
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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23 Chs

21: Lifeline

(Bad Wolves - Lifeline)

"I still can't believe you're pregnant." Jimin says for the hundredth time today as he holds the sonogram pictures continuing to stare at it.

"Chim, you knew it was bound to happen. You're bound to get pregnant sometime as well." I say rolling my eyes while chuckling as I watch him stiffen.

"Why hasn't Jin gotten pregnant yet?"

"Because I was told I can't have kids until someone *cough cough* Taehyung could. The goddesses told me this when I met Namjoon but they didn't specifically say Taehyung but now that I've had time to think about it all makes sense." Jin says walking into the room.

"Also Jimin please shut up. I get that you are still in shock from the news but having to hear you say it over and over is annoying." Jin says making Jimin squeak as his eyes go wide.

"Baekhyun when are due?" I ask pitting my attention to a very pregnant Baekhyun.

"Next month actually. I am really excited." He says making me chuckle.

"I know you are Baekie." I say before hugging him.

"When do you get to find out the gender of the baby?" Jin asks.

"The next check up or the one after next. I don't remember." I say making him laugh.

"It's fine I was just wondering." He says before we hear Baekhyun grunt pain.

The three of us look at him in worry as we see him clutch his stomach as we see his pant are wet.

My eyes go wide as realization hit me.

"Let's go, you're about to have your baby." I say making him nod.

"Jimin call Chanyeol and tell him that Baekhyun has gone into labor and we are taking him to the hospital." I add as Jin and I help Baekhyun out of the house and the car.

Jimin follows behind in his car as we leave headed to the hospital.

We make it to the hospital. All of us head inside. As we hand Baekhyun off to a doctor Chanyeol comes in and rushes over to the two.

As we wait Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon show up. After a while Chanyeol comes out holding a bundle of blankets to the waiting room smiling.

"How are they?" I ask once he gets to all of us.

"There fine, asleep but their both fine." He says as we stand up to see the baby.

"He's adorable!" Jimin says immediately making all of us laugh to which he pouts at.

"Don't worry Jimin it won't be long until you have one of your own." Jin says teasingly which makes Jimin blush harshly before turning around towards Hoseok who is behind him and hide his face in his neck.

"Will they get to go home after wakes up?" I ask making Chanyeol nod his head yes before answering.

"Yeah, but before we leave they have to make sure the baby is still alright." He says.

"Alright, we're going to go. We'll visit you three later tomorrow if that's ok. Do you need anymore stuff for the baby?" I ask.

"No, we've got plenty of everything for now." He answers.

"Ok, we'll see you tomorrow."

# # #

Nine Months Later

I am in the living room sitting on the couch watching tv when I get a pain in my stomach making me yell out gaining the attention of Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi.

"Tae are you ok." Jin asks.

"The baby is coming." I say making all threes eyes go wide.

"Someone call Jungkook and tell him since he went with Hoseok to a meeting. Jin and I will take him to the hospital." Namjoon says making Jin and Yoongi both nod.

Namjoon helps me off the couch after I slip on my shoes that were sitting in front of the couch.

"There is a bag on the couch in mine and Jungkooks bedroom can one of you grab it?" I ask making Jin nod before running to the room as Namjoon helps me to his car.

Jin comes out a couple seconds later and the three of us leave.

In no time we are at the hospital. When we walk in a doctor comes up to us.

"He's in labor." Jin says in an almost aggressive tone.

I would have laughed if I wasn't in pain.

The doctor just nods before taking me back to a room.

I am changed into a gown and now I'm laying on the bed waiting as the contractions continue.

I don't have to wait long for Jungkook to come.

He walks into the room with my werewolf parents behind him.

"Do you need anything for the pain?" He asks as he watches me wince when a contraction hits.

"I'm getting a C section so I'll get it then." I say just as a couple of nurses comes into the room.

"You ready?" They ask making me nod.

Jungkook's POV

I cover Taehyung's eyes with a towel so he can't see his stomach before they take him to another room for him to give birth.

I keep my eyes on Taehyung who is more concerned about his breathing as he squeezes the life out of my hand but I'm ok with.

"Welcome to the world." One of the nurses says as the other stitches and cleans Taehyung up.

I uncover Taehyung eyes to find him asleep.

"Is it normal for him to be asleep?"

"Yeah, it's normal." The nurse who is cleaning the baby says.

