
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Awakening by sacred water...

The echoes of the internal sect championship lingered within the sect, leaving an indelible mark on the disciples who had emerged victorious. Lei Xian, Xian, Lina, Huang Ren, and Mei Lin, now recognized as the sect's formidable representatives, returned to their training grounds with a newfound sense of purpose.

Elder Li, impressed by their performances, gathered the top disciples for a meeting. "Your triumph in the championship has brought honor to our sect," he commended. "But remember, the path of martial arts is ever-evolving. Continue to refine your skills and explore the depths of your bloodlines. The journey does not end with victory; it only deepens."

Motivated by Elder Li's words, the top disciples delved back into their training routines. Lei Xian, fueled by the winds of the gryphon, sought to explore advanced aerial techniques. He soared through the skies, testing the limits of his newfound connection with the celestial forces. The whispers of ancient martial arts techniques guided him, and Lei Xian's movements became a harmonious symphony of wind and water.

Xian, with scales gleaming, delved into the study of dragon lore. He sought out ancient scrolls and consulted with wise elders to unlock the full potential of his bloodline. The flames within him burned brighter, and Xian endeavored to integrate the regal strength of the dragon into every aspect of his martial arts.

Lina, now a beacon of phoenix vigor, dedicated herself to understanding the regenerative aspects of her bloodline. She immersed herself in meditation, tapping into the reservoir of warmth within her. The phoenix's eternal flame guided her, and Lina discovered a profound connection between her healing abilities and the rejuvenating energy of the phoenix.

Huang Ren, master of poison and agility, honed his skills with a renewed focus. The lightning-imbued techniques from the Eternal Celestial Lake had granted him unparalleled speed. Huang Ren sought to refine his poison arts, experimenting with new venomous combinations that would make him an even more unpredictable adversary.

Mei Lin, embodying the elegance of water, explored the intricacies of water-based martial techniques. She practiced beside tranquil lakes and fast-flowing rivers, allowing the natural flow of water to inspire her movements. Mei Lin's martial dance evolved into a mesmerizing display of fluidity, each strike reflecting the serene depths of the Eternal Celestial Lake.

As the top disciples continued their individual journeys, the rest of the sect also thrived. The twenty-five disciples who had immersed themselves in the sacred lake, though not part of the top five, displayed remarkable progress. The benefits of the Eternal Celestial Lake had catalyzed their growth, and they too sought to leave their mark on the martial world.

Elder Li, observing the sect's collective dedication, decided to organize an internal tournament. The disciples, both top-ranked and those outside the top five, would have the opportunity to showcase their progress and learn from one another. The martial arena buzzed with excitement as disciples prepared for the upcoming competition.

The internal tournament commenced with Lei Xian, Xian, Lina, Huang Ren, and Mei Lin watching from the sidelines. The first match featured two disciples who had not secured a top-five spot but had undergone significant transformations in the Eternal Celestial Lake.

The martial arena became a stage for diverse techniques and bloodline abilities. Each match revealed the unique strengths of the disciples, demonstrating the impact of the sacred lake on their martial journeys. The onlookers marveled at the variety of skills displayed, from hidden facets of bloodlines to enhanced control over elemental forces.

Lei Xian, observing the matches, felt a sense of pride in the growth of his fellow disciples. The internal tournament became a celebration of the sect's unity, where every disciple, regardless of rank, contributed to the collective strength of the sect.

As the tournament unfolded, the top disciples recognized the potential within their peers. Lei Xian offered insights on aerial techniques, Xian shared his knowledge of dragon lore, Lina provided guidance on harnessing phoenix regenerative abilities, Huang Ren shared his expertise in lightning-infused agility, and Mei Lin contributed to the refinement of water-based martial techniques.

Elder Li, pleased with the camaraderie and progress displayed, addressed the sect. "The Eternal Celestial Lake has blessed us with diverse talents. Let this tournament be a testament to the unity and strength of our sect. Together, we shall continue to forge our path in the martial world."

The internal tournament concluded with a spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect among the disciples. The sect, now more cohesive than ever, looked toward the future with unwavering determination. The transformative power of the Eternal Celestial Lake had not only shaped the top disciples but had ignited a collective flame that burned brightly within every member of the sect.

To be continued...