
My mafia wife is too Domineering.

"Who are you?" I asked the woman, who sat a few meters away from me. " Your Wife" She threw back at me. Stunned, I asked further, "My wife?" I mean, what the hell? "Cut the crap, I listed some points in this document. You better abide by them." She threw a document filled with clauses. "What the fuck, at least tell me your name?" I asked, with fear floating before my eyes. “Shanaya Jonas,” She asserted. “Shanaya, the devil woman of the underworld of Nivea.” I plopped down with utter fear and disbelief. No one knew the devil woman who ruled over the entire Nivea with a sword in her right hand and decapitated her opponents. Everyone feared her dominant nature as she never tolerated any nonsense within her territory. Even the highest government officials posed no threat to her, as she never crossed the government's boundaries. The women in Nivea were bold and straightforward towards men, as they received support from this deadly woman whom every man assumed to be innocent, but was really a she-devil in disguise. “ Please don't kill me, I didn't do anything wrong.” I bowed and pleaded to her. “No you didn't, but you captured my heart honey, so I own you now and you are mine, and if ever you try to escape from me; then pray for your consequences won't befall you too soon.” She gently bites on my neck that shivers my poor soul. Will Ryan continue his journey of love or will he escape from her? This journey is filled with love, hatred, pain, and pleasure.

Subhajeet_Patra · Urban
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12 Chs

I want a Divorce

Hello readers,

Apologies to all the readers for the incorrect arrangement of chapters. "You belong to Me (part 2)" should be the eighth chapter but was mistakenly published after "I want a Divorce". I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please read "You belong to Me. (Part 2)" first and then continue with "I want a Divorce".

Thank you,

Subhajeet Patra.

The following day, we returned to Nivea City. Occupying the seat next to her, I observed my wife as she drove the car, her face displaying an emotionless demeanour. Catching sight of my attention on her, she stared at me and inquired, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, no I was simply admiring my wife, hehehe," I replied nonchalantly.

"Is that so?" She grinned at me.

"Yes, you are my wife. You are incredibly lovely."

"You actually have the nerve to flirt with me, hmm. You've got guts huh?" Suddenly she remarked, her raised eyebrows and stern tone indicating disapproval.

'Damn, why is this woman so sophisticated, I can't even flirt with her. Forget it, I will no longer express any affectionate words towards her.' I mumbled under my breath.

As my face grew pale, she giggled at my innocence. "Honey, I was just kidding, you can always playfully flirt with me. Don't worry, I won't be upset with you unless you cross my boundaries." She gently placed her hand on my legs.

"No wife, I absolutely will not do that anymore." I gestured defensively, refusing the proposition.

"Hmm, then will you flirt with another woman behind my back? If you dare do that, remember what I told you yesterday?" She warned furiously.

'What the fuck, what this woman actually wants? Really, she's too complicated, I can't understand her.' I grumped in frustration.

She asked with caution, "Excuse me, repeat what you just said?"

I responded​ casually​ as I reassured my wife, "Nothing official about it, just focus on the road."

Ring Ring

At that moment, the tranquillity in the vehicle was disturbed by the sudden ringing of my mobile phone. I retrieved it, and noticed an unfamiliar number illuminated on the display. Curiosity arose within me as I wondered, 'Who could be calling me now?'

At that moment, the tranquillity in the vehicle was disturbed by the sudden ringing of my mobile phone. I retrieved it, and noticed an unfamiliar number illuminated on the display. Curiosity arose within me as I wondered, 'Who could be calling me now?'

"Honey, who is it?" Shanaya inquired.

"Well, it's probably a fraudulent call. I won't bother." I concealed my anxiety as I chuckled.

"Hmm, maybe you should answer it. You know, it could be something important, don't you think?" She contemplated and suggested.

"I don't think so-"

She gave me a fierce look before saying, "Go ahead and pick up the call, and make sure the loudspeaker is on."

I nodded and answered with hesitation, "Hello?"

On the other end of the line, an anxious woman spoke, "Darling, where are you?"

"What?" I felt like the world in front of me had crumbled down.

'Fuck, I'm screwed up.' I muttered, feeling the cold sweat pouring down my face.

"Hmm?," Shanaya suddenly hit the brakes hard.


