
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Lei Xian's First step in outer world.

Lei Xian stepped out of the cave, his heart filled with a sense of adventure and purpose. The Bloodline Concealment pill which concealed his real bloodline , its presence a constant reminder of his master's trust in him. The world beyond the sanctuary beckoned, and Lei Xian was ready to embrace it.

His first steps took him through a dense forest, its ancient trees towering overhead. The vibrant colors of the flora and the songs of birds he had never heard before filled the air. It was a stark contrast to the tranquility of the cave, and Lei Xian relished in the newfound sensations.

The dense, eerie forest loomed before Lei Xian like a foreboding omen. As he ventured deeper into its heart, the gnarled trees seemed to reach out with twisted limbs, their gnarled fingers forming a sinister canopy overhead. Shafts of feeble moonlight struggled to pierce the thick canopy, casting eerie, dancing shadows that played tricks on his mind.

Lei Xian's senses were on high alert, his every step taken with caution. The air was thick with an unsettling stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl. An ominous feeling gnawed at the pit of his stomach, but he pressed on. He had no choice; he needed to cross this forest to reach his destination.

As he ventured deeper into the forest's heart, the trail became narrower, barely a foot wide, with overgrown thorns and roots clawing at his boots. The darkness was suffocating, like an inky abyss that threatened to swallow him whole. His heart raced, but Lei Xian's determination burned brighter than the encroaching shadows.

Suddenly, the forest erupted with malevolent laughter. It was a chilling sound, coming from all directions at once, as if the very trees mocked him. Lei Xian's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his sword, but before he could draw it, figures materialized from the darkness.

Cultivators, their robes billowing like shadows, surrounded him. Their eyes gleamed with a predatory hunger as they closed in, like a pack of wolves encircling their prey. Lei Xian's pulse quickened as he realized the dire predicament he was in.

Lei Xian's heart pounded as he faced the group of thief cultivators. Their eyes gleamed with a sinister light, and he could feel the malevolence in the air. The leader of the group, a tall, hooded figure with a scar across his face, stepped forward.

Leader: (Smirking) "Well, well, what do we have here? A lone traveler in the middle of the Dark Forest. You must be lost."

Lei Xian: (Grimly) "I know exactly where I am. And I know exactly what you're after."

Thief Cultivator 1: (Chuckling) "He's not as clueless as he looks, boss."

Leader: (Nodding) "Indeed. You seem to be carrying something valuable, traveler. Hand it over, and we might let you leave with your life."

Lei Xian: (Gripping his sword) "I'm afraid that's not going to happen. You'll have to try harder than that."

Thief Cultivator 2: (Mocking) "He's got spirit, I'll give him that."

Lei Xian: (With determination) "I won't let you steal what I've worked so hard to protect."

Leader: (Drawing his own sword) "Very well, then. If you want to keep your precious belongings, you'll have to fight for them."

Without hesitation, the thief cultivators attacked. Their movements were swift and fluid, a deadly dance of martial prowess. Lei Xian's sword flashed in the dim moonlight as he parried their blows, but he was outnumbered and outmatched. Their strikes were precise, each one aimed to exploit his weaknesses.

But Lei Xian was not one to give in easily. He summoned his cultivation techniques, channeling his inner energy into each strike and parry. His sword became an extension of his will, a barrier against the relentless onslaught. Sweat dripped from his brow as he focused on maintaining his defenses.

The forest itself seemed to conspire against him, its twisted roots and tangled undergrowth hindering his every step. He stumbled, nearly falling to the ground, but he managed to regain his footing just in time to deflect a vicious blow from one of the cultivators. His breath came in ragged gasps as he fought to stay on his feet.

The battle raged on, a clash of martial arts and elemental forces that echoed through the forest like a symphony of destruction. Lei Xian's vision blurred with sweat and exhaustion, but he refused to yield. With a mighty burst of energy, he unleashed a devastating wave of fire, driving the cultivators back momentarily.

It was a brief respite, but Lei Xian knew he had to seize the opportunity. With a burst of speed, he lunged at the cultivators, striking with a combination of lightning-fast strikes and elemental attacks. His sword found its mark, and one by one, the cultivators fell before him, their robes scorched and their bodies battered.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining cultivators, though diminished in number, fought with a ferocity born of desperation. They circled Lei Xian like elemental tornadoes, their attacks a deadly ballet of fire, wind, and water.

Lei Xian parried their attacks with skill and precision, his cultivation techniques matching their elemental prowess. The forest itself seemed to respond to their battle, with trees swaying and leaves rustling in a chaotic symphony of nature's fury.

In the midst of the battle, Lei Xian's cultivation instincts guided him. He tapped into the elemental energies of the forest, drawing strength from the very trees and earth around him. With a burst of power, he unleashed a devastating elemental burst, sending shockwaves of fire and wind in all directions.

The remaining cultivators were overwhelmed, their defenses shattered. They fell one by one, defeated and exhausted. Lei Xian, battered and bruised, stood alone in the eerie silence of the forest, the scent of burnt leaves and smoldering earth hanging in the air.

The encounter had sharpened his combat instincts, taught him the importance of vigilance, and left him with scars both physical and spiritual. As he continued his journey through the dark forest, Lei Xian couldn't shake the feeling that he had narrowly escaped death's embrace. But he also knew that he had emerged from the ordeal stronger and more resolute than ever before, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on his path as a cultivator.

To be continued....