
My Master Keeps Breaking Through On The Verge Of Death

"Master, I'm sorry... It's all my fault that you could not break through before your last moments." "Don't worry, my disciple. I will not die," said Xu Fan as he smiled at his disciple, whose face was covered with tears. “If only… If only I could get you a few more Foundation Establishment Pills..." The genius of the sect knelt on the floor while crying like a baby. Xu Fan looked at his oldest disciple and sighed. He then took out a Foundation Establishment Pill and nonchalantly threw it into his mouth. The next second, divine lights of five different colors filled the world.

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40 Chs

The Origin of the Giant Floating Ship

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Fifteen minutes later, Xu Fan waved his hand and controlled the Monolithic Mantis.

Wang Yulun, who was covered in wounds, stood beside Xu Fan in shame.

The world changed again, and the two of them returned to their original world.

Wang Yulun looked at his own body in surprise and said, "Big Brother Xu, has your Bewitching Spell reached its peak?"

In the world created by Xu Fan, every injury he suffered felt so real. When that world disappeared, the scene just now was like a dream.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let's explain your mistakes during the battle."

Xu Fan waved his hand and a light screen appeared. It showed the scene of Wang Yulun's battle.

"How should I put it? In that battle just now, your damage output was almost zero. You were just passively taking a beating."

"I'll give you a suggestion. If you encounter this kind of demon beast alone in the future, run faster," said Xu Fan.

"Okay, let's talk about the first thing you need to improve on."

The scene stopped at the location where Wang Yulun executed his first attack.

"Your spell prediction was actually not a big problem. According to the original speed of the Monolithic Mantis, your spell will definitely hit it."

"However, this demon beast also has some intelligence. Thus, when fighting, you need to keep this concept in mind. You need a spell that must seal the enemy's movements."

As Xu Fan said this, the screen started to change. On the screen, the direction in which Wang Yulun cast spells changed slightly. Meanwhile, Wang Yulun, who was watching by the side, was instantly stunned.

"The angle of this Fire Spear Technique…" Wang Yulun's eyes lit up when he saw the screen.

"If you adjust the casting angle to this extent, this Monolithic Mantis won't be able to dodge the Fire Spear Technique." Xu Fan continued to explain.

The image on the screen continued to move. Wang Yulun looked at it seriously. He knew that there were not many opportunities for him to learn like this.

The screen was adjusted and changed to Wang Yulun's fifth spell. Then, the image froze.

"Here, your battle mentality is starting to change. Your positioning and casting are starting to become more careless as well."

"However, let's not talk about these for now. The demon beast clearly dodged your spell four times, but you didn't even observe its movement habits."

As Xu Fan spoke, his fingers formed a sword and pointed towards Wang Yulun's forehead.

Wang Yulun dodged to the right out of habit, but Xu Fan's finger landed on his forehead.

After retracting his hand from Wang Yulun's forehead, he pointed at Wang Yulun's forehead again.

He fit Wang Yulun's forehead once again.

"Do you see now? Everyone has their own habits and ways of positioning."

"When your prediction fails, you can only attack your enemy according to their movement habits."

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he waved his hand and removed the screen formed by the Light Illusion Technique.

"Big Brother Xu, is that it? I feel like I still have a lot of shortcomings. Tell me more," said Wang Yulun hurriedly. After all, such opportunities were rare.

"This kind of thing isn't something that you can do just because I told you so."

"That's it for now. We'll talk about it when you comprehend these things in the future," said Xu Fan indifferently. He had an unfathomable appearance, but he was very pleased in his heart.

"If there's nothing else in the future, you can come here to train." Xu Fan added on.

"Thank you, Big Brother Xu." Wang Yulun said happily. From his point of view, coming here to learn provided him with a clear path to enter the A-Hall.

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he collapsed back onto the recliner.

"Now tell me about that huge ship," said Xu Fan with interest.

Wang Yulun followed Xu Fan and collapsed on the recliner.

"That huge ship is called the Floating Sky Ship. Five thousand years ago, our sect's First Grand Elder brought all of our sect's belongings to the central continent and commissioned the Heavenly Weapon Sect to create the ship."

