
Chapter 4

I followed Jacob home. Actually, I didn't follow him home, he dragged me by the arm into his car and then strapped me into the passenger seat by force. I tried to free myself but he glared at me and promised to do what the other pack had done to my friend, Lisa. I whimpered in silence as I saw there was actually nothing I could do. I watched as he anged the door in my face. I was sure the car's door would come off but thankfully, it didn't. Jacob walked over to his side of the car and opened it. He immediately entered inside and banged the door again. He turned to me as I watched him pat my head forcefully and then smile. He stretched his seat belt a little further and then strapped it in. He turned to stare at me again before turning the car on and igniting it's engine. I leaned into the car seat, exhausted and annoyed as I soon felt the car move.

When we arrived home, I watched as Jacob came outside of the car and walked over to me. He pulled off my seat belt and asked me to get up. I stayed put. I was not going to act weak nor entertain anything more from him anymore. He had lied to me and that was enough reason for me to hate him. I wanted to go home. But where was home?

"Get out of the car?" He said one last time to me. I turned my face the other way as I closed my eyes and leaned into the car seat. Suddenly, I felt him lean into the car. He was breaths away from me when he whispered in my ear. "Don't dare me, I promise, you'll die immediately. You see, I'm much worse than Caesar. I just thought to let you know" he immediately leaned back out of the car and watched for my reaction. I froze. A man worse than Caesar? I could only imagine. I didn't bother to say a word as I still stood my ground, no one would make me come out of that car. He saw that I wasn't budging and so he immediately pulled me by my arm again. He dragged me outside the car and pushed me to the wall. I almost banged my head on the wall as I missed it by a breath. Immediately he turned, I ran. I ran out the gate and into the streets. I had been running for quite a while until I noticed I was running to no where in particular. It looked like the same night I had escaped from Caesar. It was all coming back to me. But why?!

I got tired of running as I tripped and fell. I landed on the ground with dirt in my face. I managed to roll over and sit as I tried to dust myself off. It was becoming a normal thing for me now to have myself rolled up in dirt. I took a deep breath and sat up straight as I folded my knees in. I was so tired already as I even becsme hungry. I looked around to see that I was lost and it was becoming darker. I started to cry again. Life was so unfair to me.

Suddenly, I heard something moving in the trees behind me. It seemed like the wind at first but after looking hard at it, I discovered it wasn't. I felt u voukds sense a pair of eyes watching at me. Yellow eyes I mean. Everything stood still as I tried to have a closer look at it.

I was still watching when I heard a sound. It was a grunt. The figure watching me was grunting at me. I couldn't move as I froze on the spot. All the hairs on my body stood at attention as I heard that sound for the second time. I could feel my heart quickening. I wanted to scream but instead, I swallowed hard. My mind raced with options of what I was to do but I found none. I stated sweating.

I waited for some seconds as I eagerly wanted to see what was looking at me right in the face and soon, I saw a leg. A hairy legs crawled at first. Soon, it's full body was facing me. I could see the full creature. I gasped instantly as I recognized it. It was none other than the beast I had ran away from few minutes ago. How could he have found me?.. but then again, how could he not? This was his neighborhood after all. I recognized that he was in his wolf form. The same form he had used to defeat the alpha before. I rolled my eyes. Atleast it wasn't someone else that I was sure would hurt me. It was just him.

I watched as Jacob shifted forms back into his human form. He asked me if I was alright but I didnt bother to answer him. I just hung my head low as I allowed him talk. When he was done, he waited for a reply which I still did not give to him.

"Get up! Let's go! I won't ask this of you again. Don't make me want to punish you!! Let's just be the way we were before!!" He yelled to my ear. He was too loud and it frightened me.

"Excuse me sir!! I do not know you and neither do I want to know you. Please take me back to the cabin you had taken me from. I would rather be a slave to them than to be fated to you. You lying, good-for-nothing cheat. You made me believe you were there for me, but you ended up lying to me" I said boldly. He watched me talk and when I was done, he bent over and grabbed my hand. He stood me up and slapped me. He slapped me again and again.

Next chapter

I held my cheek as I tried to take the pain in. It was too sudden for me to react as I stood there in awe. Before I could say a word, I watched as this ruthless character dragged me by my hair back to his home. He walked fast as though he had something burning on the fire. I screamed and cried on my way there but he paid me not attention. He just continued dragging me there until we were finally home.