"Come see your baby." They both say.

I walk over to them as one of them continues to clean my baby girl.

"She's beautiful." I say as tears well up and fall.

"Did you bring any baby clothes?" One of the nurses asks as I wipe away the tears from my face.

"Yeah, they are with my family. Let me go get them." I say before rushing out to the waiting area where the others are.

They all stand up upon seeing me.

"Are they alright?" Yoongi asks making me nod before answering.

"Yeah, they are both fine. Did you guys by any chance bring the bag that is for the baby and Taehyung?" I ask.

"Yeah, we did." Jin says before pulling the bag out from under the chair he had been sitting in.

"Did one of you call mine and his parents?"

"Jimin called Tae's parents and I called yours. Your parents told me to tell you that they can't wait to meet their grandchild which will probably be next month they don't know yet though." Hoseok says making me chuckle.

"Taehyung's parents said that they'll come visit tomorrow afternoon to give him most of the day to rest because he will be tired even if he is a lycan." Jimin says making all of us laugh.

"We're going to go. We'll see you three back at the house tomorrow." Namjoon says making me nod.

I watch them leave before taking the bag back to the nurses who take the clothes and puts them on the baby.

"Do you know what you are going to name her?" One of the nurses asks.

"Keely." I yell the nurse.

She nods and writes it down.

"We took Taehyung to another room so if you'll follow us we'll show you to the room. Do you want to hold your daughter as we go to the room?" The nurse who had put the clothes on my daughter asks.

"Yes." I say immediately making her laugh a little before she hands her off to me and the three of us head to Taehyung's room.

We get to the room and Taehyung is still asleep.

"One of us will come back to get the baby to give her a check up to see if she's still ok and to feed her before putting her down to sleep." One of them says making me nod before they leave closing the door behind them.

I sit in one of the chairs in the room as I look down at my daughter to see her staring up at me.

"Hi my precious little girl. You look so much like your Eomma but with my nose." I say before tapping her on the nose making her giggle.

"I will protect you and Eomma no matter what." I say as I watch her yaw as she closes her eyes and falls to sleep.

Thirty minutes later a nurse comes to get the baby as I close the door behind her.

"Kookie." I hear Taehyung say tiredly.

"Yes, Tae baby?" I ask walking over to him and rubs my hand through his hair.

"The baby…"

"She's alright go back to sleep. You need the rest."


"Baby I can't touch your stomach." I say making him whine as he move over enough so he doesn't hurt and enough for me to lay next to him.

I get on the bed and lays down beside him as he falls back to sleep facing me.

The next day Taehyung and Keely are able to go home. When we get home the guys all fawn over Keely as I take Taehyung to our room where I help him take a bath and into bed where he goes to sleep.

The doctor told us that he would be tired today and should be ok tomorrow. I set a alarm to wake him up later if he doesn't on his own to get him to eat something.

I leave the room closing the door behind me and walks to the living room where the the others are with the baby.

"She is so cute Kook." Jin says making me chuckle as I get closer to them.

"Yeah she is. She looks so much like her Eomma." I say making the others hum in agreement.

"Is Tae asleep?" Namjoon asks.

"Yeah, he's asleep. The doctor said he should be fine tomorrow he'll just be really tired." I say making them all nod before continuing to fawn over Keely.

"Did the two of you ever agree on a name or did you name her what you wanted to name her?" Yoongi asks.

"Taehyung is the one who pick Keely out. At first I didn't like it but it grew on me and so I named her Keely." I say making him nod.

"Did you guys finish setting up the room?" I ask.

"Yeah, we did. We also got you a baby monitor even though we're all Lycans." Hoseok says

After a few minutes Keely starts to get fussy. Hoseok hands her to me so I can check to see if she needs changing to which she does.

"Can one of you fix a bottle for her?" I ask.

"I'll do that Jin says before going to the kitchen as I go and change Keely.

A few minutes later he walks into her room with the bottle before handing it to me.

He walks back out of the room closing the door behind him as I sit down in the rocking chair that sits in her room beside her crib.

I feed her until she is done before patting her on the back until she burps and she does.

"You're so beautiful my sweet girl. When you start to speak I want you say Eomma instead of Appa because your Eomma is an amazing person. He has been in a few rough situations because of me." I say looking down at her as I rock her in the chair.

