

Denny left the comfort of his gaming corner and took a few steps toward his bed. It was time to go to school. Though full of bullies, graduating and getting a job was the only hope his mother's mysterious sickness left in his life.

After wrapping Elites Academy jacket around his pale chubby body that acted as a magnet for bullies, he took a few other steps toward his mother's bed. After she fell ill and doctors failed to find any defined sickness, he had to move her to a cheap apartment as a way to economise the little money they had.

"Mom, maybe you still feel much pain. But I assure you that from what I see, your beauty is slowly returning."

What else could he tell his mother to motivate her if not complimenting her beauty? It's the only thing she valued after him when she was still healthy. Beauty was like an office for strippers, after all. Without it, she wouldn't have made even the little money he was using to fund his partial scholarship now.

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