
My Magical Books in the Apocalypse

Being transmigrated in a weird world named Wandering Planet, Lucas didn't think much of it and was instead disappointed since other than one oddity, it didn't differ much from Earth. However, on one particular day, he learned why the planet was named so when the Zombie Apocalypse suddenly came. Before the arrival of the Apocalypse, everyone had been given a starter weapon to defend themselves with. Lucas obtained three books as his started weapons and was ecstatic to know that his transmigrator perk allowed him to obtain multiple starter weapons. However, upon using said books, he learned that the books itself are individually very ridiculous in terms of abilities. With these books in hand, it paved a way for Lucas to easily walk on the path towards the peak. The Apocalypse became something he could easily survive through. However, the Apocalypse wasn't the only thing he should worry about. Follow Lucas as he tides through different challenges the world throws to him with companions he makes on the way.

Ron_Jones_5667 · Fantasy
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3 Planting

After admiring the first book for a while, Lucas then decided to check out the other two books. This time, his expectations were growing as he realized that his golden finger seems stronger than what he anticipated.

Lucas set his eyes on the second green book. This one was titled, "Creator and Trees"

Similar to the first book, he also touched it and expected something to happen. Just like before, he also received a notification.

[Ding! The owner does not have a suitable plot of land. Please contract a certain area of land under your ownership before accessing the book's functions.]

Lucas started wondering what this might have for him. He thought about how a plot of land was required so he wondered if it worked like those farming systems that he had read before. Not really his favorite system, but it was very cool nonetheless. Besides, he already got the first book which turned him into an almighty summoner.

Since he still couldn't access the second book's functions, he set it aside for now and decided to check the last purple book.

On its book cover, the word "Eden" was written. Now for this one, Lucas wasn't very sure on what this might be about. All he knew about Eden was that it was a garden of pristine or abundant natural beauty and was the place where Adam and Eve first lived.

Did it give him access to Eden itself? The Holy Garden? Wouldn't that make his "Creator and Trees" useless then?

Wanting to know more and unwilling to believe that one of his cheats could possibly be useless, he decided to check it out. He similarly touched the book and another notification rang out. This time, it was a description about the book and not about some requirement.

[Welcome, owner! With this book, you will have access to your own personal garden which is stored within a dimension created by the book itself. Because it is inside a separate dimension, it can also serve as your personal storage.]

Shortly after Lucas read through that, he was amazed. Although it didn't sound as awesome as his previous two books, it was still very convenient. Moreover, it sounded like a very good pair with the Creator and Trees. With it, he didn't need to find a plot of land anymore. Moreover, he could move around this garden of his as freely as he wants.

Lucas soon noticed that there were actually more messages that he hadn't read.

[Eden is the garden that God had created in legends to house the first two living humans in the world. To honor its special status, everything that will grow in your garden will be of the highest grade whether it was grown from a low quality seed or not.]

[Additionally, because you own the space, you have complete authority inside and change shift mountains if you simply willed it.]

Lucas immediately took back what he said about the book not being as good as the other two. This was just as amazing as the other two. Even if the world remained peaceful, Lucas could still earn a lot by buying the lowest quality seeds and then selling the highest quality plants.

Lucas was ecstatic. With the three books, it wasn't different from having a 3-in-1 golden finger. Just one of cheats he currently had is already qualified enough to become a transmigrators cheat but he had all three. Who wouldn't be happy?

After a while, Lucas was finally able to calm down and think clearly. Now that he had gotten three powerful books, he had to make use of them well or they would just be no different from an ordinary book.

He then started thinking of how to utilize his books well. He first grabbed the Eden book and opened it. He then lifted the hard cover and flipped it open, revealing the first page.

On the clean and white empty page, colors suddenly started appearing until it formed a beautiful landscape painting. The main theme was green while many other colors in the form of flowers dotted the painting. On the top of the painting was a shining sun which lit up the entire small world formed within. On one side of it, there was a small stream of clean, sparkling water.

It looked like paradise. Lucas was enchanted the more he looked. Suddenly, he felt as if he formed a connection with the world within. It was as if he could travel into it whenever he wanted.

He closed his eyes and focused on that feeling. He willed the world inside the painting to reveal itself in from of him.

Suddenly, Lucas felt his surroundings change as the comfortable and cozy vibe of the house turned into something warm and refreshing.

Lucas opened his eyes and found himself within the little paradise he had seen in the picture. The green grass looked even more beautiful and the flowers looked more enchanting in real life. He walked over to the stream he had seen before and found the untainted and pure water gently flowing down the stream.

Lucas got down and took a sip. He was immediately refreshed. He smiled in satisfaction before getting up and marveling at the beauty of this place.

As he was admiring the scene in front of him, he suddenly remembered how this place would be the perfect partner for the Creator and Trees.

He tried summoning the book into this world and was successful at the first try. It looked like the books followed his commands completely and could even follow him to separate dimensions.

Lucas didn't think much of that however and focused on the matter at hand. He opened the book and muttered, "Contract Eden"

[Ding! Detected the highest quality land. Contracting...]

[Ding! Congratulations for contracting a land of unknown quality. Trees planted within will receive tremendous benefits.]

[Ding! You have finally contracted a land of your own. Would you want an introduction for the book's function?]

Naturally, Lucas would answer 'yes'.

[Creator and Trees has a very simple function. Once it confirms that a plot of land is owned by you, everything that is buried there will sprout into trees. When the trees bear fruits, you would find that each fruit contains the exact same thing you have planted.]

Lucas fell into deep thought after reading that. Suddenly, a ridiculous idea emerged within his head.

"Can I plant an egg?", Lucas wondered.

It was definitely impossible but the book had said that everything that will be planted on his plot of land will sprout into a fruit tree. Why doesn't he try to confirm if it's true?

Lucas imagined himself teleporting back to the real world which he did. He felt space twist his surroundings before he felt the change in the environment once more. In an instant, he was back at his house.

He didn't react that much and immediately hurried over to the kitchen where he grabbed an egg.

He then summoned the Eden book and opened it to the first page. There, he saw the beautiful picture once more. He rememberer the book saying that he had complete authority so he wanted to try that out.

Lucas shoved the egg at the book and instead of smashing itself and splattering the contents on the paper, it simply disappeared. In Lucas' consciousness, he felt the addition of something else. He was sure that it was the egg.

He then commanded the world to convert an area of the land there to become a suitable tree plantation. Like a video, Lucas then watched as the painting slowly moved as the earth overturned and turned one part of the land to a good planting spot.

After that, he commanded the world itself to bury the egg. Lucas then watched a magical scene where the egg slowly floated and hovered above the land. A hole then opened itself on the earth where the egg descended. After that, the hole closed itself back in and looked as if nothing really changed.

Back to Lucas, the Creator and Trees book suddenly summoned itself in front of him. It then opened itself to the first page where words started forming.

[Egg Tree]

[Tree Maturation: 23:59:54]

[Fruit Ripening: 47:59:54]