
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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302 Chs

Episode 136: Dream in the game becomes reality

33. Ambition (6)

Even if research and production restrictions on vanguard equipment and sky fortresses are abolished, there will be very few magic towers that can be produced immediately.

If I had to pick a magic tower with potential, would it be the two marquis participating in Metal Fortress?

It is natural that Vanguard equipment and Sky Fortress are not called the flower of magic engineering for nothing.

However, making free research possible means enabling open cooperation between magic towers.

You never know when, where, or how competitors will appear.

This means that the pie of existing magic towers may decrease.

Weakening the Royal Magic Tower meant weakening the power of the king, so his way of thinking was very dangerous as a leader of the country.

However, Prince Michael expressed his thoughts without losing his composure.

"Where can there be development without competition? I have no intention of becoming a leader who is anxious to protect what he has in hand. "I hope we can become leaders who grow and evolve together."

According to what I have seen through my eyes, there does not seem to be any lies in his remarks.

I couldn't help but admire the crown prince's enormous size.

"But it won't be easy to become the kingdom's second sky fortress brand."

"Why is that?"

"If you say it right, it is obvious that in addition to Metal Fortress, which is a joint corporation, Royal Magic Tower and Heins Magic Tower will also make separate movements."

"Haha, that's true too."

This is truly the beginning of the heyday of weapon research and production in the Kingdom of Reinharts.

There was no doubt that this would become a growth engine for the military power of the Reinharts Kingdom.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


After understanding the crown prince's meaning again, I gathered my thoughts for a moment and then brought up another topic.

"Actually, there is something else I wanted to tell you besides the Anaheim Magic Tower story."

I trusted the crown prince's ability to act and resolve, and decided to show the hand I had been worrying about when to open.

The crown prince expressed his doubts, and I pulled Arcia, who had been silent, by her shoulder.

"I think you should give our Arsia the title of duke."

"What does that mean?"

"She climbed over the wall a while ago."

"… … !!"

Arcia's publicly known age is 21 years old.

There has been at least one person in each era who became an Auror Master in their early 20s, but this is not the case for Grand Masters.

Throughout the 2,000-year history of the Magic Century, only three people have achieved similar feats.

However, the number of these three people was surprisingly small, and although it was unprecedented in the history of the Kingdom of Reinharts, it was judged that there was little possibility of it being related to Archduke Lucas.

Wizards and knights were completely opposite beings.

'I can't easily reveal that I'm in the 8th Circle because of Archduke Lucas, but for Arcia, it's a different story.'

So I decided that I had to accept it quickly.

"Well, is that true?"

"It is clear that Goddess Sepia is looking over our kingdom and Her Royal Highness."

The ambitious crown prince has an unrivaled partner.

With a stunned reaction, he swallowed dry saliva and looked at Arcia.

As if living up to the crown prince's expectations, she displayed the skill of a sword by floating the fork she was cutting the cake in the air and attaching an auror blade to it.

"ha ha ha! This is a masterpiece! Hahaha!"

The crown prince bursts into laughter with an expression full of joy.

The knights waiting outside rushed in, but the crown prince chased them away, telling them to leave quickly.

And greed shined in his eyes as he adjusted his emotions.

But rather than her possessiveness, that desire felt like it was directed at something bigger behind it.

"So, I plan to hold a ceremony as soon as Arcia is given the dukedom. "Because some mayflies here and there will try to cause trouble."

Marriage report following Grandmaster disclosure.

This was a strategic choice rather than love.

That doesn't mean I don't like her, but I'm not sure if love exists between us.

No matter how much he cared about her, he still felt strongly like a superior or a subordinate.

"It's good. "It's a great way to consolidate power."

Although the crown prince saw my power growing stronger, he seemed not to be too worried and gave me a pure congratulatory message.

Come to think of it, the crown prince was the one who first proposed our marriage.

However, what was unexpected was that Arcia was once again making an unnatural expression even though she had already been informed of the plan.

"what's the matter?"

"What about a proposal?"


At Arsia's unexpected remark, she and I both made foolish faces.

It's just a planned marriage, so why are you looking for a proposal?

'Oh, perhaps?'

Then I realized that she was obsessed with dramas these days.

I think I was influenced by the drama.

"uh! I have to do it! "I'm already preparing."


If Arcia wants it, I have to do it.

I answered immediately without much hesitation.

"When the ceremony is held, I will officiate. By then, the throne will have been handed over, so both of you will be on your side, right? And it would be perfect if Ivril gave the blessing."

As I was taking it easy, I felt like things were getting bigger, but I kept nodding my head as Arcia's eyes lit up.

Arcia and the crown prince were happy, and I was nervous.

"I will quickly prepare for victory. However, it would be better to keep Marquis Klein's status hidden for the time being."

"I think it would be great if it were possible, but the nobles will probably object, so is that okay?"

"We only need to disclose the facts to nobles who are marquis or higher, under the principle of confidentiality."

In the end, I will only make those at the top understand and use my power to suppress those below them.

It is a very simple yet effective method.

'The disposition is definitely different from previous kings.'

It may seem reckless and dangerous to others, but I know very well that the crown prince is smarter than anyone else.

Since the conclusions reached after all calculations were clear, I decided to follow his opinion without complaint.

