
My Loyal Husband After Our Divorce

Author's Synopsis: A piece of divorce paper sent Xia Xinghe into a state of destitution. However, a car accident later, she transformed into a professional hacker with more money than she could ever spend. All those that have belittled, bullied and laughed at me, please line up, I'll show you what the meaning of face-slapping is! Wait, wait, wait. That guy over there, the ex-husband that I no longer have any relations with, don't cut in line. What, you want to help me face-slap these people? “Not only that I will help you face-slap myself!” The wickedly handsome man with billions dollar in estate raised his own palm to slap his own face without reservation! Ps. This is a girl-power, no cheating, no misunderstanding, no harem, 1v1 romance story. Also, please expect the unexpected in terms of the plotlines, and not hold it to the standard romance plot structure. Translator's Synopsis: A van exited an orphanage under the cover of the night but wait, what is it carrying..? Dead bodies! Dead bodies of children and toddlers! No one knew for certain where it was going and what happened to the children but one thing's for sure, it had to do with the mysterious disappearance of highly intelligent children all around the world. A recurring nightmare triggered Xia Xinghe's desire to unveil the mystery behind her mother's disappearance, a mystery that led to the discovery of a larger conspiracy. Follow along as she made new allies and enemies as she delved deeper into the twisting conspiracy, all the while fielding her ex-husband's relentless romantic advances. The quarrelsome yet loving couple supported each other as they crossed the boundaries of class, nations, space, life and even dimension itself, each pursuing their own goal. For the wife it is to discover the identity of her origin and for the husband, to make his ex-wife fall in love with him.

Enchanting Smile · Urban
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992 Chs

A Brief Window of Peace

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Instead of worrying how Mubai's indifference towards female companionship would affect her, Tianxin felt strangely at ease.

She harbored a rather twisted mindset, she would rather Mubai be uninterested in all women, including herself, than have him fall in love with another woman. It was an 'if I can't have him, no one can' kind of attitude.

Dusk had fallen when Xinghe stepped out of the hotel.

Xia Zhi drove over speedily and opened the door for her.

"Sis, are you alright?" He asked concernedly because he saw the commotion through the security monitor.

Xinghe relaxed into the passenger seat and responded calmly, "Zhi, I'm fine. Could you bring me to the fishing village by the Northern Pier?"

"Why are we going there?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

"To look for someone!"

"Who?" Xia Zhi's brows furrowed deeper with confusion but he still headed the required direction.

Xinghe's eyes flashed in the dusk light as she said, "Someone who can take down Chui Ming."

Xia Zhi took in a surprised breath, he finally asked, "Sis, what exactly happened during the party?"

Even though Xia Zhi was monitoring the security feed, there was no sound so he could only guess what was happening through gestures and motions.

He was understandably incensed after Xinghe explained to him the whole fiasco.

"Do they even have hearts‽ But Sis, what if Chui Ming means you physical harm since you humiliated them so publicly today?"

Xinghe replied calmly, "That's where you're wrong, it is because there was such a public confrontation that he wouldn't dare to harm me."

Xia Zhi looked at her with a questioning gaze.

Xinghe continued, "From what happened today, it confirms my suspicions that they couldn't wait to do me in. So, with or without the public disagreement, they will be coming for me. So, the public disagreement today is another set-up on my part. If anything is to happen to me within the next few weeks, the suspicion will fall squarely on Chui Ming. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Chui Ming will be forced to temporarily lay low. I believe he will only make his first move after his partnership with Xi Empire is cemented and signed. So, until then, we'll be safe. Or in other words, it's the perfect time for us to prepare and rest."

An impressed Xia Zhi exclaimed, "Wow, Sis, I didn't know you'd thought so far ahead! And you're right, Chui Ming wouldn't dare to make any rash moves, after all, you're the mother of Mubai's son. If anything bad befalls you, Xi Mubai will definitely be suspicious of him, and for Lin Lin's sake, cancel the partnership."

Yes, Xinghe had bet all her chips on this risky plan.

She had no way of telling whether the duo would come for her that day but Xinghe had bet on their arrogance and desire to destroy her. It paid off handsomely.

If the plan had failed, she would be forced into a defensive position, the steps she could take would be incredibly limited.

So, in a way, she was thankful Wushuang's enmity towards her was so strong that her plan could be pulled off without a hitch.

Now, it was the other party's turn to sweat because Xinghe had the upper hand.

Wu Rong, Xia Wushuang, and Chui Ming, beware because I am going to fry all of you at once!

"But sis, could we really mount a sufficient resistance or attack in this brief window of peace?" Xia Zhi asked with a heavy heart.

After all, Chui Ming was no pushover, plus he was signing a partnership with Xi Empire soon. Xinghe and her family had practically nothing so how could they possibly stand a chance?