
My Master Is A Tsundere

Rant Valo was an outcast in his village. His dream was to marry the village maiden, Zaria, and live a normal life. His life took a turn for the worst when the whole village decided to kick him out. Left alone with no place to go, he can only travel to the nearest town. On his way to the town he fainted because of dehydration. That was when his life started to change. Filled with violence and fiery temper. A small little girl who claims to be a Mana Dominion expert which is someone who stands at the peak of cultivation in the world saved his life. The little girl named Floriana Sabina forced him to be her disciple before taking him on an adventure around the world. They cooked fishes, explored ancient ruins, learned cultivation, and lastly, got a daily dose of tsundere. .......... "Just kowtow already! You idiot!" Floriana Sabina grabbed Rant Valo's hair and dragged it towards the ground. Ow! Ow! Ow! After hitting Rant Valo's head on the ground three times, she stopped. "Now call me, Master!" "No! I don't wanna!" Rant Valo struggled to free from her grip on his hair. But to no avail could he escape. "Mas! Ter! Call me Master!" Where was the peaceful life that he was promised? ===== Join my discord! Talk to me about stuff. https://bit.ly/LittleYunDiscord ======== Authors Note: This is my take on Spirity 2021 Since this novel is a slice of life novel. It will be VERY VERY slow paced. So don't expect anything major happening anytime soon. The release rate will be improved over time. From 7/week to 8/week till we get 14/week or 2 chaps per day. NEW STATUS: COMPLETED So I can achieve a daily upload, the chapters will only be 1,000 words long.

Daoist_Little_Yun · Fantasy
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195 Chs

Busting One Out From A Pendant

What happened to helping him?

Rant Valo was left sitting by himself in a daze. He can't understand what got her angry.

Rant Valo shrugged his shoulders and gutted the rest of the fish. He looked at the fish and couldn't help but feel sad.

"In the end, she's the same as the others..."


"Disciple, what are you doing now?"

Floriana Sabina watched as Rant Valo picked up twigs and branches on the ground. They were beside a forest so there was an abundance of them all over the place.

"I'm collecting branches and twigs"

Rant Valo answered without enthusiasm. Floriana Sabina frowned at his reply. She found his lack of enthusiasm irritating.

"Tch. Alright, I'll help you only this once!"

Floriana Sabina snorted. She circulated her elemental mana and guided it to pick up the twigs and branches scattered around the area.

The twigs and branches flew up in the sky and formed a big pile in front of Rant Valo. Rant Valo's mouth was opened wide after seeing such a display of power.

"So this is the power of 10th Mana Condensation stage cultivators..."

Rant Valo whispered to himself. His eyes shone with hope for a bit before quickly dying down. No one knows what just went through his head.

"Kukuku. Amazing, right?"

Floriana Sabina opened her legs and crossed her arms together. She smiled proudly while doing that pose.


Rant Valo couldn't help but say so after seeing the big pile of branches and twigs in front of him. He guesses that it reaches at least 2 floors high.

"What are we even gonna cook?"

Rant Valo could not help but sigh wearily. This was too much help.

Rant Valo grabbed an armful of branches and twigs and dumped it next to the pile. He put enough distance to not ignite the big pile when the small pile was ignited.

He arranged the branches and twigs. He grabbed a thick stick and grabbed a small branch. He started drilling the branch with the stick using his palms.

"Disciple, what are you doing?"

Floriana Sabina asked in curiosity.

"I'm starting a fire"

While gritting his teeth Rant Valo answered. He was vigorously drilling the branch with his stick.


There were question marks floating on top of Floriana Sabina's head.

"But I'm a Fire Element Magic Cultivator"

Rant Valo stopped moving. As if a machine that was not oiled properly, looked at her slowly.

"You're a what?"

"Fire Element Magic Cultivator"

Floriana Sabina replied calmly. There was Innocence on her face as she said so.

Rant Valo face palmed himself. He was drilling the branch for a whole minute here. His palms were already red from spinning that branch.

"Why didn't you say earlier!?"

"You didn't ask"

Floriana Sabina shrugged her shoulders and looked away. She kicked a rock and acted like it was not her fault.


Rant Valo couldn't argue with her correct logic. Where did she even come from?

Speaking of which, he doesn't know much about her at all. She just came at him and 'invited' him to be her disciple.

Rant Valo looked at the darkening sky and looked at the innocent-looking girl in front of him. His thoughts were on the fact that such a young girl is not at home happily eating dinner with her family.


A small ember of fire appeared on Floriana Sabina's finger. It was white in color and flew forward. The small pile of branches and twigs lit up and a bright yellow fire started.

"Whoa! That was so cool"

Rant Valo was mesmerized by the beautiful flickering white ember of light earlier. He thought that it was a failure but it turned out to be capable of lighting the fire.

"Hehe, I'll teach this to you someday"

Floriana Sabina chuckled and sat down in front of the fire. She was sitting with her back proudly straight.


Rant Valo looked at her with a yearning smile. Such a convenient power will allow him to live alone much easier.

"Disciple, don't you trust your Master?"

Floriana Sabina grinned at him confidently. Rant Valo couldn't help but think that she might actually be willing to teach him. He thought all this time that she was just using taking him as a disciple as an excuse to make him her slave.


"Here, it's not seasoned though"

Rant Valo offered a fish skewered on a stick to Floriana Sabina. It was the same fish 'they' gutted earlier.


Floriana Sabina took the fish and placed it on top of the flame. The fish sizzled as the water boiled off.

Rant Valo sat in front of her and did the same. The fire crackled as they cooked their fish.

"Say, what are you doing here, M-master?"

Rant Valo opened his mouth and asked. He didn't feel comfortable calling her Master that's why he stuttered. It was a question that he has been meaning to ask since earlier. It was something he thought to ask when he saw such a young girl in the middle of nowhere.


Floriana Sabina thought for a bit and stared at the stars in the sky. She slowly started speaking.

"I always lived inside the Sect cultivating. My Master never allowed me to leave its premises. Then one day when I overtook everyone in the sect, I ran away"

There was melancholy in Floriana Sabina's voice as she talked to him. She clearly remembered some painful memories.

"I see, you're the opposite of me then"

Rant Valo nodded in realization. So that's why she was here. He also realized that she was basically the exact opposite of him.

"I can understand what you mean. As a Cursed Child, you are someone people don't like to keep near them. Whilst I was someone my sect wanted to keep forever"

Floriana Sabina looked straight at Rant Valo's eyes and spoke with emotion. Her eyes reminded Rant Valo of his late Mother.

"Though, I didn't expect you to bust one out from a pendant. HAHAHAHA"

Floriana Sabina suddenly laughed out loud. Her words were full of mockery. She couldn't help but remember the scene she saw earlier when Rant Valo hid behind a bush. She saw him take out a pendant and bust one out whilst grasping it.

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