"Back then, the sect didn't recruit any disciples for 50 years to construct the Floating Sky Ship. Meanwhile, the entire sect lived frugally."

"At that time, disciples couldn't be shown Spirit Stones. Once they saw Spirit Stones, they would be jealous."

"It was only after the refinement of the Floating Sky Ship was completed that the sect could be considered to have turned over a new leaf. It was only later on that we could be considered to have advanced to a first-rate sect."

"Why did we have to buy this thing at that time? What's its function? Is it used to fight, or to search for resources?" Xu Fan asked doubtfully. This scene reminded him of the incident in his previous life, where small countries used all their efforts to build aircraft carriers.

"To search for resources, of course. Half of the Flying Feather World is occupied by a sea region, which is collectively called the Endless Sea. It is said to be boundless, and the resources that exist there are much richer than other places."

"Most importantly, there are many resources in the Endless Sea that our continent does not have."

"As for the dangers in the depths of the Endless Sea, even a mighty figure who has overcome the Tribulation Transcendence wouldn't dare to head there alone," said Wang Yulun.

"So are you saying that to search for resources in the Endless Sea, we need to have this kind of giant ship?" Xu Fan asked.

"That's right. Only this kind of Floating Sky Ship can withstand the attacks from a large number of Mahayana Stage demon beasts."

"It's said that the depths of the Endless Sea are filled with giant demon beasts at the Void Refinement Stage or above."

"Otherwise, our seniors above the Nascent Soul Stage in the Heavenly Imperial Sect wouldn't have been able to sustain with just the resources found in the continent."

"However, that's only one of the reasons. Most importantly, the Floating Sky Ship can not only go to the Endless Sea, but it can also go to the legendary Extreme Space Zone."

"The Extreme Space Zone?"

Wang Yulun pointed towards the sky, indicating that it was extremely high up in the sky.

"Isn't that the freaking universe?" Xu Fan thought.

"However, only those top-notch sects dare to enter the Extreme Space Zone. We're just fooling around in the depths of the Endless Sea."

Following Wang Yulun's explanation, Xu Fan slowly understood the importance of this Floating Sky Ship.

According to the knowledge from his previous life, this thing was like a nuclear weapon. It represented status and strength.

"Yulun, is there any way we can take a look at the Floating Sky Ship?" Xu Fan asked.

"Eh, there are typically four groups of people that can enter the Floating Sky Ship."

"The first group consists of cultivators who specialize in detection spells. They are mainly in charge of piloting the Floating Sky Ship."

"The second group is made up of the Battle Hall's combat personnel. They are usually the seniors of the A-Hall."

"Thirdly, there are alchemists and blacksmiths who are responsible for the initial processing of the raw materials."

"Fourthly, the mighty figures at the Void Refinement Stage and above make up the core team. They are typically Fusion cultivators."

"If Brother Xu wants to go and take a look, it's very simple. As long as you join the A-Hall in the Battle Hall, you can enter after reaching the Golden Core Stage."

"As for the rest, they are either Level-3 alchemists or blacksmiths."

Upon hearing this, Xu Fan said in disappointment, "I still need to reach the Golden Core Stage. Forget it then."

He would have to live safely until 250 years of age before reaching the Golden Core Stage. Just thinking about it made him sad.

"Oh, then forget it. My curiosity is satisfied. It doesn't matter whether I go or not," said Xu Fan slowly.

"Brother Xu, are you really not going to the Battle Hall?"

"I'm not going. There's no point in fighting and killing. However, I'm very interested in how they refined this Floating Sky Ship. Once I've accumulated enough Spirit Stones, I'll go and learn how to refine weapons," said Xu Fan. He suddenly looked forward to the moment when he could learn the art of refining.

"For weapon refinement, Big Brother Xu's wealth is probably insufficient." Wang Yulun looked at the spiritual rice in front of the courtyard and commented. With just these spiritual rice, he could at most pay the tuition fee for an alchemy course.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about that," said Xu Fan with a smile. He now knew that his talent was all-rounded.

"Alright, I know Big Brother Xu is a genius. In the future, my Dharma treasures will be refined by Big Brother Xu."

"Haha, alright, alright."