
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Incomplete healing.....

After what system said to me when it suddenly went down an update it was truly unexpected but i couldn't do a thing.The only thing i could do at that moment was to wait and god knows how long i had to wait.

Even though it was unexpected but what can i even do going through such a thing,even after those messages i heard during my practice in celestial mountains it definitely meant i healed completely but at the end of the day i don't know if i healed completely or not and if not than how long i have to spend in Astral Nexus to completely heal,I don't remember how many year have passed in the outer world but in this space it had been more than 100 years.I have not gotten my memories back it wasn't complete to begin it feels like something behind is hiding all of my memories purposely.

I don't know for how long i have to wait to know if i healed my level 100000 injuries or not and if not, then what kind of other panacea i have to find to heal completely.Lyra has gone back she is busy with her work as stellar weaver and even though i am a guardian of Astral Nexus i can't remain here forever,

I have to return to that cave and practice my cultivation to sore it to the high realms.

Astral Nexus has a gateway which is closed I can't open it may be i am not powerful enough or maybe there is a secret behind it,i didn't see anything abnormal in here other than that gateway.

years went by i continued to do my practice of different techniques which i learnt in here .After what it felt like eternity i heard a sound Ding,"Updation complete".

I felt overwhelmed after hearing this sound," Master i am back..

but before it could say anything more i asked ,"Why i didn't get the message of healing my level 100000 injuries, when you said i could heal all of them after consuming Eternal Panacea, answer me right now".

With a little scared voice it replied,"Master actually you healed your injuries but it only healed upto level 99999,i swear i didn't know anything about why it didn't healed completely but you definitely got other updates which you can do and got different rewards."

With frustration coursing through me, I glared at the device. "You mean to tell me that I've waited for over a hundred years, practiced tirelessly, and the panacea couldn't heal that last bit?" my voice echoed in the vast expanse of the Astral Nexus.

The voice from the device quivered, "I... I'm truly sorry, Master. I understand your disappointment, but please believe me, I had no control over this outcome."

I clenched my fists, anger now mixed with a sense of helplessness. "What other updates are you talking about? What possible reward could justify this?"

The device hesitated before answering, "Master, your devotion and training have not been in vain. While the panacea didn't heal the last level of injuries, it did unlock hidden potential within you. You now possess the ability to harness the energy of the celestial constellations. You've also gained insights into the ancient art of astral weaving."

My anger began to ebb, replaced by a spark of curiosity. "Astral weaving? What is that?"

The system explained, "Astral weaving is a power that allows you to manipulate the threads of reality. You can reshape the fabric of the Astral Nexus to create new realms, mend the frayed spaces, and even access gateways previously unreachable."

A sense of purpose stirred within the me. "Tell me about the gateway that's closed. Why can't I open it?"

The device responded, "The closed gateway is a passage to the Cosmic Nexus, a realm of unfathomable power. To open it, you must synchronize your newfound astral weaving abilities with the harmonic frequencies of the constellations. It's a challenging task, one that requires deep understanding and mastery."

As i listened, a determined resolve overcame me. "Very well. I will learn astral weaving and open that gateway. But what about my memories? Why are they hidden?"

The device's tone grew somber. "Master, your memories were locked away for your own protection. There are ancient forces that seek the knowledge you possess. By concealing your memories, you remain hidden from their grasp.I think its time for you to learn after you have healed your level 99999 injuries, the remaining memories which are hidden it is better if you not delve further in it but you can connect the dots that the memories which you got earlier meant you are very important figure and your powers are also one of a kind so those enemies who hurt you are after you to take away your power as you may not know that in your realm you are the only one who poses Astral Nexus and it is very much for your own good that you don't dive into your remaining memories right now i only got to know about all this after my updation."

"So you are telling me that the Astral Nexus which i have right now is the cause of my injuries and that is why i had to go through all this and, what do you mean by in my realm is there anyone else who got Astral Nexus in other realms and how many realms are there?" i asked.

It replied," There are 9 other realms excluding yours, where you came from and every realm has that one exceptional person who got their own Astral Nexus and whoever got is the enemy of others until and unless there is someone more powerful to protect the guardian of Astral Nexus like you and if you are not able to find your guardian other powerful person can snatch the Astral Nexus and all the power one holds that was the case with you were not able to find your guardian in your realm thats why the tried to stole what is yours so you have to find your guardian who will protect you and solidify your seat as the guardian of 10th realm of Astral Nexus.I can only explain it this much and maybe that gateway has the guardian of yours so it won't be easy to go inside."...

To be continued.....