
my lover, my enemy

Mia twin sister have been missing for long. Life became strenuous for her over the years. Charlotte the missing lass suddenly re-appears after 5 years and accuses Mia's boyfriend of kidnap. But it seems the real kidnapper is more closer than expected...

precyboo · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

I got back to my apartment, planning on how I would tell Mom and Dad that George had been the kidnapper all these while.

It really hurts me.

My boyfriend.

How could he have done that to me?

I wept.

I need to get myself together and visit Mum and Dad.

I got up,washed my face in the bathroom and wiped it with a clean towel.

Got my car keys and drove home.

Mom was in the kitchen, Dad was in the living room watching the news.

Dad,Mum something just happened.

"Really darling,what is it?",Mom asked walking towards the living room.

"George is the kidnapper!"i unveiled the news.

"What!",Dad was extremely shocked.

"Well he isn't",Mom said.

"Sorry? I didn't get you Mom",

"I did it,i kidnapped Charlotte,bring her back to me and if you hesitate you would be next",she said with all boldness.

"What? I am extremely ashamed of you. This wasn't the woman I got married to",my Dad said in total disappointment.

My jaw dropped open when I heard what mother said.

It was then that it all dawned on me that Mom was the real kidnapper.

She knows our secret hideout.

"Mom?"I burst into tears.

"Don't mom me. Am not your mom,your mom is dead and she was the cause of my miscarriage",

"Laura stop this!...",Dad screamed at Mom.

"Hey, enough!",Mom interrupted.

"How?i don't get it",

"When your dead mom was pregnant for you two,i was pregnant too and due to give birth. But because of your mother, I wasn't been attended to on time and that's how my only unborn child left me. Your pathetic mother died after childbirth but she didn't have any relative,so I adopted you two to get my revenge",

"No mom, you're getting this all wrong, something else must have been the cause",

" I was the one who made the mistake of sparing one of you,and in case you never noticed you were supposed to be the kidnapped victim instead of Charlotte",

"So mum you're trying to say that you were the one who got those men to kidnap me instead of Charlotte?",

"Am not you're Mom,I won't repeat that again,I will finish up from here now",she said pulling out a gun from her apron.

Was this all planned out?I asked myself.

"Please don't shoot,we can discuss this, ok?",I tried to calm her down.

"I should have done this a long time ago",she said getting ready to pull the trigger .

"Hands up",A voice said.

Sounds familiar.

It was James,what a life saver.

While I was distracting the kidnapper,Dad took a smart move and dialed James's number.

James also came with backup.

"You are not obliged to say anything, because anything you do say will be noted and may be used as an evidence",James resounded.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"Now drop the gun",I responded pointing my gun towards her forehead.

"This won't stop me from carrying out my plan and remember I have backups",she said giving me this devilish smirk.

She was handcuffed and taken to the station.

Dad and I were still trying to assimilate what just happened.

I owe George more than a million apology.

What a mom!