
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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23 Chs

4: Heavier

(Slaves - Heavier)

A couple of days later I am not woken up by a knock on my window. I groan getting up and goes over to my window and opens it to find Jungkook standing there.

"Why are you here?" I ask as I look at the clock to see the time.

"It's six in the morning you could have let me sleep a little more but what are you doing here?" I ask making him chuckle.

"I gave you your space to wrap your head around the fact that you are my mate little tiger. Do you accept it? Well I need to reword that. Do you accept me?" He asks looking hopeful.

"It's to early for this but yes. I accept you as my mate. I would be stupid not to. I want to get to know you more as a person before we do anything." I say tiredly.

"Oh come on and get ready. I'll drive you to school." He says leaving through the window he came in from.

I drag myself out of bed grabbing my clothes that I surprisingly picked out the night before and heads to my bathroom.

I take a shower and puts on my clothes and does the rest of my morning routine. I go to my closet to pick out the right shoes to go with my outfit before heading downstairs to the kitchen grabbing everything I need and turns off the lights closing the door as I leave the room.

"Mom, don't cook to much. I'm just going to skip today. I have a ride to school and they are waiting outside. They just texted when I came down. I had forgotten that he was going to take me today." I say explaining before a familiar pain runs through me.

Why now? Why does he have to do this shit now?

I try not to grimace in pain so she wouldn't catch on but I do and she gets completely worried. She turns off the stove as she watches me double over in pain. A knock quickly comes from the front door.

"Go... an.... answer the..... door. Pl... please." I groan out giving her a pleading look.

She nods quickly and does what I say and gasps at Jungkook who I know is at the door.

"KOOKIE." I cry out in pain as tears start to form.

He comes over to me with a pissed off yet sad expression on his face.

"Kookie m.... make it stop. Pl... pl... please make it go away." I cry out begging him.

"I'm sorry my love. I am so so sorry my little tiger. I would take the pain away if I could." He says pulling me to him as he starts to rub my stomach soothingly.

V stops whimpering in pain and starts to pure like a cat from this. The pain doesn't hurt as much being near Jungkook.

"Are you feeling better my little tiger?" He asks making me nod. He goes to pull away but I won't let him.

"Don't let go." I whimper out.

"Ok, I'm not. I'm not going to let go." He says making me let out a purr.

My eyes go wide because it scares me.

"Get me out of the house and away from my mom. We'll discuss this with her after school."

"Ok, come on." He says nodding as he picks me up with my mom watching us.

"We'll discuss this later. He doesn't want to right now. He doesn't want you worrying about him more than you already are." Jungkook says making her nod before he walks out of the house with me in his hold before walking to the passenger side of the car and sets me in the front seat.

He goes around and gets in and we leave. There is still pain but being near Jungkook it is bearable.

"We're going the long way to school so that we can talk and so that the pain can go away. Once you become a lycan you won't feel that anymore. Sooner or later you're going to have to do what your wolf originally didn't want you to do." He says making me nod in agreement.

"I know.." I start but is cut off by my phone ringing.

I check to see it is my mom so I answer it.


"Hey, I'm just calling to tell you that we put in to leave the pack."

"But why mom?"

"I heard from someone that your mate was going to corner you today and make a proposition with you. He wants you to be his mate but he only wants you for sex and he's going to make someone else his Luna." When she says this my blood runs cold.

He finally realized that he needs his true mate to be strong.

"Mom, I know you're going to ask who the guy who got me was so I'm going to tell you and we can talk about this when I get home. His name is Jungkook and as you already know he's a lycan. I am his mate."

"Yeah, we'll talk about this when you get home. Is he bringing you home? Cause we will have to discuss everything with him as well."

"Ok mom. Yes, he's taking me home when school is over."

"I'll talk to you when you get home bye."

"Bye." I say before hanging up.

"So we have stuff to discuss when when we get to your house when school is over?" Jungkook asks.


"How's the pain? Has it gone away or is it still there?"

"It's gone now. Being around you helps a lot. I wish my mom didn't see what she did though. I didn't want her to witness it. I didn't want her to worry."

"She's going to worry baby tiger. She is your mother after all."

The rest of the car ride we ask each other about ourselves to get to know one another better.

We finally get to school and he gets out  and opens my door for me.

He's so sweet. He is the perfect mate. Him being completely hot is a plus.

He kisses my temple making me blush as we make our way inside with his arm wrapped around my waist after he locks his car.