When we got inside, he took me straight into his room. The hallways I had passed that looked so beautiful to me before now felt like prison cells to me. The tears in my eyes blinded my vision and made sure to make me not see the beauty in the interiors anymore. As we got to his room, he quickly pushed me on the bed and walked to the bathroom. He stayed there for a while until I heard the door open and he walked out of the bathroom in just a towel tied at his waist. I bit down on my lower lip as I tried not to look downward. The urge was not easy to overcome as I tried so hard but eventually, I looked. He caught my eyes looking as he called me by my name.

"Amy!!! Look at my face!" I shivered as I immediately looked directly at his face. He smiled as then spoke, "you are mine now. You are my slave and if you behave well, I will make you my bride. Is that clear?" He said to me.

I gave him a sarcastic look. What did he mean by a slave? A few hours ago, he called me his mate and now, I hand lowered to a slave? In just a mtter of hours? Was my beauty not good enough?

I huffed at his words as I seized him up and down and then hissed. Seeing that, he walked closer to the bed and raised his leg up as he marched down on it. He bent over as he looked directly into my eyes. "If you dare me, you will regret it. I am warning you for the last time" he said loudly. I paid no mind to what he was saying as I looked the other way. He smiled and told me he was coming back for me as he turned back to the bathroom and went inside. She spent extra thirty minutes or so inside there wearing some clothes and then walked straight out of the room as he banged the door immediately.

He had left me there for sometime as u started getting bored. I was scared but instead of being fearful and cramped up somewhere crying, I decided to sum up courage and face the future.

They had already taken Lisa from me as I had nothing left. All that was left was my life and if they wanted it, they could have it. I was already tired of my life as it were.

A few hours had passed and soon , I heard the door open. I watched as I sat there, Jacob walk in with a food basket. He laid it on the table and told me to dig in. I took one look at the basket and then told him I wasn't interested. He asked me to eat again but I still insisted on the fact that I wasn't interested. Angrily, he walked to where I was as he grabbed my neck.

He was choking me and I began to scream. I shouted and shouted but his grip git tighter.

"You are hurting me!!! Stop!!" I tried to shake his hand off me but his firm was tight. He was a man after all, what would I have expected. I fought for what felt like hours but I soon realized it was barely up to a minute and soon, he released me.

He pushed me aside as he released me. I hit my back on the wall as he did so.

Grunting in pain, I pushed back as I looked up to him. "What was that for and why are you trying to kill me when I did nothing wrong to you?" I said to him calmly. He didn't respond to me at all as he snarled at me.

"I am trying to be patient and welcoming to you but you keep pushing my buttons. If you dare me again, just one more time, I promise that i shall brand you. I shall brand you as mine immediately," he came closer to me and then held up my chin again. "Is that what you want? Would you want me to force myself on you because of your stubborn ways or would you simply want to get think so me before I head you?!" He said to her with a smile. He was bluffing obviously. There was no way he would brand her. He wasn't that stupid, or was he?

No one could actually tell these days.

"You can't and you won't because I do not belong to you. You took me against my will and lied to me. I am not your bride nor am I your mate. I am simply someone you lied to and made her to believe you and now, I want no part of it. Allow me head home at once!" I commanded with my soft voice. I was sure to him I sounded like a mice but I didn't care at that time. I demanded respect.

"Say one more word and I will show you who you really belong to. Say it, I dare you. If you really choose to know what I am made of, go ahead and move your lips again" he said to me sternly. I thought to taste him and so I muttered a 'go ahead'

To my surprise, I saw him stand up and unbuckle his belt.

"What are you doing?"

Jacob had someone dragged me back to Ihis house. I didn't know how I got there but we were really fast. Too fast if you ask me.

"Let me go!!!" I said to him but he took me straight into his bedroom and dropped me on the bed. He wasn't so gentle as he dropped me. I almost cracked my head on the bedframe.

"What the actual heck?!!!" I screamed.

I had thought he was joking or something related but he was rather being really serious. I watched with my very own eyes as Jacob stood up before me as he unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor. Next, he was unbuttoning his shirt.

"You haven't answered me!!!.. I said what are you doing?!!" I roared at him with my soft voice. Listening to myself, I sounded like a joke, how much more the person who was unzipping his pants right before me?

That wasn't going to stop me. As I roared for the last time and didn't get a response, I got upset and stood to my feet. I wasn't sure what he was doing and I was sure as hell not going to be part of it. I told myself.