The change in the country started with the crown prince.

I quite liked it.

* * *

[Lawrence Magic Tower's sudden acquisition of Anaheim Magic Tower! The market cap of Lawrence Magic Tower, which has just surpassed KRW 100 trillion, soars again!] [Following Lawrence Magic Tower and Anaheim Magic Tower, 8 additional companies including Karins Magic Tower have been acquired! Lawrence Magic Tower grew in size at once! To the world beyond the Kingdom of Reinharts!] [Ranked 7th in the world's Magic Tower rankings based on Lawrence Magic Tower market capitalization!] [The Kingdom of Reinharts abolishes monopoly laws between companies and strategic weapon research and production restrictions.] [Vanguards are flocking in every day. Fortress production contract. The Croisen Empire explodes at the sight of the Kingdom of Reinharts suddenly strengthening its military. Tension rises again. The western part of the kingdom is on the brink.] [Shock! Marquis Arsia Klein ascends to dukedom!? The noble world is shaken by the news of an unexpected victory. However, surprisingly quiet nobles above the rank of marquis. What kind of deal was there?] [The nobles are concerned about Duke Lawrence's rapidly expanding power, saying that he not only gained wings as a tiger, but also wore vanguard gear and rode a hoverboard.]As an unconventional move, the Kingdom of Reinharts shook the whole country with new news day by day.

However, the person who is the most talked about person is definitely Duke Adrian El Lawrence, and it was clear that if he were to marry Arcia, who would soon become the Duke, he would become truly untouchable and untouchable in the Kingdom of Reinharts.

Some nobles, who felt a sense of crisis, argued that Adrian would threaten the throne and persuaded Crown Prince Michael and other nobles above the marquis, but no one listened to their stories.

Then, greedy people who rationalized their actions with loyalty to the royal family gathered power... … .

"Shouldn't you know that now is not the time to do something like that?"

"Wow, Your Majesty the Crown Prince."

"You guys should get off the front lines. "Give up your seat to younger people and take care of your plants."

Branded as an obstacle to the country's development, they were forced to give up their titles to their successors.

Thanks to this, a large-scale generational change took place unexpectedly.

The younger people were, the more they supported the Crown Prince, and the Crown Prince, who had disappeared from even the slightest obstructionist, was like a runaway locomotive, tearing down unnecessary customs and laws that did not fit the times.

A monarchy is extremely unfortunate if it serves an incompetent monarch, but it can also record rapid growth if its subjects unite under the banner of a capable monarch.

[Reinharts Kingdom's economic growth rate this year has been raised from the 5% range to the 7% range. The economic outlook for the Kingdom of Reinharts is very bright.]* * *

Although I'm busy with work related to the Magic Tower these days, my routine hasn't changed much.

The place where I still invest the most time during the day is Chronicle Online, a game full of passion, and other times, I work while sleeping less.

There was still no problem using the 8th circle magic to recover from fatigue.

"Who brings who?"

So today, after finishing the game and sleeping for about 3 hours, I woke up and started doing administrative work. As soon as I settled into my office, I frowned at the embarrassed look of the butler who came to me.

"Elise Ellenberg, Edgar Winston… … ."

Ellis Ellinberg is Berg's public name.

I couldn't use Isabella Caskbell, which was her prototype, so I dug up a new family register in my territory.

As one of my retainers in charge of comedy, Berg used to do all kinds of unimaginable things, but I can assure you that this was the first time he was as absurd as today.

Edgar Winston, whom she had brought as a guest, was from a family I disliked terribly.

The Winston family has a lot to do with me.

That's because his mother Sylvia Lawrence's original name was Sylvia Winston.

Edgar Winston was my mother's brother and a maternal uncle to me.

"Has this bug finally gone crazy?"

The reason I hate the Winston family is simple.

This is because when his mother was threatened by Anna Lawrence, Viscount Laurence's mistress, she quickly cut off her actions.

Although they were not nobles, they were a well-known merchant family among commoners, so if they had helped me at least secretly, I could have had a slightly better childhood.

However, due to their actions, the mother became a duck egg in the Nakdong River with no place to complain about her situation.

They married someone into a noble family out of their own greed and then turned away when the situation got worse. From my perspective, they were businessmen to their core.

"Where is it?"

"This is reception room number 2."

I clicked my tongue in disgust and jumped up from my seat.

And then he took a long stride.

Arcia, who noticed my movements like a ghost, stuck her head out of the lounge with an expectant expression, but I smiled awkwardly and told her to keep watching the drama, saying that it was because a guest had come.

Arcia scratched her cheek and sauntered into the room.

Since the talk of marriage began, she has often expressed expectations about when he will propose.

So after a while.

When I arrived at the reception room, opened the door, and entered, I could see my uncle massaging Berg's small shoulder like a servant, and Berg's appearance shaking with arrogance.

"Oh, Your Highness the Duke."

Berg is startled by my appearance, and Edgar Winston straightens up and smiles awkwardly.

I stopped my uncle from being polite and sat down at the head of the table.

"Is there a problem?"

A rough tone of voice and an expression full of annoyance.

Even though he was my uncle who had been a businessman for a long time, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

I guess I'll have to listen to what he's trying to say.