
Fury's... Furious! and Harry's Party!

After Tony left, I went back to research in Null-Void, when I got Felicia's call.

F-"Hey Alex, are you free tonight?"

A-"Why? Did something happen?"

F-"Harry was organizing a party and everyone's coming. Jean said you will pick-up her, Wanda and Laura. Could you pick me up as well?"

Wait.. what? I never got an invitation, and how come Jean just said I will pick them up, where's my free will? I was going to complain, when I suddenly got a chill crawl up my spine telling me I should just agree or I'll regret it. What the hell man??

A- Yea, I'll pick you up as well. Don't worry.

F- Good, see you tonight.

She said and cut the call. *Sigh* I can't even control my life anymore.

'Took you a while to realize' Oracle quipped in.

*Nick fury's POV*

"..So I should get my Father's heritage right?" Tony said chewing the donut.

Fury was not happy at this. Not at all. All his plans he made to get Tony under his control went into drains. Not only was he somehow healed for now, he also learned about his father's legacy he had been planning to use to get to his good side.

"Well, yes. We were going to give it to you-" Fury tried to explain but was interrupted.

"When, after I would have nearly died, to make me feel indebted?" Tony asked.

"Stark, you need to understand..."

"Understand what? And don't give me crap about not authorized either. You call me for your Avenger's initiative, and don't even tell me this. Then when were you? After I died of palladium poisoning?" Tony said, making Fury's face uglier with every word.

"The world's growing more and more dangerous Stark, I need you by my side." Fury said.

"And this is how you get me in? Lies and deception? No wonder he doesn't like you" Fury's eyes sharpened at his words.

"Who doesn't like us?" He asked. "Where did you get this information from Tony?" Fury asserted.

"None of your business." Tony said. "Just give me my stuff and I'll get going."

Knowing Fury won't get any answer's he said "I'll send someone to bring it to your house. None of our scientists were able to find anything, so I doubt you will get anything. Take these vials of lithium dioxide, these will help suppress the poisoning."

"No need, just send it to my home." Tony said and left. He trusted Alex, and if he said the answer is there, then it is in there.

Fury was not happy seeing Tony walk away. "Romanoff". He called. Natasha walked out I her Black Widow attire from the back door "Yes sir." "What is going on. How did Stark get cured, and also know about Howard's research in Shield." Fury asked.

"I don't know sir, I actually learned about Howard's legacy today as well." She said.

"Who has Stark met since morning?" He asked.

"He went to the Knight mansion after waking up." She replied.

Everything came to a halt for Fury. He knew Alexander had figured out Natasha and Barbra, according to her talk with him last night, and that he was not happy with it. So if anyone could get Tony the information he needed, it was probably him.

"Get our agents. it's time we paid him a visit." he said and walked out.

*Fury's POV end*

Alex smiled hearing Fury's declaration. He had set two nanobots on Tony, one to see Fury's reaction, and other to follow Tony. After all, even having the model of Stark expo was not enough to create Badassium, so he was interested to see how it will be made.

"You are in for a surprise Fury. You never walk into a dragon's den. Even if he is sleeping."

Alex grinned with a dangerous glint in his eyes.


I picked up the three girls from Xavier's mansion and headed out. The other's had already headed out apparently. The three were dressed beautifully, and I was having trouble keeping my eyes on the road. They smirked seeing me like this. After a while, I finally reached Felicia's home to pick her up. She was dressed in a Black top, with light blue jeans. Her top contrasted with her hair, giving her a sharp yet beautiful look. She smiled seeing my reaction, and got in. I noticed her mother keeping an eye from behind and nodded to her. She was surprised I noticed but said nothing.

We made our way to Harry's mansion and got in. He had arranged everything like a buffet, and I saw him walking towards us with Gwen.

"You actually came. I thought you forgot about this." He said jokingly.

I just shook my head with a wry smile, at which he laughed. We spent time eating and laughing, even had a few songs and danced around. After a while I noticed a hostile glare at me, so looked around to find the source. It was... Ryan I think? He was one of Flash's teammates. I ignored him thinking he was probably jealous or something. But the weird feeling didn't go away.

After a while I noticed Felecia was missing and asked Laura "Hey where's Felicia?"

"She went to the washroom but it's been a while". She said and frowned.

The feeling in my chest kept growing more and more unstable, then I remembered 'Wait, wasn't the guy who forced her in the comics named Ryan?' SHIT!

My eyes widened and I darted upstairs, with Laura following me. She realized something was wrong seeing me run upstairs. The other's were confused but seeing me and Laura rush up with a panicked face, they followed as well.

We reached the place, and Laura went inside to check, but came out and yelled" She isn't here, and there is smell of chloroform in there." She said. The other's have reached us and also heard it.

"Wait? What happened? What chloroform?" Harry asked, both scared and angered. Scared something happened in his home, and angry that someone dared to do it here.

"Felecia was kidnapped" Laura said putting them in shock.

"Jean, call her." I told her taking out my phone. "Oracle trace her phone and find out where she is." I said and the hologram lit up above it showing New York. and suddenly a light lit-up, not far away from this place. Oracle then showed a CCTV image of Ryan driving the car with Felecia behind knocked out.

