
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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23 Chs

8: Bow Down

(IPrevail - Bow Down)

"I swear to be a member of this pack freely and of my own choosing. I vow to my mate to be his strength and helping hand. To be loving a shoulder for him. I swear to my mate and pack members that I will protect them as much a they will me. My secrets will be kept with you. My loyalty is yours." I say reprint what Hoseok had told me as and Jin had gotten a chalice and a dagger that matched.

As I was repeating the words we all cut our hands letting our blood mix in the chalice. When everyone's blood was in the chalice Jungkook takes my hand placing his cut hand on top of my own above the chalice letting our mingled blood go down in it.

We pull away letting our hands heal on their own before Jungkook pulls me to him and kisses my temple.

"Welcome to the pack little brother." Namjoon says as Jin begins to cry.

Namjoon pulls him to him and holds him tight letting his mates tears wet him. I feel tears well up clouding my eyes.

Happiness fills my senses making the tears fall. Jungkook kisses them away and we stay like that until Jin and I calm down.

When the two of us are calm Jin calls Jimin down to eat but be never comes down. Yoongi and Hoseok go up to their room to check on him. When they come back down Jimin isn't with them.

"He isn't here. Jungkook go look in your studio. I mean the photography art studio." Yoongi says calmly where as Hoseok is panicked.

Jungkook and I get up from the table and heads to his studio. When we get to the building the door is closed but all the lights are on.

Jungkook opens the door and growls but stops when we hear someone crying.

We walk inside in the direction of the crying as we walk through the destroyed pictures and drawings. We finally see the source of the crying to find Jimin tied to a chair and gagged. He's been stripped naked but since his hands are in his lap he's covered.

"Go get Yoongi and Hoseok." But as I say this Jimin tries to yell through the gag as more tears run down his face.

"Since he doesn't want you to don't go get them." I say going over to Jimin and takes the gag off.

"I... I... d... di.... di... didn't want you g.... g.... getting them because she'll come.... come back." Jimin says as I untie him.

"Kookie can you get a sheet or something to cover him up with?" I ask making him nod and heads to the bedroom and returns with a blanket before handing it to me.

I hold it up after unfolding it. He tries to get up but is unable to, I see him grimace in pain.

"Text Hoseok for him to come here." I say to Jungkook before he takes out his phone and does what I said as I cover Jimin with the blanket.

Not long after Hoseok and Yoongi comes in.

"He can't get up so one of you will have to carry him and I'm sure that he will only want to lay down. He will tell you what happened when he is ready. Please don't push him." I say pleadingly.

"I wouldn't imagine doing that." Yoongi says as he looks at Jimin lovingly who is now in the arms of Hoseok before the three of them leaves the studio.

I can feel Jungkook's anger.

"All of its ruined. All of it. I'm going to kill her. SHE HAD NO RIGHT TO COME IN HERE." He yells as his eyes start to turn black.

"Kookie please. Please calm down. Everything will be alright. I'm right here nothing has hurt me. No one has hurt me." I say as I hug him.

He buries his face in my hair calming him down.

"Come on, the studio will be fixed and you'll be able to take more pictures and draw new ones in the future. I'm not going anywhere. Nor will you." I say as I drag him out of the studio and back into the house.

"Jin hyung can someone bring mine and Jungkooks food to his room? He's not in a good state of mind at the moment." I ask getting an ok as I lead Jungkook to his room.

Once there he goes to his closet and changes to black low hanging sweat pants and a white t-shirt. He walks up out carrying a pair of grey sweatpants and hands them to me.

I quickly change out of the pants I was wearing to the sweatpants and climbs onto the bed where he was now laying. He pulls me to him and buries his face in my neck.

A couple of minutes later someone knocks before coming inside and places our food on the table that sits in front of the couch that's in the room before they leave closing the door behind them.

"Come on Kookie we need to eat before the food gets cold." I say making him whine.

"We can cuddle when we are done." I say trying to coax him to get up and eat.

He finally gets up, the two of us eat our food and cleans up what needs to be cleaned up before getting back on the bed cuddling.

#                         #                       #

The next day my family finds out that Jungkook and I mated and is pushing me to move in with him and the others which I reluctantly do two days after he asked me to do so at the request of my mother.

Thanks mom very nice you. It's greatly appreciated.

Three days later Jimin and I are at school while the rest of the Lycans has to go and do something. Jungkook said that they should be back before lunch.

Before the bell rings for lunch I am called to the office.

I walk into the principals office to find the principal Mr. Michaels and Alpha Choi who is all but smirking. I roll my eyes.

"Get on with your sit I don't have time for your games Alpha Choi." I say uninterested.

My attitude catches both men off guard making me mentally chuckle.

I keep my annoyed expression as Alpha Choi finally speaks.

"There is a law against hurting your mate. You broke Minho's arm."

"Only to keep Jungkook from killing him." I say before shrugging.

"You mostly won't believe me when I tell you what actually happened so why even call me here? This whole ordeal is ridiculous and planned."

"Taehyung remember who you are talking to, be respectful." Mr. Michaels says making me pissed, I growl.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry but technically you have no authority of me, either one of you. I'm not a werewolf. I'm a Lycan and Alpha scum your son. IS NOT MY FUCKING MATE YOU MOTHER FUCKING JACKASS. If you try and control me I'm killing your pathetic ass. I've told you once before that Jungkook is my mate. If your son tries to bite me again I'll let Jungkook kill him. I won't stop him. DO NOT TEST ME!" As I start to phase.

"You are Minho's mate there is no changing that. Do you want something to happen to those friends of yours or your family?" Alpha Choi taunts.

This guy really likes to play with fire doesn't he?

"You just threaten my family and friends? YOU DARE THREATEN ME? Your ugly ass just made a big fucking mistake." I say before fully phasing, growling at him.