As the car halted, Shanaya shot me an intense look. Her face grew crimson, and her chest rose and fell with rage evident in her eyes. Seizing my phone, she glanced at the screen, which displayed an unfamiliar number. Muting the call, she coldly asked, "Who is she?"

"Wife, I I don't know, trust me-"

Slap Slap

She struck me twice before unfastening her seat belts and exiting the vehicle. Then, she walked towards me, unlocked the door, and shouted, "Step out."

Unbeknownst to her, she was so infuriated that she failed to notice the growing crowd of spectators who started murmuring quietly amongst themselves.

"What happened? Why is that beautiful woman so angry?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be complicated."

"Maybe that man was caught cheating."

Upon exiting the vehicle, Shanaya forcefully clutched my collar and fixed me with an intense glare. "You have two minutes to spill the beans, or else prepare to face my wrath."

"Umm wife, please trust me. I truly have no knowledge of her, and there is no reason for me to deceive you. Maybe we should investigate further, don't you think?" I proposed.

"Don't teach me, you just stay here. And, if I find out that you are fooling behind my back, then I swear I'll make sure you would never dare to glance at another woman." She pointed her fingers at me and said furiously.

"As you wish, honey." I shrugged.

Shanaya then turned on the audio for the call and posed a profound question, causing the other woman to feel an eerie sensation. She inquired, "Who is it that you require?"

The timid woman inquired, "Excuse me, ma'am, do you happen to know the whereabouts of Mr. Ryan Ley?"

She made an unpleasant face as she asked, "What is the reason behind your call to my husband?"

"Husband, um ma… ma'am are yo… you his wife?" The woman was stuttering.

Shanaya was growing frustrated and demanded, "Hey you, share your thoughts now. And remember, I don't want my time to be wasted. So tell me what you require."

"Ma'am, please accept my sincere apologies. It was only meant to be a harmless prank call, and I genuinely hope you won't be upset by it. As today is 'World's Laughter Day', we were simply spreading joy through these prank calls. I truly regret any offence caused and understand your concern about potential consequences."

Learning her justification, Shanaya's guilt and heavy burden were alleviated as she heard the woman's explanation. As the call was on speaker, I heaved a sigh of relief. Then she looked at me, with puppy eyes, and lashed at the woman,"I won't hold you accountable. But don't you dare call in my husband's number. I'm warning you." She threatened, and the woman too said, " Yes ma'am, rest assured we won't do that in future." And then she hung up the call hastily.

As I saw the pleading look in her eyes, I couldn't help but smile inwardly and think, 'Now it's my time to have fun, you crazy psycho.' However, I didn't have the courage to say it out loud. Instead, I turned towards the car and silently sat in the backseat, my emotions hidden behind a cold expression. Shanaya quickly joined me, and with a sense of urgency, she drove away, leaving the spectators confused.

"Honey, it was only-" I cut her off before she could finish, "Just take me to the college and please refrain from bothering me at the moment," I responded casually.

After dropping me off at the entrance of Nivea College, she waited until I entered before driving back to her Villa. Once inside, she made her way to a room adorned with photos of me displayed on the wall. She spent some time gazing at them, eventually focusing on one particular picture where I was engrossed in a book. As she studied the image, she softly uttered some words under her breath.

"I apologise sincerely, honey, for doubting you. However, I cannot bear to witness you becoming involved with another woman. You have to know that you hold a special place in my heart and belong solely to me. Losing you is something I cannot fathom. I know that I may sometimes be unreasonably harsh, but it is only because my actions stem from my deep emotions for you, my dear. I am aware that you may now despise me, and although it pains me, I can endure it. But if I were to witness you engaging with another woman, I am afraid, my love, that I would have to reprimand you."

Nivea Institute of Management.

After spending some quality time at the library, my mood greatly improved. Whenever I feel down, I find solace in the library. While walking in the hallway, I noticed an attractive woman engaged in a phone call. She appeared slightly unhappy, her face displaying a gloomy expression. Despite my hesitation, I approached her and gently tapped her shoulder from behind. Startled, she turned around and realized it was me. To my surprise, it was Jessy. Dressed in a white shirt with the top button undone, she paired it with a black skirt that accentuated her flawless complexion. She ended her call, embraced me tightly, and began to silently cry.

