
My Master Keeps Breaking Through On The Verge Of Death

"Master, I'm sorry... It's all my fault that you could not break through before your last moments." "Don't worry, my disciple. I will not die," said Xu Fan as he smiled at his disciple, whose face was covered with tears. “If only… If only I could get you a few more Foundation Establishment Pills..." The genius of the sect knelt on the floor while crying like a baby. Xu Fan looked at his oldest disciple and sighed. He then took out a Foundation Establishment Pill and nonchalantly threw it into his mouth. The next second, divine lights of five different colors filled the world.

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40 Chs

Mission to Live a Lazy Life

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xu Fan looked at Wang Yulun's disappearing figure and muttered, "I don't have many friends in Heavenly Imperial Sect. You have to live well."

One of the two jade slips contained Xu Fan's self-created spell, the Light Feather Wind Technique.

The other was a combination spell, Fire Spear, which was a combination spell of the wood and fire elements.

After returning to his own courtyard, he casually watered his ten or so acres of spiritual farm with the Little Spirit Rain Technique before returning to his room to cultivate.

Early in the morning, Xu Fan came to the Mission Hall to receive his monthly mandatory mission. In the early stage of the Qi Refinement Realm, he would only do odd jobs in the sect to practice his cultivation technique. He would only be sent on missions from the sect once he reached the mid-stage of the Qi Refinement Realm.

In the Mission Hall, a Foundation Establishment warden was assigning tasks to the outer sect disciples.

When it was Xu Fan's turn, the warden looked at him and thought, "Isn't this the boy who's quite conscientious?"

"Senior, I've casted a spell to water the Seven-Leaf Flower outside your cave abode every five days. It's growing rapidly and will probably blossom in a few years," said Xu Fan respectfully.

As a long-term manager of the mission, this was a target that he had to achieve. What if he failed and was assigned a more dangerous mission involving the extermination of a demon beast?

Upon hearing Xu Fan's words, a smile appeared on the warden's face. There was originally an empty space in front of his cave abode, but after this punk advanced to Level-4 of the Qi Refinement Realm, he came over and used a spell. As a result, he turned the area outside his cave abode into a spirit field at the speed of the wind.

He even recommended the Seven Leaf Flower to the warden, saying that it would be his responsibility to take care of it in the future. However, this was just so that he could receive safe missions within the sect.

From then on, Xu Fan was the one who received the highest returns and the safest mission in the sect.

"Xu Fan, I have a long-term mission here. However, you will receive fewer contribution points. I don't know if you're willing to take it up," said the warden with a smile.

"Senior, is it safe?"

"It's absolutely safe. It provides 150 contribution points a year. Also, I'll give you 10 spirit stones privately," said the warden.

"Ten Spirit Stones? What does that mean?" Xu Fan asked doubtfully.

"It's like this. I need someone to take care of the farmland outside my cave abode until it matures. It's a few dozen acres large. I don't know if you're willing to do it or not."

When Xu Fan heard this, he was overjoyed. These two years, he hadn't helped this warden to water plants for nothing. Now, he finally had something in return.

"Thank you, Warden," said Xu Fan happily.

"This is what you deserve. However, you are really afraid of death…" The warden could not continue speaking. The other outer sect disciples were all fighting to take on missions to kill demons for the sake of resources. However, this brat had always been a calm and leisurely spiritual farmer.

"Oh right, I still have a small mission. Recently, a teacher, who is teaching the new disciples spirit farming spells, is busy. He needs someone who is proficient in spirit farming spells to replace him. It will take place over three days and you will receive three Spirit Stones as a reward. Are you interested?" The warden asked again.

"When do I start?" Xu Fan asked.

"Tomorrow. Is there a problem?"

"That's no problem."

After Xu Fan answered, he received the mission token given by the warden.

"You are familiar with that place. When you show your token, someone will naturally welcome you."


After Xu Fan accepted the missions, he first headed towards the warden's cave abode.

