
my lover, my enemy

Mia twin sister have been missing for long. Life became strenuous for her over the years. Charlotte the missing lass suddenly re-appears after 5 years and accuses Mia's boyfriend of kidnap. But it seems the real kidnapper is more closer than expected...

precyboo · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"MIA!MIA!SAVE ME!",An unknown voice called out my name.

"Hey,wake up", another voice said although this one sounds deeper,it was the guy seating next to me.

"You fell asleep,this is the bustop",he tapped me back to reality.

"Oh thank you so much!"I exclaimed as I raced out of the bus feeling exhausted due to the school work I got myself into.

I recently initiated doing my coursemate's assignment in exchange for money to support my parents raise enough money to make posters for my missing twin sister.

It's been two weeks now,yet no heart balm ,I thought .

I walked myself to the doorsteps ,hit the doorbell numerous times until I got a response.

"How was school today Mia?",she asked forcing a smirk.

"it was not okay mom",I candidly replied, bursting into uncontrollable tears.

"Oh no baby, Charlotte is fine no matter where she is right now",she said trying to console me as she hugged me tightly into her arms.

It's been tough for me trying to live life without Charlotte yet we are finding it difficult to afford flyers.

"Alright is okay baby,get into your room and take a shower",she said using her thumb to wipe away my tears.

I got in scanning through our room,the bed disarranged, wardrobe opened and clothes scattered around the floor.

If Charlotte was here ,she wouldn't give me the permission to leave the room in such a messy manner before departing for school.

I flinged my handbag to the bed,walked to the bathroom, pulled off my clothes,grabbed my towel and got ready to get into the bathtub,then I walked towards the mirror.

I gazed at my reflection in the bathroom mirror,I saw Charlotte more than I saw myself, despite the fact that she has more freckles .

That reminds me on our 15th birthday we got ourselves gifts and challenged ourselves that whoever got the most freckles would take the both gifts. I was stupid enough to count my blemishes with the freckles,I giggled as I thought.

I turned on the shower,got into the bathtub and took apprioximately an hour bath. Most of the time were used

thinking about who called me in my dream on the bus, should probably be Charlotte.

I put on my pyjamas then bounced on my bed staring at the ceiling , getting ready to doze off ,then I heard Mom's voice.

"Mia! Someone wants to see you",she yelled.

"Alright mom,am coming",I reluctantly got up from my bed .


"Am almost there",I said as I trudged down the stairs where the family picture was been hung on the wall.

I finally got downstairs .

"Happy valentine's day!",Mom,dad and George screamed in unison.

"George you're here?",I asked feeling a bit excited though another part of me felt wistful.

Maybe I was bothering soo much about Charlotte's disapearance and how to pay for the flyers that I forgot its Valentine's day. That also explains how I got more customers today.

"Yup,and guess what I got for you",he said dragging out a gigantic Teddy bear that had a writing inscribed on it saying"I love you" and a box of chocolates from a packaged box.

"Omg!I love it",I exclaimed racing towards George and lunging right into his arm.

"Thanks,thanks, thanks...",I gushed.

That really lightened up my mood,for once ever since Charlotte got missing.

"That reminds me,do you have any plans for tonight I would love to take you out",he said staring at me and his brown eyes twinkling like the stars at night .

"Sure, only if my parents agree",I whispered to his ear.

He laughed quietly.

It was reassuring to hear from him.

"Mom,dad,Can I go out with George?",I asked.

"Of course",my mom said trying everything possible to wink at me, she's bad at winking.


Dad looked at me and made a grimace.

"Dad please?",I begged trying to use my cute face to do the trick.

"No one is going anywhere!Charlotte is missing because of the same mistake yet...",he stopped and stood up to leave.

My dad is really strict and Charlotte 's disappearance kept him moody since then.

"I think I should get going,see you tomorrow",he said and left after giving me a kiss on the cheek .

"Come on Mia,cheer up,your dad knows the best thing for you",she encouraged me directing me to my room.

This should probably be the worst Valentine's day ever,I thought.

I finally got back to my room bounced back on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep .


"MIA,MIA!!SAVE ME!",The same voice echoed .

"Who are you?",I asked wandering around, searching for the person behind the voice in an empty dark room.

"Save me please,I need you now, please don't leave me!!",the voice pleaded with me.


"Baby",my mom tapped me .

I woke up sweating profusely hugging my mom tightly.

"please don't leave me",I muttered.