
My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

WINNER: 3rd Place, 2021 Werewolf Competition [Mature Content] After escaping suicide forest, August Moon finds that she has only gone deeper into the mysteries it holds. Lycans exist. But maybe she is something even stranger... With a clandestine experimental pandemic, a decade-old murder mystery, and a timeless prejudice against strange members within the lycan community all simmering in the periphery of her newfound surroundings, August must fight to discover her own truth alongside a fierce and possessive male who claims to be her mate.

emme_z · Fantasy
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531 Chs

Getting Dressed

Greta did August's hair and makeup, leaving her golden locks down and flowing in loose waves over her shoulders. The makeup was simple and natural, accentuating the blush of her cheeks and pink of her lips with some extra shimmer on her eyes and above her cheekbones.

"Why do I need makeup if I'm already literally glowing?" she asked as Greta was applying the final touch of mascara to her lashes.

"I wish you could see it," Greta smiled in response. "It must be strange to know you are seen that way and yet you can't see it yourself. It's not an overpowering glow or anything. You're not blinding anyone," she giggled.

"Well that's a relief," August rolled her eyes.

Although, maybe it would be better to be blinding. It would at least prevent stares. She thought about how Finn couldn't take his eyes off of her, and her stomach began to twist with nerves about how much of that she may have to deal with tonight. At least Graeme would be with her.