"She's not picking up." Jean said. We saw Ryan actually throw her phone out of the car.

"Gwen, call your dad on him. Wanda, call Felecia's mom. Laura, Peter with me." I said opening the window, and jumped to the tree in front of it, surprising them. They were even more surprised seeing Laura and Peter do the same. Gwen and Wanda started calling and told what happened.

I reached the car and turned it on. Laura took shotgun, while Peter got behind, and started taking off clothes revealing the Spiderman suit.

We rushed towards him following Oracle's instructions with a map on dashboard. I took the alleys for shortcuts, and Peter also jumped out there and started swinging. I finally got on Ryan's tail and started following him. Captain Stacy got in call with Laura asking where he was. Ryan realized me following him, and started taking the alley as well.

The suddenly bumpy ride woke Felicia up, but couldn't do anything because she was tied up, and started crying to leave her. Ryan finally made it to the exit of alley, only to see two police cars at the end waiting for him, with Officers guns out. He panicked and took reverse, only to find mine blocking the way. The officers rushed in , and seeing this Ryan tried to get out and run, only to come in face with Laura's punch, breaking his nose. We took Felicia out, who broke in mine and Laura's arms, while we glared at Ryan for doing this.

We soon reached the station where we met Felecia's mom who hugged her and thanked us for helping her. Jean telepathically told me she made sure the people in the party won't think too much and keep Felicia's reputation. I had Oracle talk with Eliana arrange everything to drag Ryan to the ground. He dared hurt someone close to me, he will pay appropriately.

Ryan's father came and started forcing the police to get him out and falsify the case. We were bewildered but came to know he was a well-known businessman, but Oracle told me he was actually from Frankenstein family, one of the biggest human and drug trafficking's families in New York. When he started blackmailing Felicia's mother to withdraw or he will make her life hell, Eliana walked in with her guards. She was the front face of Knight industries right now, so there wasn't anyone who didn't know her. She went and stood in front of Ryan's dad intimidating him.

"Miss Eliana, what are you doing here" he asked, a bit scared. No matter how big he is in New York, people knew not to mess in Knight business.

"Well, your son just gave a psychological trauma to one of my brother's classmates, so I am here to make sure everything goes as it is." She said and looked at me when she mentioned her brother.

He looked pale seeing this, and turned to me, with the whole office looking at me, while I was glaring at him with the same intensity as Eliana. Though my friends knew I was the Knight, they didn't say anything. After the whole thing, Felicia went with her mom after saying thanks to us, and I asked the four Spider's to meet me at their base midnight, and asked the Jean, Wanda and Laura to be ready as well.

I had a visit tonight before I destroyed a family.

*3rd POV*

At night, Alex finally returned home. Oddly the entire mansion looked like everyone went to sleep. He went to the kitchen and took out a bottle of water, but a voice spoke behind him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Knight. I have been looking forward to meet you one on one." Fury came out of the shadows and said, expecting to surprise the boy. He thought he had become cocky finding a few Shield secret's, but his next words actually surprised Fury himself.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Nicolas Joseph Fury." He said turning around with a calm face, as if he was expecting him. But Fury went on full-alert mode. No one. No one knew his full name, but here he was, saying it like the most normal thing.

"It seems you did your research, is that why you gave Tony the data? You have no idea how much Tony Stark means kid" He said, trying to intimidate him.

"Oh no, I actually know exactly how much Tony is worth, it's you who I have a problem with. You go flaunting wherever you want, don't care about any rules society set up, and thinks you are the only one who deserves to be in control. Tell me, who gave you the right to decide that." Alex spoke.

"The World Security council-" Fury replied but was cut-off.

"The council currently has only two people who could be said to have a good heart, the rest are just greedy old fools trying to get as much power as possible. they even have more control over Shield than you. You think Shield listen's to you? No, they just made you the director to make sure you don't start investigating them and keep Shield running." Alex replied. Suddenly weapons came out pointing at Fury and a bulletproof glass wall fell between them even before Fury could point his gun.

"You think you will get away with this?" Fury still tried to intimidate Alex, pressing the emergency help button secretly.

"Oh does that button tell other's outside to come in? The whole place is shielded, so no communication can reach outside. And even if it did, they are in no shape to come help you." Alex told him with a smile, that sent shivers down Fury's spine.

"What did you do?" He asked, still not showing anything on his face.

"You really thought you just sneaked into the most safe house on earth? No, I knew everything. From those who are outside the mansion to those who are inside. I knew all the time where you were. And right now, you are the only one conscious. Everyone else is knocked out." Alex's words made Fury realize he walked right into his trap.

"Why?" He asked.

"Simple. To teach you a lesson. The world isn't your playground Fury. You cannot go everywhere control everyone. You walked into a dragon's den thinking you could tame it? Think again!" Alex replied and Fury felt an impact behind him and blacked out.

*3rd POV end*

Knocking Fury out, the Dark Knights took all agent's and teleported out, to drop them near Washington. I initially wanted to mess with him more, but I wasn't in the mood anymore. Anger still flowed through my head thinking of today's events. I have been growing comfortable again facing no problems till now. I will rectify my actions soon, but right now, I had a family to destroy!

*Stay tuned for more...*

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