I watch as she yawns cutely before rubbing one her eyes with her tiny fist.

"Go to sleep baby girl." I say quietly as I weather her fall asleep.

Once I know that she's completely asleep I get up from the chair and places her in her crib placing a light kiss on the top of her head before leaving the room quietly closing the door behind me.

I go back to the living room where the others minus Jin who is in the kitchen fixing something the eat for lunch.

"What time are you going to wake Taehyung up?" Jimin asks.

"Sometime between twelve thirty and one. It's ten now so it gives him enough time to sleep."

I wait until twelve fifty to wake Taehyung up.

"Where is Keely?"

"She is him her room asleep. The guys have the baby monitor with them so if she wakes up while I'm getting you one of them can go check on her." I say making him nod as I help him up and out of bed.

I help him to the living room where he gets pulled into a gentle hug by Jimin.

"When are my parents coming?" Taehyung asks.

"Your mom messaged me this morning and told me that they'll be here after closing the gallery earlier than usual for the day. The said it may be between five or six depending on how early they close." Jimin says making Taehyung nod.

Jin comes into the living room with a plate of food for Taehyung since the rest of us had already ate two hours prior.

As Taehyung eats he watches tv while the rest of us do whatever.

Namjoon,Yoongi, and Hoseok decide to go the recording studio and they decide to pull Jin along with them. Before they go to the room all four of them stop.

"We'll need you three to come sing whenever you feel like it." Namjoon says.

"Ok." Taehyung, Jimin, and I say in unison shocking ourselves and the others as well.

"That was creepy." I say before laughing as the others nod in agreement as they laugh as well.

"That was some Maknae line telepathy." Jin says making the three of us confused but retaliation hits me.

The three of us are the youngest of the group Jimin and Tae the youngest of all of us. If the two were born the same time period the rest of us were they'd be two years older than me.

The four go to the studio as Tae continues to eat his food. Once he's done I take his plate to the kitchen and puts it in the sink.

I walk back into the living room where Jimin is now laying down on the opposite couch watching the tv lazily.

"Tired?" I ask as I see him try so hard to keep his eyes open.

"Yeah, but I don't know why. I went to bed around eight." He says.

"Maybe you just need a nap." Not mentioning that his scent has changed slightly.

I noticed it yesterday but I didn't say anything to him or his mates because that would need to be discussed between the three of them.

After suggesting to Jimin that he may need a nap he does exactly that. Tae and I wake him up an hour later.

Around five thirty Taehyung's parents come to visit bringing Keely gifts in their wake. They stay for about an hour or two fawning over Keely.

After they leave Sephtis and Eclipsa materialize scaring most of us. They like Taehyung's werewolf parents bring gifts as well for Keely like any other grandparents claiming that they should spoil their grandchildren anytime they can which I'm totally fine with.

After they leave Jin, Jimin, and I cook dinner. Tae and I let Yoongi feed Keely since he was the first ask us. After everyone eats we all go our separate ways.

"Do you want to give Keely a bath or do you want me to?" I ask Tae on our way to Keely's room.

"I want to give her a bath." He says.

"Alright, I'll get the bath ready for the both of you while you get her clothes." I say before kissing his temple and then the top of Keely's head.

I go to her bathroom and gets the water ready along with the towels for him to bathe her. A couple minutes later he walks into the bathroom with Keely and her clothes. I walk over to the both of them and takes the clothes from him and places the on the counter.

I leave the room to let them have those alone time since he hasn't had any time with her at all today. I go to our bedroom knowing that he will most likely want to put her to bed on his own.

I lay on our bed watching Tiktoks on my phone because I have nothing better to be doing for about an hour.

I get up placing my phone on the nightstand before leaving the room to Keely's room where I find Taehyung asleep in the rocking chair as Keely is asleep in her crib. I pick Tae up in a bridal hold and carries him to our room and places him on his side of the bed. After I cover him up he cuddles into the blankets. I go back to Keely's room and turns off the main light after making sure her nightlight is plugged up and turned on. I then go to the living room and gets the baby monitor off the coffee table before making sure that all of the doors are locked. Once I check all the doors and makes sure all unnecessary lights are off I head to mine and Taehyung's room closing the door behind me.

I place the baby monitor on the nightstand and plugs my phone up. I take off my shirt, gets in bed, and turns off the lamp before Taehyung cuddles into me as I fall asleep myself.