"Sit your buttocks right back on that bed! I am coming for you" Jacob said as I attempted to stand up from the bed. I turned as I wanted to have a clear look of his face as he spoke. "I said sit back down on the bed" he said as he fully turned his body to look at me. My eyes looked at his face and somehow, it traced it's way down to the budge in his pants. Something huge was there and suddenly, I became afraid.

"I will show you how a mad person really looks like" he said as he had finished undressing himself. He finally pulled off the shirt and the pants, as he was now left with just his underwear and a pair of socks. He stood confidently as he stared down at me, his face with a frown and his fist clenched. He looked as though he was about to wrestle with me as I could see his chest rising and falling.

My eyes fell from his chest down to his stomach. What stood before me was heavenly. The man was drop-dead gorgeous.

I took a closer look as I tried to inspect how his body looked like. Again, I must say, the man was fine.

His abs were rock hard as they relaxed and contrasted as he took his breaths. His waist was perfectly outline and beautiful. His thighs and legs were entirely toned as I could see some veins showing on them. I wanted to smile but I kept a straight face. It was like the veins were calling out to me. My eyes finally traced their way back to the understand he was wearing. They were white had tight. I was about to…

"Get back on the bed. Don't make me force you. I have other engagements I would like to take care of when I am done from here" Jacob said as he interrupted my thoughts. I immediately lifted my face as I looked into his eyes. They looked like they were filled with desire. Lustful desire.

Coming from a prison where other girls and I were locked up, we really didn't have the liberty to engage in things regarding men. Everyone was hell bent on escaping and if that was where our minds were, who could possibly bring up a man or issues like that?

I reminded myself that, in my mind. Maybe if the girls had made an effort to mention how to handle men and other problems related to men, this would have been so much easier for me.

"Did you hear me, little girl?" He said as he snapped his fingers at me.

Little girl??! Where did that come from?

"Excuse me, I want to leave" I said to him.

"Have you forgotten that we are not married. For moon's sake, whatever you were planning, leave me out of this" I said bodly as I immediately tried to make my way to the door.

Jacob got there before me and then blocked the door. "What is your problem?"

Before I could say the next thing that was on my mind, Jacob held my shoulder as he immediately turned me around and grabbed my wrists. I was shocked as everything happened. I barely had time to free myself.

"Unhand me !!! Let me go!!! Leave me alone!!" I said as I screamed. Jacob chuckled and I could hear it and so I screamed again. When I felt like nothing was coming out from my screams, I started to push back and fight.

As I had already imagined, that wasn't the best option to free myself as my tiny structure could do nothing actually. It was like a paper trying to free itself from being pinned down by a rock. Anyone who was there would have laughed at me. They would have fallen while they laughed. "Let me go!!! Let me go, you bastard!!" I screamed as I fought.

Jacob stopped moving immediately I said those words. He turned me around swiftly as he looked directly into my eyes.

"Did you just call me a bastard?" I watched as he raised one brow. His blue eyes stayed still as he blinked. "did I hear you right?" He asked me with all seriousness. It sounded like I was already in trouble as he tightened his grip on my wrist and pushed me further closer to him. I was inches away from him now as I could feel his breath on my skin.

"Yes. I just called you a bastard. Yes!!! You are a bastard and if you have a doubt, then look at what you're doing to me right now. That is definitely what bastards do" I said with a raised eyebrow too. I was inches shorter than he was but I was going to let that stop me. My height, my pride.

I expected something like a mean reaction but suddenly, Jacob paused as he looked down into my eyes and then went a step further down and laid his lips on mine.

It was unexpected for me and so I gasped lightly, the air reaching into his mouth, but he didn't mind, he went on.

The peck on my lip seemed nice and so I welcomed it. That had been the first time such a thing had happened to me. I didn't know how to feel but one thing was for sure, it felt nice.

Jacob who had been lightly pecking me on my lip had now closed his eyes as he reached deeper. He used his wet tongue to part my lips as he made his way inside. When he was in, I felt something strange in my mouth. I tried to use my tongue to verify what it was and then was when it happened: The tongue waggling.

My eyes widened as I felt Jacob inside my mouth. I was completely shocked. It felt so weird and icky. It made me want to cringe but I stood there unmoved. Jacob must have noticed I was staring at him while he kissed me when he opened his eyes for a split second and so, he lifted his hands to my face and gently glided my eyelids shut.