I feel eyes on us making me feel uneasy which Jungkook can sense because he leans towards my ear.

"Everything is going to be alright. Just ignore them." He says warmly before kissing my temple once again.

This action makes me warm and loved.

He walks me to my locker where my friends continue to stare at me and Jungkook. Jimin is the first to speak.

"When were you going to tell us about this or were you planning on keeping it from us?" He asks in a sassy tone.

"I was going to tell you today along with telling you what this is just the beginning." I say making Jimin look down in shame.

"I'm sorry Tae for assuming that you have been keeping it from us for no telling how long."

"It's ok Minnie but do you guys mind moving so that I can get to my locker. Kookie can you let go? I mean of my waist." I say clarifying that I didn't mean let me go as a mate.

"Yeah, sorry." Jungkook says removing his arm from around my waist letting me go to my locker.

"Hey guys." I hear Jungkook say making me look over my shoulder before closing my locker when I get everything I need and completely turns around to see Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok.

I look at my three friends who seem to no be able to pull their eyes away from the group.

Looking at Hoseok, his resolve looks to be depleting.

"Hoseok, do you have a mate?" I ask.

"Yes, I do but um... we have another mate. Yoongi and I both have waited for our mate to meet their mate but unlike Taehyung who met his mate on his birthday ours did not so we waited a little longer and I don't think we can wait anymore. What I am saying is Jimin you are mine and Yoongi's mate. Yoongi doesn't come here because he's loves his sleep and he didn't want to go to school and he didn't have to and I'm not going to make him." He says making Jimin speechless.

"Tae, we're gonna go to class. See you all at lunch." Baekhyun says as he leaves with Chanyeol.

"Come on, I don't want to be late for class." I say pulling a still shocked Jimin as the lycans follow behind.

We get to our class but before Jimin and I go into the classroom I let go of Jimin and is pulled into a hug by Jungkook. Looking to the side of me Hoseok has done the same to Jimin.

When we pull apart I give Jungkook a confusing look.

"Strengthening our bond my love, strengthening our bond." He says before kissing me on the nose, I blush.

I look over at Jimin to see that he is also a blushing mess.

"Come on Jimin, we have to go in the classroom." I say making him snap his head towards me before pouting.

"Don't pout I'll see you with the others at lunch." Hoseok says making Jimin light up before Hoseok kisses him on the cheek.

I look back at Jungkook who is staring at me.

"I'll see you at lunch little tiger." He says fondly before kissing me on the forehead.

Gah he makes me feel a whole lot of emotions and it's hard to decipher which ones I wan to lean on.

Jimin and I walk into the classroom as the others walk to their class. As I make my way to my desk I feel eyes on me. I know who they belong to. V has mixed feelings so he does nothing and I'm pretty sure that he's leaning towards hating Minho.

Once I sit down in my desk I continue to feel eyes on me but I still don't look up.

Soon enough our teacher walks into the room and he turns back around. I sigh in relief and pays attention to the teacher until the bell rings.

When the bell rings for us to change classes. I get the feeling I should hurry out of the room. I try to and do exactly that but once I try to walk by Minho who is getting his stuff together he turns and grabs my arm harshly. He drags me outside to a secluded area nearby. He pushes me against a tree making me drop my things.

"What is going on with you and and a Lycan I am hearing about?" He finally asks growling out.

"Why? Why should I tell you? What I do is no concern of yours. I'm not your mate mate remember? You rejected me. Nothing I do should effect you. Plus it's none of your damn business what I do. I don't want you. I never have wanted you cause I have Jungkook. That is who I want because he is my mate." I say making him growl at me more and pins me up against the tree with his whole body.

I try to get him off but he won't budge. He roughly grabs my face with one hand before he kisses me. I try to hold back a gag as he takes hold of my arm with his other hand and pins it to the tree but I still try to get him off me.

He growls at me to stop, I don't. I finally end up kneeing him making him let go of me. Releasing me of the repulsive kiss making me shove him to the ground.

"I am NOT yours Choi Minho and I never will be." I growl out angrily as I hastily grab my things and heads back inside the school.

When lunch comes around Minho corners me again in a classroom. As expected my mom was right and I knew it when she told me what she had heard.

When he dragged me outside this morning I figured that he would do what she said then but nope.

He cornered me in a classroom and did that. I am not going to be someone he can you with and throw away after. I am far more than that.

I am not his mate anymore. He needs to leave me alone and let it go.