Not understanding the reason behind her tears, I decided to hold her hand and guide her to an empty classroom. Once there, I helped her onto a table and tenderly wiped away her tears.

I asked with concern, "Jessy, what's the matter? Why are tears streaming down your face?"

"No, my love, I simply couldn't bear being apart from you any longer. Where have you been all this time? I've been consumed by worry. But now that you're here, it's as if I've found back my precious gem that I had lost." She tenderly held my face and placed a soft peck on my cheeks.

"Stop, it's not appropriate to engage in such intimate things in this place. Remember, there are surveillance cameras recording everything here. I wouldn't want you to jeopardise your professional career.

"I have zero interest in my career. The only reason I'm here is because of you," she stated casually.

"I will get angry if you put it that way. Jessy, love alone cannot provide for your needs, but money can. Think rationally. Moreover, I have come to share some good news with you."

"I'm sorry, but what is the good news, darling?" Her face lit up with curiosity as she responded quickly.

Since she and Shanaya are both five inches taller than me, I had to tilt my head up in order to make eye contact with them. "Jessy, it would be better if you sit down because it's uncomfortable for me to keep looking up. It's straining my neck," I said while pretending to be angry.

With a giggle, she playfully acknowledged, "Haha, darling, you're so cute. It doesn't matter that I'm taller than you, you'll always be my beloved pumpkin." Amused, she moved closer to me.

"Hey Jessy, we are in a class-"

"Be quiet, baby, let me see you for a while. And, I have the right to do as I please, my love." With that, she raised me and pressed me against the wall. She maintained eye contact, until her expression transformed into a passionate desire. She softly caressed my lips with her tongue and playfully nibble on them. "Ah!" I cried out.

"Quiet, don't shout, let me enjoy my feast. I have long awaited the arrival of these delicate and enticing lips. You are my sweet honey, that I want to devour daily." She continued to nibble on them.


"I don't want to hear any excuses. Despite being married, I still consider you as my own and I am yours. The presence of your wife doesn't matter to me. My love for you will continue until my last breath," she softly murmured.

Then she played for a while, and finally satisfying herself she said, "So what's the good news?"

"I plan on filing for a divorce." I proclaimed as I pulled her nearer.

"Really?" Excited, she exclaimed.


"But do you think your wife will support your choice? It appears that she has shown possessiveness and an unhealthy preoccupation with you. It seems unlikely that she will be in agreement with your thoughts." She expressed her viewpoint openly.

"I hope things turn out well. Jessy, I have no idea what the future holds but I'm really exhausted and all I want is a pillow to help me fall into a deep sleep." I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm here for you, baby, so remember you're not alone. When you're feeling lonely, I'll shower you with affection. If you're frightened, I'll embrace you from this cruel world and protect you. My love for you remains unwavering, so don't worry about losing me; instead, I'll always be by your side, soothing you with lullabies."

"Hmm Jessy, I'll see you tomorrow. Let's find out what unfolds today after I make my demand."

"Don't worry about it, my love. I am here for you. Take good care of yourself. Muah." Jessy lightly kissed my lips and expressed her concern.

After saying goodbye, I hailed a taxi and headed to Shanaya's Villa. Arriving at 6pm, I knocked on the door and was greeted by the maid. In the living room, Shanaya sat with a sour look on her face, engrossed in reading some reports. Upon noticing me, she stood up, reaching out to take my hand, but I quickly moved away. My unexpected response startled her, yet she managed to conceal her emotions and forced a bitter smile.

"It's fine, I simply came here to talk about some significant issues that involve the both of us," I told her, without giving her a chance to recover.

"Ohh, so what's bothering you honey?" She took her seat opposite of me.

I made a displeased face as I said, "I go by Ryan Ley, just refer to me as Ryan; no need for any affectionate nicknames."

"Hmm, go ahead." She was controlling her anger before it would burst out.

"It is time for us to be separated​ for each other. Given your lack of trust and constant suspicion towards me, I believe it is in our best interest to go our separate ways and find happiness." I said nonchalantly.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by saying we are parting ways?" She arched her eyebrows and her voice grew assertive.

"To put it simply, I want a divorce." After pausing for a moment, I finally mustered the courage to speak to her.