Now that my eyes were shut close and I could see nothing but darkness, It felt like my senses were now more in tune. I felt my nipples harden as I also felt a little moisture in-between my legs. Something felt soggy about that place and I began to wonder if I was leaking from my center. I was still thinking when Jacob took my chin in his hand. He started to caress my neck and then shoulder. My thoughts immediately came back to what was happening to my mouth region.

I wanted to break off but I felt he had sensed it too and so he dropped his other hand from my chin and placed it on my back. He quickly turned me around and gently pushed me to the wall, my back landed on it with a loud thud.

"Ouch!" I muttered as I tore apart from his lips and squeezed my face. Jacob didn't even bother to say sorry to me as he immediately pushed himself back into my lips and started kissing me again.

His eyes were open and so were mine as I watched him watch me. Everything was feeling a little awkward for me and I battled inwardly to know why.

As our lips stayed in touch, I remember one time a girl in our cell had mentioned that she had kissed a boy. She said it felt magical and she had never wanted to left go of his lips. If I can remember what she said in context, it was something if this sort, "He made me feel like a Luna as he penetrated my lips with his tongue. We kissed for hours. Guys, I wish it never ended" that was what Mara had told the girls there, but as of now, where I was standing, I had still not felt any magical moment. I simply wondered if Mara was lying.

I wasn't really feeling the whole kiss thing but it looked like Jacob was having his fill. He had bent and angled his face in many different positions as we continued. At some point, I managed to open my eyes and see what he looked like again and I could see the satisfaction he was having from kissing me. I closed my eyes quickly as I tried to mimic the same satisfaction but I couldn't. I still thought of why I couldn't and then something registered to me.

What if the reason I couldn't feel anything was because I was slowly dreading the man kissing me ?!

But why was my nipples upstanding and my core wet?

Before I could react again, Jacob lightly pressed me on the wall as he allowed a little of his weight on me and then started to rock my body. Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat as we fumbled to take off one another's clothes.

Suddenly, I pushed him away. "What is this?!!" I shouted as I backed away from him. "What are you trying to do to me?!" I said again. Jacob smiled as he looked at me. It was a devilish wicked smile. He slowly walked over to me as he asked me if I was alright.

"Don't touch me! Don't you ever touch me!" I said as I made my way away from him to the door. I pressed on the door handle while I struggled with the keys. "Moon's damnit, open!!!" I shouted in my mind but the stupid door refused to open.

"You called me a bastard earlier as though you could take the consequences but look at you now. You're running away from a kiss. A simple kiss with nothing more to it. You're a coward!" He said to me as he flashed me a smile.

I pretended not to hear him as I tried to catch my breath and focus on the key. My emotions were a mess and it would not make sense to make matters worse. After what felt like an eternity to me, the door finally clicked and opened. I opened it wide again as I tried to let it's space get enough to have me pass through it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jacob said as he pulled my arm. " I am not done with you! How dare you think you can leave me!" His grip tightened as he pulled me back into the room and pushed the door shut. I tried to struggle as I pushed him back with my hands but it was no match for the well built Alpha that had gripped me.

"Let me go!!!" I screamed again as I lifted my leg up and aimed for his groins. To be honest, I had heard that such techniques worked. Liza said, "Whenever any of the guards tried to rape you, hit them in their groins. It always brings them down, at least for a few seconds, and then, you run" she said with a smile as I remembered.

Sadly, the techniques never really worked for her because each of the werewolves who had locked us up took her to lay with her, she always came back with a black eye.

"What is wrong with your eye?" I always asked and she would say the same thing. It always went like this, "I kicked him in the groins and he fell down crying. I had almost managed to escape but he got back up and caught me. He beat me mercilessly and then went on to have sex with me." I remember She would smile regardless and say something like, "Next time, I am sure I would escape and I will come back and take you with me". That was our promise. We were meant to leave, faraway from their pack as we made out way out and found new packs that would accommodate us but that was impossible now.

She was dead and it was all thanks to the betrayal from the bastard before me.

"It looks like you're trying to recall what my lips tasted like" he said to me with a smile. I almost puked but I held myself. I held my breath instead. I needed to be strong.

"I initially planned to be mean to you when I bought you from Caesar's hand but when I saw you and we had our little rescue play, things changed. I started to like you even. There was something about you that made me not want to treat you like a slave anymore and that was why I decided to be nice to you, however, my patience is thin. If I am being nice to you right now and you choose to show me nothing but stubbornness, I assure you that you will suffer the consequences of that action, so be nice to me. That way, we will blend better"

"Do you think I can ever be nice to you?!" I blurted out. Surely, he didn't think I would keep quiet while he spoke to me as though I was a child.

