
My Master Is A Tsundere

Rant Valo was an outcast in his village. His dream was to marry the village maiden, Zaria, and live a normal life. His life took a turn for the worst when the whole village decided to kick him out. Left alone with no place to go, he can only travel to the nearest town. On his way to the town he fainted because of dehydration. That was when his life started to change. Filled with violence and fiery temper. A small little girl who claims to be a Mana Dominion expert which is someone who stands at the peak of cultivation in the world saved his life. The little girl named Floriana Sabina forced him to be her disciple before taking him on an adventure around the world. They cooked fishes, explored ancient ruins, learned cultivation, and lastly, got a daily dose of tsundere. .......... "Just kowtow already! You idiot!" Floriana Sabina grabbed Rant Valo's hair and dragged it towards the ground. Ow! Ow! Ow! After hitting Rant Valo's head on the ground three times, she stopped. "Now call me, Master!" "No! I don't wanna!" Rant Valo struggled to free from her grip on his hair. But to no avail could he escape. "Mas! Ter! Call me Master!" Where was the peaceful life that he was promised? ===== Join my discord! Talk to me about stuff. https://bit.ly/LittleYunDiscord ======== Authors Note: This is my take on Spirity 2021 Since this novel is a slice of life novel. It will be VERY VERY slow paced. So don't expect anything major happening anytime soon. The release rate will be improved over time. From 7/week to 8/week till we get 14/week or 2 chaps per day. NEW STATUS: COMPLETED So I can achieve a daily upload, the chapters will only be 1,000 words long.

Daoist_Little_Yun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
195 Chs

Are You Perhaps Recognizing Me As Your Master?

"Disciple, have you ever heard of cultivation?"

Floriana Sabina was walking behind Rant Valo. She has already changed her earlier address of him to 'Disciple'. They were headed towards the nearby town.


Rant Valo continued walking like he never heard her. There was despondency reflected in his eyes.


Floriana Sabina walked in front of Rant Valo and tilted her head as she asked.


There was still no reply from Rant Valo.


Floriana Sabina cracked her knuckles with an audible pop.

"A, ah, ahh I did! I did!"

When Rant Valo heard the knuckle popping sounds he was reminded of his fate earlier. He can only reply. He didn't want it to happen again! That was the worst uppercut he ever had!

"Reply sooner, Disciple. Otherwise, it will be your last"

Floriana Sabina relaxed her arms and her eyes flashed as she spoke. There was a dangerous glint in it.


What do I do? This kid is crazy! She's gonna kill me sooner or later. I heard that there are Foundation Establishment cultivators in the nearby town. They should be able to stop her.

"I'll explain cultivation to you, Disciple"

Floriana Sabina walked forward and overtook Rant Valo.

"First, there are 2 Major Cultivation Paths in this world. Do you know why?"

Floriana Sabina stopped and waited for him to answer.


Rant Valo tried to go around her but the hem of his clothes was tightly gripped to. He tried to move but it wouldn't budge. He swallowed his saliva carefully.

"Disciple... Do you want to die?"

Floriana Sabina looked up and there was a murderous glint reflected in her eyes. Rant Valo slowly turned his neck and saw her scary face. He felt like he will truly die right here and then.

"Eek! Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I'm still a virgin!"

There was panic in Rant Valo's eyes as he kowtowed to her repeatedly.

"Are you really worried about that?"

Floriana Sabina lifted Rant Valo's chin and slowly moved her lips closer.

"Why don't we get rid of it so you can go on peacefully?"

Floriana Sabina moved her mouth to his left ear and whispered quietly. Rant Valo's eyes opened wide in horror.

"Master, please don't joke around. Your body is divine and a puny mortal like me could never taint it!"

Rant Valo's mind whirred and he came up with something so he won't become a dead eunuch. There was a fawning smile on his face.

"Of course, I was joking with you. But I wouldn't mind doing the former, you know?"

There was a big grin on Floriana Sabina's face. She raised her finger to her neck and made a cutting motion.


Rant Valo swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This kid is really crazy!

"Now answer my earlier question. Do you know why there are only 2 Major Cultivation Paths?"


Rant Valo answered instantly, fearing that she would really take his life.

"Then I'll explain it to you. Listen carefully"

There was a serious look on Floriana Sabina's face. She started to explain carefully.

"The 2 Major Cultivation Paths are the Magic Path and the Sword Path. They became popular because these two were very practical to everyone"



"Is that it?"

Rant Valo thought that the explanation will be long and will dive into the history of the world but all he got was a half-assed answer. If not for fear of getting beaten up again, he would've ratted her out as a faker.

"That's it. Simple right?"

There was a proud smile on Floriana Sabina's face. She looked pleased with herself.


Rant Valo was absent-minded, seeing the proud smile on Floriana Sabina's face. He couldn't help but think that it wouldn't hurt to chat with her till they reach the town, right?

"In the Magic Path, there are 5 Major Cultivation Stages. These are the Mana Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, and Mana Dominion. Remember, reaching Mana Condensation takes talent, but reaching the Mana Dominion stage takes both talent and hard work. So don't slack when you start cultivating"

Floriana Sabina continued her explanation. She specifically warned Rant Valo at the end of her words.

"Wait, I'm gonna cultivate?"

Rant Valo asked in amazement. Even if she's pretending to be a Mana Dominion expert, her advice is on point. He heard that reaching the Mana Dominion stage is so hard that countless talents have been stuck at the Peak Nascent Soul stage.

"Of course. Why do you think I choose you?"

Floriana Sabina was bored out of her mind. So she went around the world and picked this guy after seeing him bust one out beside the road. Such bravery is something she fancy.

"What about luck? I heard that there are Heavenly Treasures that can boost cultivation?"

Heavenly Treasures are rare and valuable. They are in the form of plants, fruits, ores, etc. These form naturally and using them for your own use boosts your cultivation. There was a tale of a man who skipped Core Formation and reached Nascent Soul stage directly when he consumed a Heavenly Treasure.

"Of course, that's another factor, but with your constitution, would you even worry about luck?"

True. With his cursed body, Rant Valo has no hope of finding any Heavenly Treasure. He bet that when he accidentally did, someone would come and take it.

"Yeah... It would be impossible"

"Now that you know the 5 Major Cultivation Stages in the Magic Path. Wanna hear the 5 Major Cultivation Stages in the Sword Path?"

Floriana Sabina offered with a smile on her face. She was enjoying teaching someone clueless about the basics of cultivation. Since Rant Valo is here in a rural part of the world she expects him to know less than her.

"Please do"

Rant Valo thought that it has been a long time since he had a conversation with anyone so it was fun having her talk with him even if she's pretending to be a Mana Dominion expert.

"Oh wow, why are you suddenly polite?"

Surprise was plastered on Floriana Sabina's face as she looked on. Her smile turned into a teasing smile.

"Are you perhaps recognizing me as your Master?"