I angrily swipe my paws at him making contact with his chest as he tries to get away from me but I don't let him get anywhere.

I continue to growl before snapping at him to make him even more scared of me. His fear mingles with Mr. Michaels who is now no where in sight, possibly hiding behind or under his desk.

I bite Alpha Choi's leg ripping a chunk out of it making him scream in pain.

Ew, disgusting.

You are the one that did it.

I know but it doesn't make it any less disgusting.

That's true.

A smell consumes my senses. It smells so good. I want to savor the smell but my prey in front of me needs to be ended.

"Taehyung baby, you may not realize it now but you've done more damage to him than you realize. Come on. Come back." A voice says making me turn my attention to the person who is talking.

The smell, that lovely smell is coming from him. From this person who is now in front of me. Mate. He's our mate.

I rub my head in his chest making him chuckle.

"I love you too my beautiful mate. Now come on. I have to somehow get you to phase back." My mate says as the two of us leave the office but before we are about to walk out of the a dumb ass speaks.

"You can't just leave!"

"I'm sorry Alpha Choi but we can. Werewolf rules don't apply to Lycans. Also Tae wouldn't have done what he did to you if he didn't have a reason to. You provoked him. Not something you want to do to a Lycan. You aren't his Alpha anymore Choi, he doesn't have to listen to you and I doubt he will considering how much he hates you. He would have killed you immediately but he didn't want to be hated by others who like him but respect you. The moral to all of this is 'never force him to do anything he doesn't want or he'll hurt you.' If you try again me and our pack are going to wreck havoc on your pack only leaving innocents. Come on Tae." He says before the both of us leave the room.

As we walk down the hall he is attacked from behind by a black wolf. I know the scent it's Alpha Choi. Jungkook hollers out in pain. I growl in anger and attacks the wolf bitting through his leg making him let go of Jungkook.

Jungkook phases and growls at Alpha Choi asserting dominance but Alpha Choi doesn't back down.

He tries to get away from me and snaps at my snout making me let go of his leg. Jungkook growls rushing at Alpha Choi.

I hear four more growls behind me. I know it's Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi. I look to see Jimin in human form but semi close to us but far enough away to not get hurt.

This dumb ass alpha doesn't know what he just got himself in into.

Hoseok links to all of us minus Jungkook making the rest of us nod our heads subtly as Jungkook fights Alpha Choi. I go to to help him but he growls a warning at me making me put my head down before going over to where Jimin is.

"He doesn't want you getting hurt Tae." Jimin says making me nod my head knowing why my mate growled at me.

Even though I do know why he did growl at me doesn't mean it I'm not hurt by it. I can't show that it effects me though.

"Alpha Choi change back or I will allow Prince Jeon Jungkook to rip you apart for attacking him and his mate." A commanding voice says.

Almost everyone's attention goes towards the source of the voice which happens to be Lord   Jung Hyunwoo. Jungkook's a Jeon because his father is mates with one of Hoseok's mother or father's siblings the same goes for Namjoon since I just now put two and two together. I mentally slap myself.

Don't do that you're slapping me.

At the moment I don't care so I apologize before and after when I do it again.

Ok, whatever bye.

V don't be like that. You aren't as annoying as I make you out to be other than Jimin you are my best friend. And thank you for not taking over like I know you want to.

You're welcome and thanks for saying that Tae that means a lot. I know you care about me more than you let on but I'm not going to rub it in your face I'm going to go now. Be careful.

Alright and I will.

Alpha Choi decides that he doesn't want to die so he changes back. The rest of us phase back as well. We are all given a robe to wear which we all put on.

Jungkook and the others come over to where Jimin and I are.

"We are going to go home and we will deal with this whole thing tomorrow." Hoseok says making me and Jimin nod our heads.

I look up at Jungkook who is staring at me.

"We're going to have a photo shoot." He says out of nowhere before grabbing my arm as I blush profusely.

We make our way out of the school towards Jungkook's car. Before we make it we are stopped by none other than Yuna.

"Where are you two going? You do know that school is still going on right?"

"Yuna, if you didn't know but we can take high school all over again if we want to." I say faking excitement while pointing out how dumb she is.

"Plus why would we want to continue with our school day in a fucking robe? I know damn well I don't want to. Now if you'll excuse us you can go inside and continue you with your precious ass school day cause we aren't coming back for the rest of the day." I say before pulling Jungkook the rest of the way to his car.

The two of us get and and heads to the house. When we get there we go inside to our room ignoring the cook in the kitchen trying to get his attention with failed attempts.

We really need to get rid of her.

Once inside his room he locks the door behind us.

"What did he do?"

"He tries to accuse me of hurting my mate which I did not because you are my mate. He also had the audacity to threaten my friends and family." I say getting riled up again.

"Calmed down baby tiger he'll get what's coming to him soon, don't worry." He says before kissing me taking my breath away.

He teases my lips with his tongue only to take it away making me whine. When I do this I feel him smirk against my lips.

He breaks away from the kiss moving to my ear.

"You'll have to be patient my little tiger." He whispers his hot breath in my ear making my knees go weak whining once again.

When he speaks again I can feel the smirk playing on his lips.

"Be a patient tiger my love. I know you can do it." He says before walking around behind me and unties my robe while kissing my neck.

He slides the robe off me letting it drop to the floor. He trails kisses from my neck to my shoulder before going the same path with his tongue paying special attention to the mark that is in the shape of a crowned crescent moon with a tiger lily behind it.

He colors the mark by biting a sucking. When he is satisfied with what he has done he places a gentle kiss on it. He then picks me up in a princess hold and carries me to the bed and lays me on it.

"Get ready to be teased my love. I want you to be a mess when I take you."