"Yes and I expect you to be. I want to make you my Luna properly but I would have to brand you first. Branding you first without you opening up to me might hurt you. It might leave you with much more hateful memories than when you watched your friend die. Would you want that?" He said to me with a smirk.

Obviously I wouldn't have wanted that but the smirk on his face was upsetting to see.

"Let me go. I need to breathe fresh air. I need to be as far away from you as possible and so I plead that you let me go. I need space" I said as I pushed him away and turned my face the other way again.

Jacob must have agreed as he slowly let my hands out of his grip and then moved his hand to my shoulder. He held my chin with his other hand as he turned my face ti him.

With a smirked face, he parted his lips and spoke, "I will give you two days to maybe mourn your friend and also become used to me. Welcome me by the next time I ask to see you in my room or else, I would have to take some other difficult measures that I am sure you would disapprove of." He ended with a smile, "I am Alpha Jacob. I will not lose. If you can't be my Luna, I would rather you die" he said. The once smirking face had now sudden held a frown.

Amy said nothing as she retreated quietly and walked to the door. With one last glance, she turned and left. Amy closed the door behind her quietly as she walked out the hallway and down the stair case.

She had now gotten to the kitchen when she realized she had forgotten the room assigned to her.

Amy slapped her forehead as she thought of how embarrassing it would be to go back there and ask him for her room. The embarrassment and tension would be too much to handle and she didn't need it that way. She would rather walk around the house searching each room than to go back to his room and knock.

"How infuriating!!" She said to herself as she rolled her eyes. Amy stood there for a while as she tried to think of better options, but when all seemed to fail, she summed up her last courage and walked back up.

Amy had gotten to the door when she lifted her hands to knock. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No one answered.

She knocked again but still, no one answered and so with anger, she pushed through, only to find Jacob smooching her.

"Waiii…t.. Liza? Is that you?!"

Amy walked fully into the room as she tried to get a closer look at who was laying beside Jacob. She did not want to assume to quickly, besides, Liza had been devoured right before her eyes. It can't be.

The girl that was laying on Jacob's body immediately turned to see what was causing a noise and then turned her face back to continue with what she had been doing.

"Jacob. What are you doing?! Who is that?!" Amy asked slowly. She was truly stunned by what was happening right in front of her. It hadn't been up to an hour she left and the man who had claimed that she was his Luna was already having a woman on his body, caressing and smooching her. How could he!!!!

"What is the matter?! Why are you here?!" Jacob roared at her. His question brought her back to reality. He had a tone in his voice, as though he was slightly angry. Amy couldn't quite understand the situation. Was he suppose to be angry or was she supposed to be the one furious at him?!

"I should be asking you that question, don't you think?!" She asked him with a raised eyebrow. "You claimed you wanted to mate with me. You called me your Luna and almost had me convinced that I was the one for you but now, I see you laying beside someone else, touching and kissing her. Are you kidding me?!" She asked him with a frown. Amy even folded her arms as she tried to make sure she looked really serious and disappointed in him.

Jacob smiled as he told his guest to shift a little and then sat up straight.

"Is that jealousy I hear in your voice? Are you jealous now that you have seen me with another woman?!" He asked. His question followed with a light giggle and then a clap. He could barely believe what he had just heard. He adjusted again as he brought himself out, to the edge of the bed. He then cleared his throat as he got serious to speak. "Get out of here. Now!" He said to her.

Amy felt a pang of embarrassment wash over her face as she heard thise words. He was supposed to be sorry but there he sat, asking her to leave, in that voice!!

"What do you mean, get out of here?" She asked him as she frowned. She looked like someone who had just tasted a lime fruit.

"I should be hearing you apologize right now. What is this?!" She said to him.

"I really do not like to repeat myself twice. I hate it. If I say something once, I think that should be more than enough for you but since you are new here and have not been with me for long, I will give you grace of a second chance." He said as he rose to his feet. "I said get out of here. You are embarrassing me in front of my guest!" He roared. Amy looked confused. Were men usually this way?!

"I am not leaving until I get an explanation. For all. I know, you owe me an explanation and you are supposed to be pleading right now"

Jacob was a little taken aback as she heard her words. Never in his life had a woman stand up to him. They always feared him and never wanted to get in his bad side but here Amy stood, she wasnt just getting on his bad side, she was now dancing on it. He was remarkably stunned.