Xu Fan floated in midair with the Light Body Technique. As he looked up at a Senior Brother from the inner sect flying through the air on a magical item, he felt a bit envious. In his opinion, that was the true form of flying.

"There's no hurry. Thirty years should be enough. After all, there are still more than 100 years to live after that."

"Sigh, this damned system."

As Xu Fan spoke, he used the Imperial Wind Technique again and sped up towards the warden's cave abode.

The Heavenly Imperial Mountain Range had 100,000 mountains, as well as there were countless small mountains. In order to control the entire mountain range more quickly, the Heavenly Imperial Sect allowed middle-leveled disciples to occupy the smaller mountains. Foundation Establishment disciples could have their own cave abodes, while Golden Core Patriarchs could have their own main peak.

Half an hour later, Xu Fan appeared in front of a mountain that was more than ten times larger than his own small mountain. With the token in hand, he directly entered the restricted area.

He used the Little Spirit Rain Technique.

Then, he used the Light Concentration Technique.

Finally, he used the Spring Wind Technique.

As soon as he entered the warden's restricted area, Xu Fan quickly watered all the spirit fields.

"It's a good thing that I chose this kind of spirit medicine that was easy to treat back then. Otherwise, just the journey alone is exhausting."

Xu Fan, who had completed the task, looked around longingly. Although this warden did not know much about spirit medicines, his design of the cave abode was pleasing to the eye and gave off an immortal atmosphere.

After completing the mission, Xu Fan returned to his small mountain.

Xu Fan grabbed the recliner he made and laid down leisurely by the side of the spirit field. Then, he started to think about what he had to do.

"With the warden's care, there won't be any danger of going out on missions in the next few years. The only thing left is to sell the spiritual rice and learn alchemy."

"After earning money through alchemy, I'll learn refining techniques."

"With the support of my two identities in the future, others won't be able to scheme against me and harm my status."

As he spoke, a spiritual light flashed in Xu Fan's hand and a wind bird formed by magic appeared in his hand.

The vivid green phoenix began to fly around Xu Fan.

"This universe seems to correspond to the Trichiliocosm. There are several Immortal Worlds recorded in the sect's records alone. Could they correspond to the Trichiliocosm?"

"If that's really the case, then the world I'm currently in should be a Medium Chiliocosm. The First Elder of the Heavenly Imperial Sect must have transcended the tribulations."

"Since there is a Tribulation Transcendence Stage, this is like a spiritual realm in the mortal cultivation world."

"This half-dead system actually doesn't provide me with the ability to revive. Otherwise, I could go out and have fun."

"What's the use of giving me this damned talent? I can only break through when I die."

As Xu Fan spoke, he waved his hand to chase away the Wind Bird. Then, he formed a hand seal.

It was the "Flying Bird Group Killing Technique". However, Xu Fun preferred calling it the Drone Bombardment Technique.

A small spell formation appeared, and dozens of birds of various attributes emerged from it. Each bird contained the violent power of various elements, and the slightest provocation would cause them to explode.

This was the most powerful spell that Xu Fan had created himself. Even a cultivator at the higher levels of Qi Refinement would not be able to withstand the bombardment of these flying birds.

"This damn talent of mine can even create such a top-tier spell."

"What's the use? It's still useless when I encounter a Foundation Establishment cultivator."

At this moment, a thought flashed through Xu Fan's mind.

"I can take in a disciple myself. When the time comes, I'll impart my self-created spells to the disciple."

"Although I can't level up, my disciple can."

At this point, Xu Fan became excited. He felt that his boring cultivation life had some color.

"Once I reach Level-12 and reach the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, I can take in disciples."

"When the time comes, I'll teach my disciple well. With the protection of my disciple, wouldn't I be able to live in peace?"

In Xu Fan's eyes, the sect wasn't a completely safe place either. The Heavenly Imperial Sect had many enemies, including many top-notch big shots.

At this moment, an electronic voice appeared in Xu Fan's mind.

"Discovered high-level energy probing the host. Shield activated."

"Here we go again. Can't I have any privacy?"