After this encounter I just leave and heads home while texting Jimin and Jungkook.


Me - Minho cornered me in a classroom and proposed that I am his mate but I will be his side slut where Yuna will be his Luna.

SoulmateMochi - That is just fucked up like extremely fucked up. That doesn't explain why you aren't in the cafeteria now.

Me - I'm going home I don't want any more encounters with Minho today. I've already had two. He is really fucking annoying.


Me - First off CALM YOUR MOTHER FUCKING ASS DOWN and two this morning after the bell rang for second period you had already left and when I was about to leave he grabbed my arm and dragged me outside and asked me about Jungkook. I told him that it wasn't any of his business and that he wasn't my mate anymore Jungkook was. He got mad and forced a disgusting ass kiss on me.

SoulmateMochi - That jackass!😡

Me - I have to go Jungkook is wondering the exact same thing as you were.

SoulmateMochi - Alright, bye

Me - bye


KookieisaBunny -Why aren't you at lunch?

Me - Going home

KookieisaBunny - Why?

Me - This morning after the bell rang for second period you had already left and when I was about to leave he grabbed my arm and dragged me outside and asked me about you. I told him that it wasn't any of his business and that he wasn't my mate anymore you are. He got mad and forced a disgusting ass kiss on me. Then when the bell rang for lunch he cornered me again in a classroom and proposed that I am his mate but I will be his side slut where Yuna will be his Luna.

KookieisaBunny - I'm killing him...


Me - DON'T DO ANYTHING!!! If anything come find me and take me home. I need to take a shower and get this disgusting ass scent off me and to be truthful I want to smell like you.

KookieisaBunny - Alright I won't kill him and I'll come and find you. I'll drive you to my house so you can take a shower there. I want you smelling like me and yourself but mostly like me like you should.

Me - Possessive much?

KookieisaBunnny - Very. You are my mate after all. No one else can have you not even that pathetic excuse of an Alpha.

I don't answer back because a few minutes later Jungkooks car pulls up beside me.

"Come on get in." He says when the window rolls down.

I do as he says and gets in before heading to his house.

We pull up to a huge house.

"Do you or all of the lycans live in the house?" I ask as we get out of the car.

"We all live in the house. Hoseok picked where we were going the rest of us picked the house and our cook. Kalina didn't help. Jin and Hoseok wouldn't have let her either but anyway come on." He says as we head inside.

As he closes the door behind us I take off my shoes with him following after.

"You can leave we'll fix something ourselves."

I look up to see who he is talking to, to see a woman who nods before bowing a thank you.

He motions for me to follow him and he takes me to his room.

His room is big with a queen-size bed in the middle. The walls are a medium gray with red and black overlapping rounded squares of various sizes covering the walls.

"The bathroom is through that door. I'll get you some clothes for you to change into and put yours in the washer. The towels are under the cabinet and a luffa in the drawer on the left side of the double sink when you walk through the door." Jungkook says pointing towards the door at the other side of the room before Jungkook walks into his closet and comes back with sweatpants, a t-shirt, and underwear.

He hands them to me and I walk into the bathroom. The bathroom is completely different in color to the bathroom. The walls are white with silver and gold overlapping diamonds sparsely covering the walls. The shower is grey granite matching the countertops and flooring.

When I am done with my shower I dry off and gets dressed in the clothes Jungkook gave me and walks out of the bathroom drying my hair with the towel. Jungkook looks up at me from where he lays on the bed.

"I have a blow dryer or do you want to air dry your hair?" He asks sitting up.

"I'll let it air dry." I say before walking back into the bathroom and sets the towel on the counter before walking back into the bedroom.

"You look hot in my clothes and now you smell like you should, like me." He says smugly.

I feel happy that I smell completely like him so I'm not complaining about how he said it.

I blush as V snuggles contently happy that our mate is happier than he was earlier all because we smell like him.

"Let's go to the kitchen. I know neither one of us has eaten." He says before my stomach growls.

I look down embarrassed making him chuckle.

"Don't be embarrassed my little tiger it's natural." He says as we walk out of his room towards the kitchen where Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin are now.

I should have made sure to put this so that you aren't confused. They in the U.S.

If I put in somewhere that they are somewhere else I apologize.

Taehyung's dad's pack is in Daegu.

Yoongi is from also from Daegu.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and Hoseok are from Busan.

When I know that I'm not going to butcher the spelling of where Jin is from I'll put it.

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