a malevolent force that seemed to taunt him from the shadows.

In their darkest moments, when hope seemed elusive, it was the child's unwavering faith and Lei Xian's sheer determination that kept them going. They shared stories by the campfire, finding solace in each other's company, forging a bond that transcended their differences in age and background.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the distant land rumored to hold the Witch's Bane. The landscape was unlike anything they had ever seen—lush and vibrant, a stark contrast to the desolation of the cursed village.

Their search led them deep into a dense forest, where the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers. At last, they stumbled upon a clearing bathed in ethereal light. There, amidst a bed of luminous blooms, they found it—the legendary Witch's Bane.

Lei Xian carefully plucked the flower, his hands trembling with anticipation. As he held it aloft, he could feel the curse's grip weakening, as if the witch's power was receding. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to their unwavering determination and the strength of their bond.

With the Witch's Bane in hand, they retraced their steps, their journey back to the accursed village filled with a newfound sense of hope. Lei Xian could feel his vitality returning, the curse losing its hold on him with every step.

When they finally returned to the village, they were met with a mix of astonishment and gratitude. The surviving villagers couldn't believe their eyes as Lei Xian and the child presented the Witch's Bane, a symbol of hope and redemption.

With a solemn ceremony, they performed a ritual to break the curse that had plagued the village for far too long. As the Witch's Bane's petals scattered on the wind, the malevolence that had hung over the village dissipated, vanishing like a dark cloud dispersing after a storm.

The villagers, once trapped in fear and ignorance, began to rebuild their lives. Lei Xian had not only saved himself but had also become a beacon of hope and compassion for the community.

To be continued....