
My Luck is the Highest Stat

Ares has always been the straight A student. That may be a good thing for most kids, but his parents don't really pay enough attention to him. One day he buys a game and gets trapped inside of it. He is adventuring in a new world full of dangers and beauty. He has always aspired to become a top player in games but he couldn't because of school. It's time for Ares to grind like his life depends on it to make it to the top. Everybody has a class, but his class is special because his highest stat is luck. Watch as Ares becomes number one and becomes a legend. Discord: AzimjonUlmasov#7917 Instagram: azimjonulmasov6

AzimjonUlmasov · Games
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21 Chs

Chapter 17: Suspicions, Doubts, and Concerns

I always knew when Emilia would lie to me, we've been friends since Middle school. Although, she did betray me in a way and ghosted me after that little event. Something was up about how she was acting, I knew for sure that she was hiding something from me. I didn't feel like digging in too deep into the thought so I let her be and continued. "So you're not gonna ask about which constellation it was?" I looked at her questioningly as if I was doing an investigation on her. She looked at me and said, "Why not, so which one did you get out of it?"

"I got Leo, Leo the lion the laziest constellation of them all."

"Wow cool you do know that Leo is also my constellation right, are you calling me lazy?"

"Oh no I'd never call you lazy, you're quite the opposite haha."

But why would I get Leo... Out of all those constellations out there, I got Leo. I don't think of myself as lazy but is there any other factor that could play a role in this? It clicked to me at that moment, hold on she's a Leo. Does that mean she played a factor in this?

"Oh yeah I never got to ask, what does your dad do as a profession."

"I didn't tell you? Well seeing as you don't know I guess now is a good time to tell you. He works on that game you've been ranting on and on about."

Oh shit I think may have entered the tiger's den, the best thing to do now is remain calm.

"I'm begging you Em please do me a huge favor and DO NOT tell your dad about this. I told you all this because I trust you that much."

She looked at me and sighed probably thinking that I had gotten myself in some illegal activities. I looked at her and said, "Don't worry nothing that I've said is illegal or anything, it's just that my account may be a bug."

She started walking up to me and sat beside me now, my heart was beating very quickly. She moved in closer, her gazangas touching me and I could hear her heart beat. Let me tell you that it was beating very quickly and she moved her face close to mine. We almost kissed but she just blew on my face and laughed.

"Hey that's not funny, stop teasing me Em I'm being serious right now." She continued laughing and told me that it would be alright. I knew I could trust her even if she was hiding something from me. I call them gazangas because I watched an anime with the main character having a harem. Man a guys one wish that each and every one wants to have is a harem.

"You know if you keep teasing me Em I will do something back." That was my way of saying that I had feelings for her, I just wanted to see how she would react.

"Oh so you do, then why didn't you do it when you had the chance? Hahaha."

"You- know because you- um didn't look like you wanted to do it so..."

"It sure is getting late, maybe you should go home Aries your mom must be worried."

"Yeah- well it was nice having a talk with you um maybe we could do this more often?"

She nodded and I left kind of tired from all the new things that I discovered today. I waved her goodby and goodnight and she did the same. I walked home thinking about the event that had just occured, I didn't want to overthink it so I tried getting my mind off of it. So what's next? I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 7:30 now.

After I saw that it was that late I ran back home. It had been so long since I ran that fast so I was out of breath when I got back. My mom was asleep on the couch so I put a blanket over her and went upstairs to do some more research. Before I could.hop back on the game I had to find out as much as I could about constellations. Although they are secret about it there are people called MeTubers who share info on the game.

Currently it is 2030 so MeTubers now only record gameplay or leaks, I should probably record some clips as well. I could probably get famous after I show some gameplay of me beating dungeons solo. Anyway back on topic, I searched up on MeTube "Leaks on Rise of Kings about Constellations." I got a few results but most of them were old news to me. I scrolled and scrolled until one caught my eye, the title was "Must see I have been selected by a constellation."

I clicked on the video to see a level one noob before me, I would've closed it if I watched this before playing the game, but it's different now. The video only had 20 views and was not trending at all. I looked at the comments and let's just say that they all thought he was a fake because of his level. Okay so this guy basically said that he attained a hidden class that gave him the chance to meet with a constellation. According to him the constellation he met was cancer, the crab constellation.

He also said that cancer bestowed him with the class that he got. This very much seemed unrealistic but it could be true at the same time, so I emailed him. I asked him if we could have a chat about the constellation he met with and I got a response pretty quick. He agreed but he said that he would only do it if I was willing to meet with him in real life. This seemed very suspicious to me, but I agreed and we scheduled a meet for tomorrow. Things were getting interesting now both with my life and my game life.

Hey guys I tried something new in this chapter, I want your opinion on whether I should keep doing this or not. Please feel free to add comments or reviews if you want me to change or fix something. I am still learning how to write this stuff. Thank you guys for all your support, I really mean it. Welp cya next time.

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