He wanted say something and pull her by the hair as he would immediately toss her outside but something told him to wait.

Maybe it was his need to respect her in front of the concubine he had brought to his home to have a good time with, but something definitely asked him to wait a little and watch.

"Who is she?!" Amy demanded. Her little angelic voice seeming strained. Her innocent eyes flickering. "Talk to me. Who is she?!"

Jacob smiled. He slowly retreated to the bed as he laid on it and asked the girl he was with to come back down and lie with him. Amy's small voice called out again. "Jacob! I am speaking to you. Who is she?!"

Jacob looked up at her. This must be what the reason why men cheated on their mates in his pack. Coming back home to that kind of tone and energy in the house would really mess up a wolf's day. He shook his head slowly.

"This is Lydia. She's my mistress. Say hello to her." He said to her nicely. Lydia smiled as she turned to fully face Amy.

Amy gasped. Lydia looked so beautiful as she waved to Amy with a smile.

"Hi, I am Lydia and I am the Alpha's mistress" she said politely. She even got up from the bed as she turned around to go greet Amy properly. When she got to where Amy was standing, she stretched her hand further and then smiled as she asked to shake Amy. "It's so nice to meet you. I have heard so much about you. It's so great that you are finally here" she said with a bright smile. When she was done, she gave Amy a little bow. Amy was about to ask why but then she remembered. Jacob must have introduced her as his Luna so Lydia was giving her respect.

"If you would like, I could teach you a thing or two on how to properly satisfy the alpha. He likes to have many things in place to make him happy. I could show you if you'd want. Just send for me whenever you would like" she said as she bowed again.

Amy couldn't believe her eyes.

What was really happening? She wanted to say a few words or maybe insult Jacob but she could say nothing, She simply stood still, watching what was going on before her. It truly amazed her.


Amy was left speechless by both Jacob, her supposed mate and his newest one on her, his mistress, Lydia. She stood there feeling a little heartbroken and angry but she wasn't going to show it, instead, she nodded and quickly made her way out. She wanted to leave before any emotion slipped out and disgraced her on the spot. She wasn't going to give them that opportunity to be satisfied while they watched her cry in front of them.

As she got out the door to Jacob's room, Amy walked out immediately. The tears were already making their way out and so she needed to get to a safe ground, somewhere where no one could see her but something told her to stay back and listen. Maybe she would hear something new. Amy was already half the way out when she turned back and was headed to Jacob's door again.

She got there and quietly leaned forward as she pressed her ears on the door. At first, Amy heard nothing but soon, after some seconds of waiting, she finally heard giggles and laughter. It seemed like they were having a nice time together. She swallowed hard as she peered closer to try and make sense of what they were saying.

"She seems nice. I thought she would be much older but she looks younger than I am. Is that who you chose?" A voice said from inside. Amy assumed it must have been the girl from inside, Lydia. Her talk was followed by little giggles.

Jacob spoke too. He had a deep voice and it was a little difficult hearing what he had to say. Amy tried to make sense of it too but nothing made any meaning to her, she only kept on hearing the base of his voice.

Frustrated and upset, Amy turned her back to the door as she stomped her way out on her own. She got to the hallway and quickly ran down the stairs and out the backward. By that moment, the trars had fully formed and were now dropping down her cheeks. She let them roll freely. Liza had told her before to cry often. It helped release built up tension, but don't cry in front of bad people, her friend always specified–and Jacob was bad.

The innocent and angelic looking girl made her way to the kitchen where she found saw someone. She held her face down as she spoke to the woman.

"Hello ma. I need to know my room, do you have any idea where it is? Could you point me in that direction?" She asked nicely as she managed to lift her face up to make brief eye contact with the woman who stood before her.

"You must be the new Luna. Welcome" the lady said as she reached down and took off her apron. She tossed it aside and immediately bowed her head a little to Amy. Amy felt strange. It was going to take a lot of getting use to for her to finally feel comfortable with people bowing to her. Or would it? She wasn't planning on staying long though. She would leave soon enough.

"Let me show you to your room!" The lady before her said immediately she rose her head. She turned to lower the stove and then went before Amy. She stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and gestured on her to follow her. "Your room is this way" she said with a smile.

They walked out the door and unto the staircase and soon to the hallway and then the